Practical Guidance and Knowledge Library to help Afghans start/ build companies and build Afghanistan across key industry sectors - 3.2

Practical Guidance and Knowledge Library to help Afghans start/ build companies and build Afghanistan across key industry sectors - 3.2

Introduction to this document and collection of links

  • This report analyzes main needs and initiatives across key industry sectors in Afghanistan.
  • It guides local Afghans (and other people) to start, fund and build successful businesses.
  • It describes 12+ specific, highly profitable business opportunities that entrepreneurs can immediately implement.
  • It explains how to build multi-million-dollar companies within 3-5 years and 50-100 million-dollar-companies within 5-7 years in Afghanistan.
  • Each such described business opportunities and initiatives brings solutions to needs of millions of Afghans in Afghanistan! While becoming successful and finding their families & communities, each entrepreneur and businessperson will help build Afghanistan at the same time.
  • The information has been created based on 240+ face-to-face meetings with local Afghan business leaders, subject matter experts, government officials, economists, professors, and (aspiring) entrepreneurs across Afghanistan.
  • This master knowledge library offers links to additional, detailed guidance documents covering most key industries.
  • It is the result of nearly three months of diligent work by the author Alex Steinberg, who has poured into this document his experience of working with 30+ highly successful companies and government organizations worldwide as industry expert & business advisor.
  • This guidance document offers much more than just ideas. This report offers practical action plans that guide a person step-by-step from opportunity identification through planning to successful implementation .
  • The committed readers will find much guidance to start and expand their businesses. The information is for all Afghans who want to earn more money for their families and help build Afghanistan.
  • This document helps address the key needs of millions of Afghans while building a strong private business sector in Afghanistan.

You may freely share this document in its completeness with all other people.

I wish you great success! With love and dedication to build Afghanistan, Sincerely, Alex Steinberg, Afghanistan.


  • Current Situation Analysis of Afghanistan
  • Situation Summary & Investor guide
  • Practical guidance for business success: 1) Identify/ select business opportunities 2) Plan and execute 3) How to finance 4) Other advice
  • High profit business opportunities & key initiatives that benefit millions of Afghans
  • About the Author Alex Steinberg.
  • Additional articles by Alex Steinberg that provide deep insights into key business functions, industries and relevant business topics

Current Situation Analysis of Afghanistan:

Afghan people are good-natured people

Many Afghans are friendly, hospitable and helpful people.

TV1, Afghanistan's leading Television Station, interviews industry expert & business advisor, Alex Steinberg, in Kabul - WATCH THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE | LinkedIn

Prevalent wrong perceptions by foreigners about Afghanistan

Most foreigner are misled by Western media that provide an outdated and (deliberately) wrong information about Afghanistan. Fact: Afghanistan is very safe for life, business, and travel!

Six observations when discussing how to build Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Afghanistan has no effective job market

It is very hard for graduates to find jobs.

Relationships and family ties are often a main hiring criteria.

?How to practically improve Academics & Education in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

The Afghan education system is not working well

Many public high schools produce graduates that often struggle to read and write. Focus is on attendance. Teachers are often not equipped for the teaching.

Most universities do not equip their students for the needs of the market. Most graduates become unemployed.

Better ways for students to study and build a life in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Many local Afghans are depressed, emotionally struggling and negative:

Decades of war and frequent changes in leadership have caused much anxiety among people.

Many local Afghans have a negative, pessimistic outlook on life. They wrongly believe that most of the things in Afghanistan are just so difficult, where they equally assume that life in other countries is so easy. ?

Open letter to the Afghan people: Come back to your homeland and let us build Afghanistan together! | LinkedIn

Numerous formerly poor, illiterate Afghans have built successful companies

Other local successful Afghan businesspeople demonstrate that it does not take money or education to do business, but courage, persistence and hard work.

No excuse: Learn from the many poor/ illiterate Afghans who have built very successful businesses in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Many Afghans wrongly expect that other “people” should do things for them

o?? Foreign donation & humanitarian aid (poorly thought-out/ administrated for decades in Afghanistan) has led most Afghans to believe that “other people” should just do many things for them (that they in fact should do themselves)

o?? Many Afghans have adopted a victim role. Instead of building their own lives, many Afghans believe that whining is enough to just get some (ignorant) other people (foreign organizations, NGOs, donors, etc.) to do things for them.

o?? Many Afghans blame their new government for not creating them jobs or providing products & services, instead of assuming responsibility and developing solutions/ providing solutions themselves.

Most local Afghans agree that they lack stamina and that they are often mentally & physically “lazy”

o?? Most Afghans admit that they are “lazy” and “too complacent”.

o?? Local Afghans often lack the willingness to do something and/ or stop doing things when they encounter even relatively small challenges.

o?? Even very educated and experienced people often fail to concentrate, follow a logical sequence, or do simple problem solving.

Guidance for Afghan scientists, economists, and other experts to help build Afghanistan | LinkedIn

NGOs and foreign donation efforts have created much harm in Afghanistan and are not part of the solution of a better sustainable country

Foreign aid has predominantly focused on humanitarian aid, crisis relief, and capacity building. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been “spent”, but little evidence shows in Afghanistan. Billions of dollars more used by NGOs are unlikely to produce better outcome.

The good and bad sides of NGOs in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Shocking reasons why Afghanistan’s rich agriculture can still not feed its population and runs a massive national budget deficit | LinkedIn

Open questions of Afghans to German Government: Where have you spent all the billions of German taxpayer money in Afghanistan for the last 20 years?! | LinkedIn

The only solution to building a prosperous Afghanistan is through the local Afghan private sector

o?? The Afghan government has little money to invest.

o?? Foreign investors profit driven are unlikely to invest

o?? NGOs have not achieved necessary outcomes (despite billions of dollars in spending)

o?? The only hope is the private Afghan sector! It will create the necessary economic growth, jobs, spending, and practical way of building Afghanistan!

Many Afghans perceive life and business situations with a very narrow view

Many Afghans have overlooked many obvious opportunities to earn a living and resolve key needs for decades. Some of their practices violate basic common sense.

·Perceived problems, in fact, represent great opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses in disguise

·?????? ““Poor job market”: -- But good news: Easy to hire good talent with all needed skills at low cost!

·?????? “Many people are depressed and negative” -- But good news: There is little competition in business as few people have creativity & energy to start/ build business.

·?????? “Government has limited money to pay for public projects” -- Compelling reason to build private sector!

·?????? The banking system may be not working well. But good news: Entrepreneurs can find funding for their businesses from private people (as most people have their money, gold and other possessions at home). Successful Afghan business 1: How to raise funds and finance your profitable projects | LinkedIn

Afghanistan is short of electricity. Expensive electricity increases costs for most industry products & services

Afghanistan lacks a masterplan that guides the individual key industries and their stakeholders

Misalignment leads to over-production in some categories and shortage in other categories.

Oversupply often rots and perishes.

Difficulties to store or export goods.

Afghanistan has high trade deficit - and it grows larger

Afghanistan is a land-locked country. Surrounding nations have their own ambitions

Afghanistan struggles across most key sectors

Prevalent lack of knowledge, skilled resources, direction, funding, vision

Situation Summary & Investor guide:

Afghanistan has many unaddressed basic people needs

o?? Life for the average individual Afghan person is challenging.

o?? Traditional job seekers face tough challenges.

o?? People seek notable improvements in all areas of their basic needs: Food, Water, Housing, Electricity, Communication, Healthcare, Education, etc.

Afghanistan is one of the best countries start and scale companies.

·?????? Many great business opportunities across all industry sectors

·?????? Many of those opportunities offer very profit margins of several hundred percent!

·?????? Skilled labor very cheap

·?????? Little competition

Practical guidance to immediately earn money and build businesses in Kabul, Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Immediate opportunities for local companies and individual to do projects/ earn a living in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Afghanistan offers an entrepreneurs a great environment to become rich very fast

o?? Afghans willing to start a business (see opportunities) and work hard can become multi-millionaires within 3 to 5 years and build 50-100-million-dollar companies within 5 to 7 years.

o?? Success stories of local Afghan entrepreneurs are plenty. Many of multi-millionaires started as illiterate and poor people!

Afghanistan offers very interesting opportunities for savvy, international investors

o?? Many Afghans lack the ambition and stamina to start their own businesses.

o?? International investors can take advantage of the local situation to build very successful businesses in Afghanistan


Practical guidance for business success: 1) Identify/ select business opportunities 2) Plan and execute 3) How to finance 4) Other advice

?1)???? Identify business opportunities

·?????? Start with the right values & perspective:

§? Food & Agriculture: Irrigation, Land development, flood & drought management, smart cultivation, machinery, seeds, fruit & vegetable mix, cold storage, import/ export, food laboratories, animal industry,

§? Water/ Wastewater: Water purification, recycling, conservation, canalization,

§? Energy: Generation, Distribution, Conservation, Storage. Renewable Energies. Types: Solar, Wind, Hydro, H2 fuel cells, biofuels, Coal, uninterrupted power supply, energy efficiency, smart metering, national security, tariffs

§? Mining: Proper surveying, mining concessions, inexperience miners. Lack of technologies and expertise. International power play. Processing industry. Power Supply. Environmental protection.

§? Shelter & Heating: Residential real estate

§? Healthcare: hospital, pharmaceuticals, research, production, fake medicine, equipment, technicians to operate, doctors, nurses,

§? Communications: Telecom, Internet, Voice, network, outdated/ refurbished equipment, downtime, bandwidth, 2G, national security

§? Manufacturing: Factories, Processing

§? Transaction abilities: Banking system. Sanctions. Shariah. Hawala. EMIs.

§? Education: Shariah Compliance. Outdated school system. Brain drain. Universities to start up companies.

§? Jobs: Offices, Industrial Park. Government.

§? Other: Identify the efforts that can impact millions of people in a valuable way.

Successful Afghan business 2: How to select the right business opportunities and achieve high profits | LinkedIn

·?????? Prioritize efforts by profitability.

·?????? Make compliant with government plans and their interpretation of Sharia law.


2)???? Develop & execute projects

1.????? Practical plan.

2.????? Core Team

3.????? Lean start-up

4.????? Collaboration

5.????? Piloting

6.????? Learning

7.????? Improving

8.????? Scaling

9.????? Standardizing & Optimizing

10.?? Continuing growth

Successful Afghan business 4: How to scale projects and build a multi-million-dollar company | LinkedIn

Summary and learnings from the Women Chamber of Commerce workshop in Herat, Afghanistan on December 12, 2025 | LinkedIn


3)???? Finance the business and project efforts

a.????? Financing through local Afghans

b.????? Collaboration

c.????? Ownership sharing

d.????? Cost deferral/ Positive cashflow

e.????? Payment in kind, shares, etc.

f.?????? Other

Successful Afghan business 1: How to raise funds and finance your profitable projects | LinkedIn

4)???? Additional Advice

a.????? Focus on profitable, practical results. Develop a barely viable solution

b.????? Do not depend on foreign aid and donations

c.????? Take courage and do it!

d.????? Obtain needed skills through contracting, hiring or collaboration

e.????? Work hard

f.?????? Define a higher purpose than “just making money”. Example: Do it to build your country!

High profit business opportunities & key initiatives that benefit millions of Afghans

Food & Agriculture

o?? Build cold storages to provide food for millions of people in Afghanistan and earn great money! | LinkedIn

o?? How to use Afghanistan’s unused mountains to feed millions of Afghans | LinkedIn

o?? How Afghan's chaotic agriculture destroys incomes, environment and Afghanistan – Situation Analysis | LinkedIn

o?? Shocking reasons why Afghanistan’s rich agriculture can still not feed its population and runs a massive national budget deficit | LinkedIn

o?? Five practical solutions and recommendations to help improve Afghanistan’s troubled Agriculture sector | LinkedIn


o?? Two practical solutions to eradicate malnutrition of the entire population of Afghanistan. | LinkedIn

o?? In Afghanistan: 200 healthcare programs and their respective supporting organizations | LinkedIn

Marketing, Sales, Distribution and Outsourcing

o?? How YOU can market/sell quality hand-made products, enable ten thousands of poor Afghans, and build a multi-million-dollar business | LinkedIn

o?? How local Afghan can sell their goods (& services) internationally and get paid in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

o?? Hundreds of exciting business opportunities for Journalists in Afghanistan now | LinkedIn

o?? How YOU as Afghan journalist can build your recognition & income while helping build Afghanistan and improve millions of Afghan people’s lives | LinkedIn

o?? Building AfghanTube: The Social Media Platform for Afghanistan and Afghans worldwide | LinkedIn

o?? Solution to enable 10,000+ Afghan women to offer Outsourcing services worldwide | LinkedIn


o?? Challenges in Afghanistan’s telecom industry offer great business opportunities | LinkedIn

o?? Telecom transformation plan for Afghanistan to help achieve price reduction of 70+ percent for the average Afghan family | LinkedIn


o?? Solving Afghanistan’s energy generation, distribution and consumption challenges to build the country. | LinkedIn

o?? How to solve Afghanistan’s energy crisis by solving the national grid problem | LinkedIn


o?? Practical step-by-step guide for Afghans to source or self-manufacture medical materials needed in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Real Estate & Infrastructure

o?? Immediate Real Estate & Infrastructure projects in Afghanistan and how to do them | LinkedIn

o?? Help build 100,000+ housing units in Kabul by 2030 | LinkedIn


o?? Understand the many challenges before entering the mining business in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

o?? How to build Afghanistan’s mining of the Future and make Afghans one of the most prosperous people in the world | LinkedIn


o?? Why and how to build a USD 100+ million Venture Capital Fund to build the private sector of Afghanistan | LinkedIn

o?? How the Afghan government can attract local/ international investors for public initiatives and projects in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Education & Training

o?? Eight creative TV show suggestions to help build the business sector in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

o?? How to turn a small Afghan training business into a 50-to-100 million-dollar service provider | LinkedIn

o?? Practical solution plan to enable continuous girl education in Afghanistan now | LinkedIn

o?? How to practically improve Academics & Education in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

o?? Better ways for students to study and build a life in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Government and cross-sector opportunities

o?? Specific initiatives for key industry sectors in Afghanistan that will impact millions of people | LinkedIn

o?? Opportunities & action steps to empower business growth in Kabul, Afghanistan | LinkedIn

o?? Equipping 300+ Taliban fighters to start/ scale businesses and help serve millions of people needs in Afghanistan | LinkedIn

Networking and collaboration opportunities

o?? Join the “Build-your-Business workshop” in Herat, Afghanistan, for a limited time only! | LinkedInJoin the “Build-your-Business workshop” in Kabul, Afghanistan now! | LinkedIn

o?? Join/ develop the Kabul Success Club & Academy to train successful entrepreneurs and businesspeople to build Afghanistan | LinkedIn

o?? 80 to 100 hours a week. Non-stop building Afghanistan. When will you step up, Afghans?! | LinkedIn

o?? Book your personal timeslot! International Expert & Business Advisor Alex Steinberg meets in Herat, Afghanistan, from Dec 11 to 18, 2024 | LinkedIn

o?? Join the “Build-your-Business workshop” in Kandahar, Afghanistan, for a limited time only! | LinkedIn

o?? Book your personal timeslot! International Expert & Business Advisor Alex Steinberg meets in Kandahar, Afghanistan, from Dec 21 to 28, 2024 | LinkedIn


o?? VIDEO: The Truth About Afghanistan: A German’s Shocking Perspective on Business and Culture!

About the Author Alex Steinberg

o?? Alex Steinberg is an industry expert and business advisor who has helped develop and transform 30+ multinational companies and has guided governments to build their countries across key industry sectors.

o?? Alex has designed education & training curricula, trained, and educated over 300,000 people on five continents.

o?? Alex is currently in Afghanistan to help build the country focusing on key initiatives that positively impact the lives of millions of Afghans including Food & Agriculture, Telecommunications, Energy & Water, Mining, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Education, and other.

o?? Alex’s life mission is to help and positively impact 700 million people using his business & technology expertise, methodologies of working with world-leading consulting firms, as well as insights into 230+ projects across all business functions, process, and value chains.

o?? You can reach out to Alex Steinberg by connecting with him through LinkedIn, WhatsApp +966 531824178 (Alex is in Afghanistan, but keeps his international number), or email at [email protected]

Alex Steinberg’s ambition in Afghanistan

1)????? Alex is in Afghanistan to help...

a.????? build the country in Telecom, Media & communications, Real Estate & Infrastructure, Power & Energy, Mining, Food & Agriculture, Healthcare, Education

b.????? impact the lives of 20+ million Afghan people in a positive way.

c.????? build the private sector and advise nationals & regional decision makers.

2)????? Alex’s goals for building the private sector of Afghanistan

a.????? Afghans build Afghanistan – Stop depending on foreign donors & NGOs.

b.????? Build 70+ local multi-million-dollar companies in 5-7 years.

c.????? Build 10+ 50 to 100 million-dollar companies in 5-7 years

Motivation & Inspiration

·??????? “Afghans build Afghanistan”

·??????? Make Afghanistan a great home and nation!

·??????? Let us write history together!


Additional articles by Alex Steinberg that provide deep insights into key business functions, industries and relevant business topics



Understand China's Consumer Health Care industry from an Artificial Intelligence Perspective | LinkedIn

Analysis of China's powerful Health Care Players: Alibaba, Tencent, Ping An, and their AI empowered Solutions | LinkedIn

Healthcare – A long problem seems to have found a Chinese solution | LinkedIn



How to build start-of-the-art hospitals by leveraging best practices from around the world | LinkedIn

Enabling hospitals to meet the ever-increasing demands for quality health services | LinkedIn

The rise of Internet Hospitals in China | LinkedIn



How MedTech companies can drive Innovation in Health Care and position themselves for the future | LinkedIn

Understanding China's MedTech industry: Key companies, drivers, challenges and opportunities | LinkedIn


Life science - overall

How China has developed an increasingly powerful Life Science sector and what to expect in the future | LinkedIn

How-to-guide for successfully evaluating and investing in Life Science companies (whitepaper) | LinkedIn

Feeding a starving world through advanced biological sciences and advanced technologies | LinkedIn

How Biological Sciences & technologies impact the industries (practical examples and details) | LinkedIn

How Biology & Technology bring unprecedented change to human health (whitepaper) | LinkedIn



Life science enabled by Technologies

100 Use cases for RPA & Intelligent Automation for Life Science companies explained | LinkedIn

How RPA and Intelligent Automation & Augmentation change the game for Marketing, Sales and Customer Service in Life Science companies | LinkedIn

The complexity of intelligent automation in the Life Science sector and expert guidance on how to do successful projects | LinkedIn



Best practices that enable Biopharma companies to better exchange work and data with their CRO/ CMO and other partners | LinkedIn

Clinical Trial Design – How achieve better outcomes for companies and patients | LinkedIn

Best practices and latest innovation for Biopharma drug manufacturing | LinkedIn

How to build the Biopharma Labs of the Future and enable better medication and patient treatments | LinkedIn

How-to-guide for successful launching Biopharma drugs | LinkedIn

Failed drug launches cost Biopharma companies billions of dollars. Read why, how to avoid and the role Medical teams can play | LinkedIn

Innovation in Clinical trials – How we can save lives and improve well-being of millions of people | LinkedIn

Improving drug discovery through AI | LinkedIn

New Healthcare forces BioPharma companies to rethink their business and value propositions | LinkedIn

The Intelligent drug supply chain empowered by AI | LinkedIn

Innovation of generic drugs | LinkedIn

How Pharmaceutical companies can and should engage better with health care professionals | LinkedIn



Real Estate & Infrastructure, Construction, Smart city, Sustainable Development

The complexity of creating smart cities and what you need to be successful | LinkedIn

Practitioner guidance for smart cities | LinkedIn

Learning lessons from hands-on projects | LinkedIn

A better perspective and collaborative method to do successful Real Estate & Construction projects. | LinkedIn

Practitioner view: Why consider IBM for real estate & construction projects? | LinkedIn

The developer is key for Saudi Arabia’s Real Estate ambitions! | LinkedIn

How Real Estate developers in China are evolving and what it means for decisionmakers in Saudi Arabia | LinkedIn

Learning from China for Real Estate development in Saudi Arabia | LinkedIn

Understanding what makes buildings smart | LinkedIn

Understand Real Estate complexity to maximize value | LinkedIn

Point of View: Leveraging the Smart City Forum in Riyadh to make improvements to Real Estate Development in Saudi Arabia | LinkedIn

Expert exchange at the Big5 Construct Saudi exhibition gives much hope for the future - Part 1 | LinkedIn

Join me for expert exchange at the Restatex Real Estate Exhibition in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | LinkedIn

How we real estate & infrastructure experts can design & build hospitals of the future | LinkedIn


Real Estate specific to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030

The complex ecosystem and key players that empower Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 Housing Program | LinkedIn

The 2025 Strategy of Saudi Arabia's huge national Housing Program | LinkedIn

Review and great accomplishments of Saudi Arabia's Housing Program (as part of Vision 2030) | LinkedIn

How well aligns Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 with the United Nations agenda for sustainable development? | LinkedIn

Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 | LinkedIn


Automotive & Manufacturing

From car assembly line to specific requirements for design, engineering & construction companies | LinkedIn

How to design & build a successful automotive factory in Saudi Arabia (leveraging best practices from USA, Europe, Japan and China efforts). | LinkedIn

How OEMs need to work with car dealerships to achieve greater results together | LinkedIn

The most valuable auto companies in terms of brand value and brand strength in 2022 | LinkedIn

Artificial Use cases and real-life success examples of top brands in the Automotive Industry | LinkedIn

How Dynamic Tag Management enables powerful, omni-channel customer engagement (for example in automotive industry) | LinkedIn




The painful difference between the “look-good-on-slides strategies” and a strategy that clients can implement successfully | LinkedIn


Leadership & Motivation

You only get what you deserve! So, stop whining and take action! | LinkedIn

Key scientific rules for Your business & life success | LinkedIn

How to become a better speaker & communicator and achieve more success in Your professional and personal life | LinkedIn

Don’t waste your depression, leverage it to become a greater person and enjoy a more meaningful, impactful life | LinkedIn

Become your best YOU step-by-step | LinkedIn

How you also can duplicate the achievements of highly successful companies & leaders | LinkedIn

You only get what you deserve! So, stop whining and take action! | LinkedIn



Finance of Future – Is your company ready? And are you personally ready? | LinkedIn




Digital Transformation & Change across organization and Supply Chains | LinkedIn

Guidance through the complexity of Digital Commerce (key components, architecture, integration) | LinkedIn

Keys to building your digital commerce platform right | LinkedIn

My practitioner guidance to better digital transformation | LinkedIn

How to select the right partner for your digital transformation journey | LinkedIn

The need and how to virtualize business critical applications | LinkedIn

Rockstars of Digital Transformation and Intelligent automation | LinkedIn



How RPA & AI/ Analytics can empower the Procurement functions (Use cases/ case studies and examples) - whitepaper | LinkedIn

The master's toolbox of RPA and intelligent automation & augmentation (white paper) | LinkedIn

More value for automation efforts through AA Bot Insights | LinkedIn

Know how to select the best RPA tool for your company | LinkedIn

The RPA Quick-Screen Method to achieve faster Robotic Process Automation | LinkedIn

World's number one in RPA & Automation | LinkedIn


Shared Services

How to empower Shared Services Centers (SSC) / GBS through RPA & Intelligent automation, Data & Analytics (whitepaper) | LinkedIn



Proven, practical guide for managing successful SAP projects | LinkedIn

How Practitioners leverage SAP S/4 Hana to enable the Finance of the future | LinkedIn



Managing the complexities of customer data across the organization | LinkedIn

Customer Context and Digital Insights drive the future of successful Customer Engagement | LinkedIn

How Dynamic Tag Management enables powerful, omni-channel customer engagement (for example in automotive industry) | LinkedIn

Solving your Data & platform to fully empower your customer engagement | LinkedIn

Thank you, Gartner, for helping me advise government and multi-national organizations for all these years! | LinkedIn


Joint Ventures

6 Main conflict areas for Joint Ventures | LinkedIn

How to analyze your joint venture partner from a financial perspective | LinkedIn

Understand and manage well your Joint venture related documents | LinkedIn

The benefits and sleepless nights brought by joint ventures | LinkedIn


Dealing with Chinese organizations

How experience from China enables me to build Saudi Arabia as a country | LinkedIn

How to successfully negotiate with Chinese counterparts (learnings from the trenches in China and around the world) | LinkedIn

5 Reasons why a Saudi organization needs an experienced advisor when engaging with Chinese companies | LinkedIn

Practical Chinese wisdom for Business Success – Part 1- The Winning, Confrontation and Direct Attack Strategies of the 36 Stratagems explained | LinkedIn


Legal Disclaimer

This article reflects the opinion of Alex Steinberg only. It does not claim to represent the viewpoints of any present/ former client, employer, or partner. The author acknowledges that there are often different viewpoints on a topic, which are equally valid. Constructive discussion rather than criticism can lead to better ideas and positive outcome & value to business and society.

If you are an expert, government advisor or business owner, you may reach out to Alex Steinberg through WhatsApp at +966531824178 or email at [email protected]



Mohammad Walid Zmaray

Finance Manager | Experienced in Financial Planning, Budget Management & Compliance | Former Sales Executive & Healthcare Accountant

1 个月

Actually I really appreciate your valuable time you spent here and we are blessed we had a guest like you, you pointed out the real pain here, it’s time for our people to concentrate, and not to waste the precious time.


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