A Practical Guide to Policy Analysis: A Summary of Bardach’s Eight-Fold Guide to Problem Solving With Application to Guyana
Step ONE – Define the problem
As the first step in the policy analysis framework, it gives both a reason for doing all the work necessary to complete the project and a sense of direction for the steps to follow. It helps to bear in mind that problems deserving our atten-tion don’t necessarily exist today but are (at least potentially) in prospect for the future, whether near or distant.
In definition, it is critical to get beyond rhetoric and actually define a problem that is analytically manageable and that makes sense in light of the political and institu-tional means available for mitigating it. The idea is not simply to echo the issue rhetoric in your problem definition, but to use it as raw material for a provisional problem definition that you hope will prove analytically useful.
As much as possible, the problem definition should include a quantitative feature. Assertions of deficit or excess should come with magnitudes attached. How big is “too big”? How small is “too small”? How about “too slowly” or “too fast”? In many or most cases, this will involve estimating—or, more likely, “guesstimating”.
There are several to be realized from taking the time to properly define the problem. These include:
1. As stated earlier, it provides a sense of direction for the policy analysis activity, and therefore, can help to determine very early whether the problem actually exists and is worth pursuing.
2. Quantifying the problem helps us to understand its magnitude, and hence determine the urgency with which it needs to be addressed, or the implications of leaving it unattended.
3. In our examination of the problem, we may encounter latent opportunities to address other pertinent issues are not currently on the political radar.
In the context of Guyana, the following constraints may present themselves:
1. Problems may be identified based on political conviction rather than proper investigation of the issue.
2. We are constantly treating symptoms rather than investigating the actual underlying problems.
3. Competing priorities may prevent resources from being available to perform a through identification of the problem.
Step Two – Assemble some evidence
This can be a laborious and seemingly overwhelming task. As such, try to collect only those data that can be turned into “information” that, in turn, can be converted into “evidence” that has some bearing on your problem.
You need evidence for three principal purposes: to assess the nature and extent of the problem(s) you are trying to define, to assess the particular features of the concrete policy situation you are engaged in studying, and to assess policies that have been thought, by at least some people, to have worked effectively in situations apparently similar to your own, in other jurisdictions, perhaps, or at other times.
The principal mistake is to spend time collecting data that have little or no potential to be developed into evidence concerning anything you actu-ally care about. Since most evidence is costly to produce, it is important to weigh its likely cost against its likely value.
Furthermore, it is surprising how well you can do in many cases by gathering no evidence at all but simply by sitting down and thinking something through and then making some serious edu-cated guesses. Nonetheless, it is essential not to allow this to prevent you from carrying out a sound search for evidence. There are several ways in which this can be done, including researching “Best Practices” and reviewing the available literature.
Benefits of successfully completing this stage include:
1. Validation of the nature and extent of the problem definition
2. The value of the data collected may go beyond the current problem, and lead to either the discovery of other areas of concern or opportunities for further research.
3. It can save time and money in the long run by producing evidence of why Government should not take action.
In the context of Guyana, the following constraints may present themselves:
1. Unavailability of current information
2. Unwillingness of agencies to share ‘sensitive’ information
3. Budgetary constraints for conducting thorough research to gather the evidence needed.
Step three – Construct the alternatives
As it relates to constructing alternative, Bardach recommends that we “Start Comprehensive, End up Focused”. This is so because in the last stages of your analysis, you won’t want to be assessing more than two or three principal alternatives, but in the beginning, err on the side of comprehensiveness.
It is often difficult to figure out where to start. One way of overcoming that would be to note the alternatives that key political actors are actively proposing or seem to have on their minds. Moreover, one of the first options should always be to “Let present trends continue undis-turbed” due to the fact that the world is full of naturally occur-ring, ongoing changes, some of which may mitigate, or worsen, the problem on which you are working.
Models are available to help with the problem of constructing alternatives. The most of common of these are: (1) Market models, which are concerned with equilibration through exchange, (2) Production models, which are concerned with identifying the parameters whose values, when they move out of a certain range, make the systems most vulnerable, (3) Evolutionary models, which describes a common pro-cess of change over time. It is constructed of three important sub-pro-cesses: variation among competitors, selection, and retention.
Applying the models above will:
1. Provide a structure for making sense of the myriads of information and alternatives that may present themselves at the beginning of the process.
2. Allows for the analyst to make evidence-based decisions.
3. Allows the analyst to incrementally disregard alternatives that are insignificant or irrelevant and focus only on those that have potential for implementation.
In the context of Guyana, the following constraints may present themselves:
1. Political interference – while Bardach recommends starting with the politically popular alternative, in our case, the analyst may not be allowed to go beyond this
2. Lack of expertise at the policy analysis level
3. Lack of data needed to adequately utilize the models.
This is the most important step for introducing values and philosophy into the policy analysis. Evaluative criteria are not used to judge the alternatives, or at least not directly. They are to be applied to the projected outcomes. Therefore, we assess the alternatives only on the basis of the outcomes they are expected to produce.
There are various criteria used to conduct this kind of evaluation. Here are a few of them.
Efficiency. Typically, the efficiency criterion is the most important evalu-ative consideration in cost-effectiveness and benefit-cost studies. Here, efficiency is used in the economics context, to mean “Maximize the sum of individual utilities,” or “Maximize the public interest.”
Equality, equity, fairness, justice. There are, of course, a great many dif-ferent, and often opposed, ideas about what these terms do, or should, mean. In addition to thinking hard about these ideas yourself, sometimes you should also take your audience through some of that thinking
Process values. People have diverse values and these will apply to the very design or decision process for which you are doing your present analytic work. Therefore, remember to consult broadly and equitably. Do not make the mistake of thinking that “more participation” or “greater access to the process” necessarily equates to “more democratic” or “more rational.”
Not all criteria that come into play in an analysis are necessarily evaluative. Some are purely practical and have to do with what happens to an alternative as it moves through the policy adoption and policy implementation processes.
1. Effectively applying this step will allow the analyst to focus on outcomes, hence, the alternatives will be considered based on merit rather than preference.
2. The analyst will take adequate account of the factors that affect the human interest, or public interest element of any alternative presented
3. This step recommends broad consultations on alternatives, paving the way for greater buy-in to the process and the outcomes.
In the context of Guyana, the following constraints may present themselves:
1. Lack of meaningful consultations that go beyond tokenism
2. The highly diverse nature of Guyana, both socially and geographically, can add to the complexity of this step.
3. Decisions may be taken in the interest of political benefits, rather than public interests.
The next step is to outline all of the alternatives on our current list, and project all the outcomes that are important. This is the hardest step in the Eightfold Path. Even veteran policy analysts do not usually do it very well.
Here, quantification is also important, as projecting outcomes often requires you to think not just about the gen-eral direction of an outcome but about its magnitude, as well.
Break-Even analysis is also an astonishingly powerful conceptual lens, as it builds a decision framework out of what is known or reasonably assumed and handles the residual uncertainties by comparing them to elements in this more secure frame. By incorporating sensitivity analysis, we will be able to determine which uncertainties are the most important, in the sense that relatively small changes in what you believe would cause you to change your mind about how desirable some alternative might be.
Great ventures require optimism, and because even small ventures by govern-ment can affect so many lives, they are in their own way great. Hence, some realistic optimism is beneficial. The ethical policy analyst always poses the question, “If people actually were to follow my advice, what might be the costs of my having been wrong, and who would have to bear them?” Keep in mind that the analyst typically is not one of the parties who have to bear the costs of her mistakes.
1. Doing this step well, allows the analyst to consider, not only the outcome but also the magnitude of the outcome.
2. It allows for the analysis to conduct simulations with the data to determine how the outcomes may change if some factors are varied upon implementation.
3. It provides sound techniques for dropping or moving forward with an alternative.
In the context of Guyana, the following constraints may present themselves:
1. Here again, we may not possess the skills in the right places for this step to be completed satisfactorily.
2. There may be a lack of commitment or political will to ignore or pursue an alternative if it is not consistent the prevailing political ideology.
3. There may not always be time or resources to conduct this task as thoroughly as required.
A common pitfall in confronting trade-offs is to think and speak of the trade-offs as being across alternatives rather than across projected outcomes. Where outcomes are difficult to quantify, the trade-offs become more difficult to confront.
If the projected outcomes can be monetized—that is, expressed in dollar terms—it is sometimes simple to evaluate the trade-offs. This procedure applies nicely if budgets, and therefore the scope of the activity, are not limited. But it can run afoul of another monetary consideration, cost-effectiveness per unit of activity, if budgets or other inputs are limited.
Further, we can choose only effectively between two alternatives if we can weigh the importance of the criteria and if we can express their relative weights in units that are equivalent across the criteria.
Choosing a base case against which to compare the other alternatives is unavoidable. Even if the base case implicitly is “whatever situation exists today,” which is the simplest and most obvious option, this does repre-sent a choice.
In conducting the analysis, the objective should not be merely to present the client with a list of well-worked-out options. It should be to ensure that at least one of them—and more than one, if possible—would be an excellent choice to take aim at solving, or mitigating, the problem.
1. Forces the analyst to determine criteria for weighing the alternatives against each other, and, in so doing, find measurable units for expressing the outcomes.
2. Ensures that the alternative(s) taken forward have been rigorously examined and only survived because they measured up favorably against the other options.
3. Since no models are really presented for use in this step, it can allow for novel solutions to emerge.
In the context of Guyana, the following constraints may present themselves:
1. The decision context is likely to be very unique, making it difficult to simply monetize outcomes, or find another simple unit of analysis.
2. Policy makers may still be hung up on considering the alternatives rather than the associated outcomes.
3. Again, due to time and resource constraints, this step may be done sub-optimally.
After completing all of the other steps, decide what to do. If there is still doubt at this stage, the reason may be that the trade-offs have not been clarified sufficiently, or enough though has not been given to the probability of serious implementation problems emerging (or not emerging), or that a crucial cost estimate is still too fuzzy and uncer-tain, or that you have not approximated carefully enough the elasticity of some important demand curve, and so on.
An important criteria for making this decision is personal conviction: unless you can convince yourself of the plausibil-ity of some course of action, you probably won’t be able to convince your client—and rightly so.
Also, if your favored policy alternative is such a great idea, consider how it is that someone else has not already thought of it. The most common sources of failure on this test are neglecting to con-sider the resistance of bureaucratic and other stakeholders in the status quo, and the lack of an entrepreneur in the relevant policy environment who has the incentive to pick up what seems like a great idea and see it through.
1. This step forces the analyst to second-guess their decision before making it final, ensuring that the final decision is well thought out and possible negative impacts are considered.
2. This step also forces the analyst to consider the implementation environment, and not just the wider societal environment, in determining the viability of the chosen alternative.
3. Ensures that the analyst makes a decision they are confident in, and hence can defend even when faced with bureaucratic resistance.
In the context of Guyana, the following constraints may present themselves:
1. Bureaucratic resistance will be a real constraint for the analyst, especially if the chosen alternative is politically unpopular.
2. Though there is likely to be confidence in the final decision made, this may not necessarily be a result of having thoroughly considered the alternative.
3. We have a tendency to disregard decisions projects previously undertaken, hence, in arriving at a decision the analyst may not be willing or able to consider whether this was thought of before but disregarded with good reason.
After many iterations of some or all of the steps recommended here—principally, redefining your problem, re-conceptualizing your alternatives, reconsidering your criteria, reassessing your projections, reevaluating the trade-offs—you are ready to tell your story to some audience. The audi-ence may be your client, or it may include a broader aggregation of stake-holders and interested parties.
Think about the relationship between you and your cli-ent. What you say and how you say it should depend a great deal on whether your relationship is long term and on whether it is carried on face to face. Also, think about the larger political environment. Consider who will “use” the analysis and for what purpose(s), or whether anyone will pick up your results for use in an advocacy context, and the like.
You can tell your story in written or in oral form. In either case, com-municate simply and clearly. The guiding principle is that, other things being equal, shorter is always better. Further, your story’s flow should be designed with the readers’ (or listener’s) needs and interests and abilities in mind. In both written and oral pre-sentations, it should be evident to the audience what motivates the entire analysis.
1. Allows the analyst to consider packaging the information in audience-specific terms, which can improve the possibility of support for the chosen alternative.
2. Allows the analyst flexibility to choose the best communication channel for making the decision known.
3. Ensures that the decision is effectively communicated to the appropriate audiences in a way that is clear and prevents confusion the decision and the implications to follow.
In the context of Guyana, the following constraints may present themselves:
1. Lack or effective political Public Relations/Communications, which leads to a lack of clarity whenever new policies are introduced.
2. Since policy decisions aren’t necessarily subject to these rigorous steps, it may be difficult to present them without raising more questions than there are answer for.
3. Given the geographical spread, cultural differences and varying access to media, this step may require a lot more work than it seems.
Bardach, E. (2012). A practical Guide for Policy Analysis – The Eight Fold Guide to more Effective Problem Solving. Sage Publications (California)
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2 年This was very well articulated! Thank you, I am even now motivated to read the whole book Thank you Shameza David
English Language at University of the West Indies
5 年You have dissected a complex situation into understandable parts using? Bardach’s Eight-Fold Guide to Problem Solving. Congratulation Ms David
Vehicle Driver at Office of the Prime Minister of Guyana.
5 年thanks for sharing vet informative.