PPP2 Coming Imminently!
Steven Gu, CPA, LL.M Tax
Tax Strategies To Legally Reduce Income Taxes 46-100% | CFO Services Helped Client Scale From $2M to $20M In 13 Months | Real Estate Investor
The Coronavirus Relief & Omnibus Agreement looks like to be unveiled any minute. It looks like we’re about to have PPP round 2.
This HAS NOT BECOME law but here are a few of the items coming in the draft….
- Extension and expansion of the PPP including:
- A second round of loans for small businesses with 25-30% reduction in quarterly revenue from 2019 to 2020
- Modifications to better serve nonprofits, restaurants, live venues, independent movie theaters, and cultural institutions
- Forgiveness simplification for loans of $150,000 or less
- Deductibility of expenses paid for with PPP funds may be included
- Need to wait for the official bill to be released
- Provides $20 billion to restart and extend EIDL grants
- $15 billion grant program for live venues, theatres, museums, zoos
- Extended and improved Employee Retention Credit
- Tax credit to support employers offering paid sick leave
- Stimulus checks of up to $600 per adult and child
- Enhanced unemployment benefits through March of 2021, with $300 per week
- Strengthened Low Income Housing Tax Credit
- Improved Earned Income Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit that allows a lookback to 2019 income
- 100% deduction for business meal expenses for 2021 and 2022
- Permanent Lower excise tax rates for beer, wine, and spirits makers
- Mortgage debt forgiveness exclusion from income extended five years
- Extension of the New Markets Credit & Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
- Extended clean energy tax credits
If you want to walk through your options and new changes, let’s talk.
Talk Soon,
~ Steven
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