The practical guide to brand positioning
A Thousand Monkeys
Persuasive Copywriting Specialists. We'll make your words work harder.
Do your brand virtues align with your brand pillars? Can your ambassadors repeat your promise? Has your pastiche identified with your cognition? Will your ericaceous singularity pandiculate with your entity validation? Glerber dooba dijja bloomblom? Ewb$$ai%dciuhf iod\\\~bi28w?
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the branding jargon out there. It starts to look like another language after a while.
Maybe it’s tempting to put off branding positioning entirely until you can justify hiring an expensive consultant to tell you what to do. After all, brand work is for the likes of Pepsi and Nike, not mere mortals like us who just want a logo and some pretty colours. Right?
Whether it’s a value proposition or a manifesto, every brand needs some sort of copy that sets out what makes them unique, and the benefit they bring to their customers. The process doesn’t have to be complicated – the important thing is to get words on a page so everyone knows what you’re about.
That copy shouldn’t be left in a document, never to be looked at again except by new recruits to the marketing team. It should go on the about us page on the website. Or a tagline under the logo. Or printed out as a huge sign in the office.
Brand positioning, ultimately, should lead to useful copy that everyone – staff and customers – can relate to.
There’s a minefield of complicated advice out there, full of archetypes, bullseyes and other strange references most people don’t need to know. Having gone through the positioning process with a number of organisations, we know that every project and every brand is different, but they’re all basically looking for the same thing: a way to put their identity into words.
So in our latest blog post, we’ve distilled the process into something everyone can understand. Let’s forget about the jargon and talk about what we’re actually here for: getting you some valuable content that will define your brand for years to come.