Practical tips for creating learning spaces
Last week we shared insights from Wilma Wessels about her practice as a learning facilitator. This week we present some practical tips for creating learning spaces.
Tip #1: Have periodic review spaces, facilitated by an external person who holds the space for you to think. Use creative and reflective methods to help people represent their experience of work (e.g. building models of your work, thinking pairs, art, storytelling, personality profiling).
Tip #2: Structure review sessions to include reflection at the level of the individual, the team, the programme and the context..???
Tip #3: Bring data into reflection sessions, and use the space for sense making. This also helps demonstrate the value of data.?
Tip #4: Encourage staff to share one of their biggest failures and what they have learnt from it.?You can even have rewards for the “best” failures!
Tips for creating a learning agenda: Based on the findings of a Landscape Analysis of Learning Agendas at USAID -
Watch this video: What Happens When an NGO Admits Failure ?