A Practical and Gentle Introduction to Terraform and AWS Cloud
Hendrix Roa
Building Scalable, Resilient & User-Focused Systems | AWS & IaC (CDK, CDK8s) | Expertise in Backend Systems (Python, Node.js) | Solving Complex Problems, Reducing Tech Debt & Driving High-Impact Architecture Patterns
Terraform is a configuration language that helps us to define an architecture using human-readable code, extendable, and easy to automate. Terraform was borns with the need to deploy services across the cloud with the philosophy, of one-time code to multiple cloud providers, one of the features is the interoperability between tools, terraform can be used with different provisioning tools like puppet, chef, and ansible.
Terraform uses a state to compare resources you want to create against the existing one, which allows storage of a picture of the current inventory of the resources created, the possible updates, and replacements. Those processes are driven by three fundamental stages:?
Create the terraform state storage
There are multiples way to create the state, my preference at this time and simplicity will use an AWS S3 bucket file to store the state file, let's create a state file storage,
First, go to https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets? then create a bucket, my recommendation use a prefix following the account id in order to maintain the unique name for the bucket?
For a didactical reason, the scope of this post is to cover how a state is created by hand, there are multiple terraform integrations that automate it quickly like terragrunt.?All code steps are hosted in this repo
Additionally, we need to set up the awscli and credentials, please follow the steps to get the AWS IAM user credentials:
Go to create iam user
Write the name of your user, click next
Click on the attached policies directly and check the Admin access
Click next and create the user.
To set up the credentials access and secret key, click on the user already created and follow the next steps
Click on the security credentials tab and click on Create access key.?
Choose CLI and next.
Once you create the access keys, you are able to copy that.
After getting credentials from Console, download the .csv data file, we will use it later. Install and config the AWS CLI
Install awscli for your operative system
Once you installed it, next is to configure the CLI tool with this command:
aws configure --profile <YOUR-PROFILE>
The param --profile works as an alias for the user account you are using. From previous steps copy values .csv file like this screenshot:
You can find more information about how to enforce security awscli profiles on
Important: after configuring awscli, always active your profile using the command:
Otherwise, we will have this error when we are running the provisioning commands
Terraform installation
To install Terraform I recommend using a version manager like Tfenv to install different versions of Terraform and switch between them with ease. After installing tfenv, we just need to run these commands to get Terraform installed
tfenv install 1.4.0
tfenv use 1.4.0
Finally, we have completed the setup to start deploying resources in the cloud, Let’s add the aws provider resource snippet code to start provisioning.?
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "your bucket to store state"
key = "terraform.state"
region = "us-east-1"
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 4.0"
// All infra is over AWS and is the provider used by default.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
Once we have the AWS provider setup we can start declaring our infra.?Here is an example of how to create a S3 bucket using the HCL configuration language which saves us a couple of clicks
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "storage_bucket" {
bucket = var.storage_name
tags = {
Name = "storage"
Environment = "Production"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [tags]
In our project let's run a couple of commands to analyze the output:?
terraform init -reconfigure -lock=false
Terraform telling us about the s3 backend has been configured correctly, the plugins are download, and a couple information more.?
Running plan: display all inventory resources previously declared in the terraform files (.tf extension), we just need to run in the terminal:
terraform plan
This is the format in Terraform that will display the inventory and changes logs due we previously configured the state, which allows to terraform remember things that are created and things to update or replace. The keyword (known after apply) will appear a bunch of times in the planning stage, those values are output values generated by the cloud provider like server id, arn, and so on.
Running apply, (or deploy)?
terraform apply -auto-approve?
This is the expected output we can see if the apply has been made successful. The outputs value is placed in outputs.tf file which allows us to print the outputs generated by the provider. Now we go to AWS Console list buckets? https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets and we can see our bucket created. To upload files to the s3 bucket I will use a s3 object sentence to upload all files that contain a folder, in the project repo contains a folder with those files.
resource "aws_s3_object" "storage" {
for_each = fileset("${var.path_files}/", "*")
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.storage_bucket.id
key = each.value
source = "${var.path_files}/${each.value}"
etag = filemd5("${var.path_files}/${each.value}")
acl = "public-read"
We are using the loops https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/expressions/for?that provide terraform to iterate over that folder and create a separate eligible to upload.
The function and parameters:
Terraform is an excellent tool to automate, config, and define large software architectures, from the earlier version until the new one the evolution of this tool and community participation.
Thanks for reading!