PR Questions I Get Asked the Most about PITCH WRITING (Part 2)
Gloria Chou
?? Award-winning Small Business PR Expert | "Pitch writer" of the year ? Helping 10,000 small businesses featured in TOP TIER media without ads or agencies
You’re in for a treat today because…
I’m taking you into our monthly VIP mastermind-style call. The same one my PR Starter Pack community members attend every month to get coached through their pitches, form relationships with journalists, be a part of a community of entrepreneurs making a difference, and get any PR questions you can possibly think of ANSWERED!
These are real, on the ground questions that arise as entrepreneurs and business owners start crafting their pitches prior to landing media coverage. From how to write an award-winning pitch, to the main reasons why pitches get ignored – this (less than) 15 minute episode will leave you with actionable steps to strengthen your next pitch.
As for the emotional payoff? The answers I share to these 7, pitch-related questions will give you the utmost confidence as you hit send on your pitch. These strategies I share has landed our PR Starter Pack community members coverage in Oprah Magazine, Buzzfeed, Allure, and so many more.
And I can’t wait for them to land you in a hot new issue, too.
Topics We Cover in This Episode:?
If you want to land your first feature for free without any connections, I want to invite you to watch my PR Secrets Masterclass where I reveal the exact methods thousands of bootstrapping small businesses use to hack their own PR and go from unknown to being a credible and sought-after industry expert. Register now at