C. M. BHANDARI Yog Guru (Ret.IFS)
Holistic Health, Wellness and Happiness through Yog, Ayurved and Vedic Sciences.
Bhastrikaa Praanaayaam is very useful in igniting the digestive fire in the abdomen. It is a continuous sequence of long deep inhalations and exhalations, duly assisted by the abdominal movement to facilitate maximum intake and expulsion of air. It is quite exhausting and, therefore, after reaching the crescendo each time it is necessary to return to normal breath. But the depth of concentration can be enhanced through each round of Bhastrikaa such that after 3-4 rounds the practitioner can encounter unique experiences of energy (Praan) flow in the body and the resulting flexibility.
My experience of engaging in Praanaayaam over the years has been that it is like the classical music or dance where the base note is fixed and cannot be crossed or violated in any way but the musician has the liberty to try any number of innovations while sticking to the base note.
Therefore, I am giving here the very basic routines of Bhastrikaa for the beginners and for advance routines it is necessary to first attain proficiency in the basic routine and then either form your own innovations or follow your Guru to enhance the depth of your practice. But there is no need to hurry. These are lifetime journeys and no need to hurry or look for shortcuts.
Sit in any of the comfortable aasans, making sure that the back is straight up and head also held in line with it, with gaze pointed straight in front. Hands to rest on respective knees and cup-shaped palms with thumb and fingers all joined together pointing up. The mind may stay focused on the third eye or the heart but the thought process should continuously observe the body response to Bhastrikaa and stay in control without getting afraid. The body will experience different sensations and you need to just keep observing them until you decide to return to normal flow of breath, in which case you just slow down the pace of breathing but not the depth. Having thus had a clear understanding of the process, you can now start and breathe out completely by pushing the abdomen in and forcing the breath out and then take long deep breath in with abdomen moving out.
The word Bhastrikaa means forced breathing. So, each inhalation and exhalation has to be with a forceful sound and this is facilitated by the abdominal movements. The rhythm of breath and abdominal movement has to be correct. So, make sure that it moves in while you breathe out and not the other way round. It is ironic but many people initially feel comfortable with the wrong rhythm of abdominal movement.
This is because they use the shoulders for breathing and the abdomen automatically goes in the reverse order. So, you have to keep in mind that even if you use the shoulder also, do not let the abdomen follow the wrong rhythm. You will notice that within a minute or two of Bhastrikaa, you will feel tired. There is no problem, you can slow down the pace and also not force the breath, just keep it deep. Give rest to the abdominal muscles but continue the same sequence of deep breathing in slow pace. As soon as you feel normal, recommence the same routine and follow it few times until you feel totally tired and want to stop. In that case, you can return to normal breathing and keeping the eyes closed, just let the body also to come to normal rhythm in a minute or two.
As you progress in this cycle and become absolutely comfortable, introduce the next higher level to it. This is done by performing the Bhastrikaa routine first at normal pace as before and then moving on to medium fast pace in continuation. For this, first practice about 20 inhalations and exhalations at normal pace and then double the number of inhalations and exhalations at medium fast in the same time. The rule is if you take 20 inhalations and 20 exhalations in say two minutes then you should complete 40 each of them in the same time in medium fast pace. In doing so you will notice that your abdominal movement tends to get tired and cannot maintain the rhythm, it just stops. So, there is no worry about it and you can continue the breathing sequence with full concentration on each breath and also observing the body responses in the whole process.
After you have also perfected this sequence and started enjoying it, the next level is to go on to the fast pace. So, at the third level, you will complete first 20 at normal pace, then 40 at medium pace and finally 80 inhalations and exhalations at fast pace in continuation, each of them being completed in the same time period. This would mean that you have to perform this for about six minutes. This is quite a long spell to perform and is possible only after long time practice of weeks, months or even years. So, you need not be concerned if your progress is not that fast or you do not experience anything worthwhile happening to you. The key is to persist with practice and know that everyday, you are inching forward. I am reminded of Gandhiji telling his mathematician friend that every repetition of a mantra jaap moves you forward even if you do not see any change, for the change is so miniscule that it takes years to see the difference.
By now you will yourself notice that the Bhastrikaa Praanaayaam is very invigorating. This can be combined with the bottom two locks to make it even more effective in producing the digestive fire. Further the abdominal movements exercise the abdominal muscles completely and therefore, the digestion process can be set right in no time. Also, because of the invigorated and higher charged oxygenated blood circulating in the body, the entire body gets enlivened and at the end of three rounds of Bhastrikaa in about say 5-10 minutes, one can easily experience the results in the body by flexing any part of the body in any way you want. Just sitting in the same aasan, you can start any and every kind of gentle movement of your hands, arms, torso, head, the whole body, while maintaining normal deep long breathing cycle and you will discover as if your body has found a new personality, a new flexibility, it is free to dance with your inner joy. The main point to note is that the Praanaayaam is not an end in itself but it is only helping you to firstly look after the health of your physical and subtle bodies and then move you from the physical plane to the subtle plane, so that you gradually forget about the physical body and clearly see the subtle faculties operating as per your directives from the ego.
Kapaalbhaati Praanaayaam :
This Praanaayaam is also very potent in its efficacy and primarily helps in removing the toxins from the body. The emphasis in this routine is on exhalation, which pushes the toxins into the excretory routes. In fact, the Bhastrikaa routine frees the toxins from the body organs and the Kapaalbhaati then removes them from the body by way of urine and excreta. To begin the Kapaalbhaati, sit in a comfortable aasan as before and then exhale completely. Now take a short breath in and immediately exhale completely. So, the main point to note in Kapaalbhaati is that you have to exhale and exhale with short involuntary inhalations in between the long exhalations. When you want to stop the cycle, the last few exhalations should be longer and the last one should end in retaining the exhaled position as long as possible and then take a long breath in and return to normal breathing. You will see that you cannot do this for too long and soon you get tired, it does not take even one minute. So, take a break for few seconds to return to normal breath and again start exhaling. Repeat this process for 5 minutes. The thought in mind all the time has to be that toxins from the body are being discarded in the excretory cycles.
The final round can also be combined with some degree of forced coughing. So, as you breathe out, produce the sound for the coughing out action, as if you want to cough out something from your throat. Keep repeating this with every exhalation till in the very last you conclude by continuously coughing out action and then take a long breath in and return to normal breathing. This action literally opens up all nerves and you feel a new lightness in the head.
After you have gained practice of performing Kapaalbhaati, you can also introduce the abdominal movement and the two locks at the bottom to make it even more potent. So, with Moolbandha and Uddiyaanbandha, the energy flow is constantly directed upwards. Now the abdomen is also pulled inwards to the maximum such that it is pushed against the spinal chord region and the exhalation is complete. Next drop the abdomen for a moment to take a short inhalation and again retract the abdomen with a deep and forceful exhalation. The two bandhas at the bottom are maintained all the time and the cycle of full exhalations and short inhalations is continued in rhythm with the abdominal movement as long as comfortable. You should prolong the duration of each cycle by practice such that you cross at least 100 exhalations in each cycle and end with a retention of the completely exhaled position as long as possible. Then take a long breath in and return to normal breathing.
Baahya Praanaayaam :
This Praanaayaam is somewhat similar to Kapaalbhaati. Sit in any comfortable aasan and exhale completely and also apply the two locks at the bottom and keep them applied all the time. Now inhale fully and then without holding the breath, exhale with a force by pressing the abdomen in and also apply the Jalandharbandha by pressing the chin against the dip at the throat. Retain the breath in baahyakumbhak as long as possible and then release first the Jalandharbandha and then the abdomen and inhale completely and then again exhale forcibly and repeat the same routine. This could be done a dozen times and then relax. This Praanaayaam is also helpful in removing the toxins from the body as in Kapaalbhaati.
My experience of long years has been that the above three Praanaayaams are very effective in regulating the metabolic activities in the body and there is automatic healing for any kind of ill health in the body. The simple explanation as already stated above is that it helps to maintain the digestive fire and remove toxins from the body. So, the claim that Praanaayaam can treat incurable diseases is based on sound medical research of Aayurved and is not any occult attainment or miracle being performed by Swamis and Yogis. They can only guide you to these time-tested techniques but the real benefit from it can come to you by practice and practice alone, duly assisted by your full faith and conviction about efficacy of this science.
The next cycle of Praanaayaams are meant to prepare you for meditation. In fact, it is essential to start with the OM chanting and Poorak, Kumbhak and Rechak cycle of Praanaayaam before sitting for meditation or any other prayer ritual. This is because the chanting and Praanaayaam calms down the body and mental plane and conditions the subtle faculties to turn inwards. No doubt if there are strong issues of concern, they would haunt you even in meditation but then you can be easily empowered to learn the way of dealing such a situation. We would discuss this separately under meditation. So, once again, sit in a comfortable aasan and rest the left hand on the knee in chin mudraa. The right hand assists in breathing process by closing and opening the nostrils.
Anulom-Vilom :
This means inhale and exhale alternately through the two nostrils. But before doing so, just learn to use the thumb, index and middle finger and the ring and small finger together, thus making three sets. The index and middle finger group rests on the forehead in between the two eyebrows all the time. It helps to keep the mind directed at this point of the third eye. If you are a right-handed person then the right thumb is used to close the right nostril and the other pair of ring and small fingers to close the left nostril. If you are left-handed, then you can use the thumb to close the left nostril and the pair of ring and small fingers to close the right nostril.
Close the right nostril with right thumb and inhale through the left nostril in a long deep breath. Then close the left nostril with ring and small finger pair and open the right nostril and exhale through it in a deep long breath. Then inhale through the same (right) nostril and then close it and open the left nostril and exhale through it. To make the inhalation deep, it is necessary that the chest be expanded and also the diaphragm be pushed down by expanding the abdomen and reverse action for exhalation. The index and middle finger pair rests on the forehead at the third eye as explained above. Now continue this alternate inhale and exhale sequence as long as you can maintain the flow. There is no holding of the breath after inhalation or exhalation. When tired, return to normal breathing with both nostrils while keeping the eyes closed. You may enjoy the feeling of peace and silence that automatically starts dawning due to extra flow of oxygen in the body leading to its relaxation.
It is quite normal for one of the nostrils to be fully open while the other one is not so open. This is because of the normal sequence of hourly alterations of flow of breath between the two nostrils, called the Sun and Moon Swars. So, no need to be discomforted, just follow the breathing routine as much as you can comfortably manage. Slowly you will find that the constricted nostril also starts becoming better and better and by the time you finish the entire session of Praanaayaam the chances are that both Swars may be flowing in equal measure and that implies that the energy flow from Idaa and Pingalaa naadis is now flowing to Sushumnaa naadi.
Naadishodhan Praanaayaam :
This is also called the Poorak, Kumbhak and Rechak Praanaayaam and is performed before starting any ritual as per the Vedic traditions for obvious reasons. Naadi-shodhan means purifying the nerves or making the nerves free from blockages that may obstruct the flow of energy or thought communications. Join the index and middle fingers of your right hand and place the tip of the middle finger on the third eye. Exhale completely and use the right thumb to close the right nostril completely and start inhaling through the left nostril to full capacity of lungs (this process is called Poorak) and then close the left nostril also with the ring and small fingers. Retain the breath as long as possible. This is called Kumbhak because the lungs are blown full with air like a Kumbh or pot. Now lift the thumb and allow the breath out slowly through the right nostril. This process is called Rechak. At the end, hold the breath out in the empty lungs position as long as possible and then start inhaling through the right nostril to the maximum. Close the nostril with thumb and retain the breath as long as possible and then exhale through the left nostril and again hold in the exhale position as long as possible. Now keeping the middle and index finger on the third eye as before, inhale through both nostrils, retain as long as possible and then exhale through both nostrils and then retain the exhale position. In this way, this sequence of inhalation, retention, exhalation and retention of breath three times constitutes one Praanaayaam.
The most important part in this Praanaayaam is the retention (Kumbhak) – first after inhalation (internal Kumbhak) and then after exhalation (external Kumbhak). The normal rule is if you take x minutes for inhalation, then you need to retain breath in for 4x minutes and then exhale for 2x minutes and retain breath out for 2x minutes. The 4x minutes internal retention is the most difficult part and therefore, it is advisable to first start with 2x retention time in and then gradually practice to increase this duration to 3x and 4x in due course. The three sequences of breath in by left nostril, retention, out from right nostril and retention; then in from right nostril, retention, out from left nostril and retention; and then in by both nostrils, retention, out by both nostrils and retention is one Praanaayaam and can easily take more than one minute in the beginning and slowly it can be increased to 2 minutes or even more. So, you should try to spend at least 10 minutes in one go to practice this Naadishodhan Praanaayaam. It is bit tiring and it may be necessary to catch breath after every cycle of three sequences in the beginning but slowly with practice, one can do it for ten minutes continuously without having to break for rest.
Merely performing the breathing is not that effective. The real Praanaayaam occurs when you are mentally also following the breathing process and further empower it by applying locks. So, seated in the lotus posture or Siddhaasan and palms resting on the knees in chin mudraa, apply the Moolbandha and Uddiyaanbandha as tightly as possible. Keep them applied all the time. The back, neck and head should be in one line and gaze fixed on third eye or tip of the nose. Now follow the above cycle and for each breath in and out retention periods, also apply the Jalandharbandha. While the breathing process goes on involuntarily, you should follow the flow of Paan and Apaan vaayus and try to have them unite at the Manipur Chakra. In the beginning it is not possible to keep count of breathing duration for each action and at the same time also take care of the bandhas and energy flow but gradually things start settling down and you can be fully in control of each and every activity during the ten minutes duration. This then provides a unique calming effect in the whole subtle and causal planes and prepares you to practice meditation. But before that it is better to practice the Bhraamari Praanaayaam also.
Bhraamari Praanaayaam:
With normal aasan for Praanaayaam, position both thumbs near the respective ear-locking lobes, the index fingers on the forehead and the remaining three fingers over the eyes and the tips pressing against the nose bridge on either side gently. Now raise the palms slightly away from the face and take a deep breath in and then retain the breath by resting the palms back on the face with the thumbs pressing against the lobes to close the ear completely such that you cannot hear any outside sound. Press the index fingers gently on the forehead and the remaining three fingers gently on the eyes with their tips pressing against the nose bridge. When you want to exhale, do it with the chanting of the OM sound. So, with closed ears and eyes as before, open the mouth and start chanting first the O syllable for about half of the expected duration of complete exhaling and then hum the M sound for a quarter duration and the remaining quarter is for chanting M with open mouth. Then release the fingers and thumb from their pressure points and take a long deep breath in again and repeat the above process 4-5 times. Each time while performing the retention, try to listen to the sound of commotion in the body and see if you can make out any sense out it. Also, see the difference of listening to the OM chanting with ears open and closed. This would lead to the realization that we are constantly busy listening only to the outside world and have had no time to know what is going on inside the body 24x7 hours non-stop. This then is the switch on position of the Innernet connection (see page ..) and you can keep surfing as long as enjoying the experience.
Another important simple truth but hardly taken note of, is that the eyes and ears out of the five senses of perception are the most used senses and they obviously exert that much more influence on our personality. Therefore, it is very important to practice silence and meditation with closed eyes and ears so that you have time to dwell in the body interiors and try to know normal activities taking place inside the body twenty-four hours non-stop. Also, we should not react to eye and ear impulses at once but take time to digest the incoming messages and then arrive at a well-considered decision with due dialogue with the intellect-memory combine. This is especially applicable on matters where sense forces are at work or the ego gets challenged. The ego responds by way of speech, which is the most important of all the five organs of action and therefore, in Vedic discipline there is highest emphasis on restraining the speech to the maximum (see verse below). All this is part of the learning process of exercising control on the ten senses while progressing on the path of Yog.
C M Bhandari ( Yog Guru ans Former Ambassador of India / Founder Bhandari Yog and Ayurveda in Himalayas,Ranikhet and at Sulislaw Palace Poland )
Yoga and Wellness Consultant
8 年Very good info for health
Painter/Healing through Art.
8 年Thank you for this.
Holistic Health, Wellness and Happiness through Yog, Ayurved and Vedic Sciences.
8 年Kantibhai Sir, Many thanks for this feedback. Obviously you are doing it sincerely and correctly. Pl. make it a part of your daily routine in the morning before breakfast to continue enjoying more benefits, holistic health. Thereafter, the alternate nostril breathing and next Pranayam with holding breath helps in entering a proper meditation.
Yoga Instructor at Hindoo society Harare Zimbabwe
8 年I have been doing bhastrica pranayama vigorously, I improved my digestive system and lost weight and feel much calmer
Informatore Medico Scientifico
8 年Very interesting post. Thank you!