PR In Politics
Public Relations’ primary function is to enhance the reputation of a brand and build a positive image of the brand to its public; therefore PR is an essential part of the political life.
For politicians to gain popularity amongst citizens, they have to work on their image. PR, if done well helps gain vital exposure and creates a positive image.
How the public perceives them affects the outcome of future elections. This gives insight on why they always make sure to show off their best side to the public. A bad reputation might translate to unpopular reviews.
Since politicians are always in the limelight, it’s easy for them to be caught up in slip-ups or scandals. That’s another area where PR comes in. It helps ease a political crisis. PR teams try to put out the fires before they cause any damages.
Public relations reminds the politicians to avoid impulsive reactions and statements overloaded with emotions and unnecessary words. Their words can be used against them and could lead to their downfall.
Politicians are also encouraged to be transparent especially in this digital era where any mishap can go viral.
All in all, PR has been deemed important in the political scene. Both for the public and for the politician.