PQ Tools to Elevate and Advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Erin Owen, MBA, MCC
? Leadership Career Alchemist | Executive Career Reinvention Coach | MBA | Master Coach MCC | I help leaders recognize their unique gifts and maximize their potential so they can make magic in the world
“Herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor, — all men know something of poverty; not that men are wicked, — who is good? not that men are ignorant, — what is Truth? Nay, but that men know so little of men.” W. E. B. Du Bois’s historical and autobiographical work of literature, The Souls of Black Folk served as an incisive and truthful record in the fight for civil rights in the early1900’s. Decades later, as racism continues to be woven into our country’s DNA it still serves as a valuable reference. The galvanizing Black Lives Matter movement in more recent years reenergized the global fight against racial inequality and injustice.
In honor of Black History month, I am focusing this article on the role that Positive Intelligence tools (PQ tools) can play in advancing the important work of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). It is my goal to give you the tools necessary to continually shift your mindset first to one of acceptance, empathy, listening, love and understanding – and from this shift then be able to productively engage in challenging conversations, calling out injustice and bias where you see it in action – in yourself and in others. As we begin to rebuild our nation, and bridge the racial divide, let’s hold one another with more dignity, and with an open mind and heart so that we will grow together.
Build Mental Fitness to Foster an Inclusive Mindset
I want to begin by fully acknowledging that I am not a DEI expert, nor can I ever be an expert on someone else’s lived experience. However, I can take the time to put myself in the shoes of others who experience systematic racism and discrimination in all sectors of life, and validate their experiences and feelings. I can also take action to call out bias when I see it, and so can you. A mentally fit mind allows you to be more self-aware as it relates to biases, prejudices and stereotypes that we all hold as humans. Practicing daily PQ Reps are the core of mental fitness, yielding a shift in the Sage brain, so that you can better understand your own biases, and where they may have originated from. With a clearer head, you are free of the stress-induced negative emotions that can cause you to act impulsively or make unproductive assumptions about situations or others’ actions. In practicing the PQ Reps, I find that I am able to listen more easily, asking questions that help me understand and exemplify empathy.
Be Open to What is Different from You and Your Experience Via a Clear Mind
In order to champion DEI, and challenge racial injustice, you have to be mentally strong enough to examine your own belief system. If you are a white-bodied person like me, it means curiously exploring where you may be intentionally or unintentionally complicit in systems of subjugation and recognizing your privilege comes at someone else’s expense, both historically and currently. If you feel immediately defensive about this, then doing PQ reps can support you to shift to a different and more open way of looking at your current circumstances. I do PQ reps regularly when I feel triggered. More importantly, once you have shifted to your Sage brain, you can then courageously challenge yourself and others without negative judgment. And you can engage in challenging discussions with curiosity and empathy. When you shift to Sage brain you operate from a place of wise discernment, rather than subconscious or snap judgment. You can be in a place of feeling grounded and clear-minded while you ask questions such as “how can I learn more about this?” and “how do you see this?” and “what can I do more of or differently to help change things?” To learn more about the PQ program and how it can help you become mentally fit click here.
Use Your Sage to Activate Feelings of Empathy & Understanding
Practicing PQ reps shifts your brain to Sage mode where you can access cognitive empathy. This circuitry allows you to sense other people’s emotions, and imagine what they might be thinking or feeling. Think of it as perception priming. Personally speaking, I have found in each situation with another person, no matter how challenging, I almost immediately shift to considering the following:
1. What can I learn from their experience?
2. What can I learn from their way of thinking?
3. What lesson can I take away from this experience?
4. What is the potential gift that will come from this experience?
5. How can I build greater trust in this relationship?
6. How might I be inspired to try something new or take a bold, positive action?
To discover how to tap into your positive mental muscles (Sage) to better handle challenges through affirmative emotions like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, click here.
As we continue to strive for a better and more equitable society, and chart a path forward that advances the critical work of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), we must each do our part in bridging the racial divide. As a country, we must collectively treat each other with compassion while appreciating our differences. Taking a first step with the PQ program can support you to nourish a mentally fit outlook that includes thoughts of empathy, respect and understanding – the foundation of inclusion. In an incredibly divisive climate it is more important than ever that we learn to practice cognitive empathy. The PQ mental fitness model helps to reduce stress levels to quickly shift from feeling triggered to your positive Sage brain. It gives you the opportunity to see each situation for its gifts while providing increased empathy for others. Imagine building a more inclusive global worldview and greater sensitivity to the strengths and idiosyncrasies of other cultures. To learn more and be a part of this transformative program click here.
Erin Owen, MBA, PCC, JCTC
Executive Coach for Leadership Growth and Executive Career Reinvention
Website: https://erinowen.com/clients/
LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/erinowen/