POWTECH 2022 in Nuremberg
We are taking part again! POWTECH 2022 in Nuremberg will be exciting again. Visit us free of charge and convince yourself of our LIBS technology.
Take advantage of all the dynamics of POWTECH - the leading trade fair for experts in powder and bulk solids technology - from 27 - 29 September 2022! Get excited and inspired by the innovations and further developments around the processes of manufacturing quality products from powder, granulate, bulk solids and liquid.?
We would like to invite you to visit us in hall 3 at stand 3-325. For your free admission, please use the voucher code A496426.
Please note that pre-registration is required at https://www.powtech.de/en/visitors/tickets/voucher! The tickets are available on mobile devices and allow contactless access. This means that all trade fair participants are already registered and entitled to access in advance.
We look forward to meeting you in person to discuss powder and bulk solids technology and to present our latest products / technologies.
We will be happy to take the time to consult you comprehensively in advance or to arrange appointments:
Eckhard Zeiger
Sales Engineer
Mail to: [email protected]
SECOPTA analytics GmbH
Rheinstra?e 15b
14513 Teltow, Germany
Phone: +49 3328 3540321
Mobile: +49 1724329495
Fax: +49 3328 35403-99