PPE Supplies including Face Masks - Prices reduced by 20% - Available to all - CALL 0800 195 3010 now.
Michael Hodgetts
I am the CEO of the Charities Buying Group and also a Chartered Procurement and Supply Professional.
In light of the Prime Ministers announcement changing the emphasis from staying at home to being alert, demand for PPE is expected to increase significantly. Particularly with increased demand for face masks for the public. The Charities Buying Group has been working hard to acquire more PPE to meet what will be a growing demand. As always our commitment to you is to ensure you get value for money in a demand led situation. We have still been able to maintain a 20% reduction in cost of urgently needed PPE.
So you should consider obtaining more face masks as this may become even more difficult to obtain. We can supply to any organisation and businesses not just charities.
In addition the Government have also scrapped VAT on PPE until 31st July.
For further information and specifications CLICK HERE
We have a full range available for you as well as essential hygiene products including gloves, aprons and paper products at special Charities Buying Group pricing. As a not for profit community interest company we keep costs to a minimum in order to enable you afford these supplies as our commitment to helping save lives in this unprecedented pandemic.
Reliability is key in the current climate and we are pleased to say that supplies have been going to members timeously in both large quantities and for small orders.
We have already supplied PPE to a wide range of organisations including the Salvation Army, Age Concern, Ability Dogs 4 U, Camden Charities, St Mungo's, YMCA, Royal British Legion, Ability Dogs 4 You, Citizens Advice Bureau, Gailrade, Mind, Riverside School, Southfield Church, Swarthmore Care Home and the Garwood Foundation to mention only a few.
To view our Product listings for PPE CLICK HERE or for Hygiene Products CLICK HERE
Prices are available upon request.
Feedback from the Together Trust, one of our members was that they placed an order for masks and received them within the week, which proves our the capability to supply to you.
So call us now on 0800 195 3010 as we are here to help.