PP #5: Weird AI Stuff
The summer season is beginning on the internet. But I stumbled upon some cool stuff in the past weeks. Well ... in terms of AI, there are some weird things going on, but later more. I took my time collecting the items because I wanted to do something other than another week's link collection. For me, it's about quality - and this took time. It's not about what is better, but I don't think the world needs another "this week link"-Collection, as I wrote in the first issue. It's ready when it's ready. So - enjoy!
I found a page where I get excited. I mean, like screaming while sitting in the chair how fucking fantastic and beautiful this piece of internet is. I love everything about it. The idea, the handling and please SCROLL ... see the... I don't want to spoil it. For me, it's the whole package of ideas and contributions. And that's what good design is about: all the details you may ignore.
In the image above, you see a wind turbine. And it's able to produce energy. It brings me to the point where I think that "everything is design", and I think it's intelligent and beautiful simultaneously. In the article at Fast Company , you'll see some other examples of using it. Is it the idea to put it in a rolling shutter or as a visual divider of areas on your company campus? Think about it in a smaller version for private use. You got a fence and a power supplier at the same time. Love it.
Let's get into the AI Topic. Many things are happening right now. In the marketing world, it's all over the place. So Dove, the Procter & Gamble Brand, created another exciting video. It's marketing, and when you read my blog, you know they know what they are doing. They have been doing emotional storytelling at least since 2013 (The Phantom Drawer) or the #DetonYourFeed Campaign in 2022 (still worth watching).
This time, their topic is GenAI images and how the world sees beautiful women, and Dove took the opportunity to make a statement about it.
Miss AI
Ok. I don't know what to say about it. There's a Miss AI Contest. Yeah, you read right. The creator of Miss AI gets $20,000. And no... I can't make sth like that up... the best thing is that you can enter the contest till the 10th of May if you want to! :D
PREMIERE PRO gets Firefly AI
In a video, Adobe introduces Firefly to Premiere Pro, and this will get wild if you're into video editing. It could solve some problems and save you much time. There's a function to extend your clips for a perfect cut generatively. You can delete or add items to your video (delete has been possible for years, aka masking). There will be a text-to-video function for new clips (B-Roll!) and more stuff you can see in the video.
And because I just finished it, I'll recommend the Podcast with Jimmy Carr, who is, besides the stage, a very smart guy. Don't get confused by the catchy title. They talk about society, writing jokes, getting rejected, and other deep topics. I really liked the conversation and his points of view.
Thanks for reading till the end. I appreciate it!