#PowerYourGrowth: Overcome embarrassment, embrace confidence.
Why do we even feel embarrassed?
There is a strong connection between embarrassment and vulnerability. The feeling of shame often arises when parts of our true-self that we wish to keep hidden are at risk of exposure.
In order to maintain a certain level of respect, approval, and acknowledgment, we avoid failures and embarrassment. But It’s not just any failure that will make us feel embarrassed—it’s the things we expect ourselves to be able to do right.
To counter unproductive feelings of shame and embarrassment, equip yourself with these weapons:
- Humility, which allows us to close the gap between the ideal-self and true-self.
- Incorporate exercises to increase your sense of self-esteem.
- Allow yourself to build on your own self-trust.
- Free yourself from overblown self-expectations.
It won’t happen overnight, but it’s important to keep these in mind when working towards confidence. Learn more about the purpose of embarrassment here .
Ditching the shame for the flame
Keeping your fire alive requires daily ignition. Though putting yourself out there seems scary, you don’t have to go big the first time and can actually ease into it. When expanding your confidence, make sure to try the following methods:
Keep the right tense
All embarrassment takes place in the past. Theoretically, if you were able to stay in the moment perfectly, you wouldn't feel an ounce of embarrassment.
Visit humiliations past
As an exercise, list your top five embarrassments. Was it really the end of the world? This will help you keep things in perspective.
Allow some tilting
Embarrassment belongs to Cruella de Perfectionism. When seeing a gap between your ideal and true self, allow some space for mistakes and growth.
Step away from the looking glass
Most of the time, we base our identity on what we think other people think of us. Repeat this mantra: “I am who I think you think I am”.
Solicit other stories
There's no doubt that comparing your incident with others will make you feel better, or at least in good company.
Find more ways you can try to leave behind your unnecessary shame here .
Putting it to the test
A common, undoubtedly one of the most popular occasions where ‘shame’ often occurs is public speaking events. When you’re put in the spotlight, even when you’re an expert in the topic, you will still be prone to slipping up.
The skill of public speaking and presenting in front of an audience is a needed skill, not only for those who work in bigger teams but also anyone who will need to express their ideas the right way.
When you’re confident, you will be able to convey your ideas in a precise, clear, and structured manner. Effective and powerful presentation skills include:
- Gathering the right information for the presentation
- Creating a well-structured presentation visuals
- Delivering the messages in an engaging way
- Evaluating the presentation post-event
- Simulating the presentation in a mirroring environment
Master all the skills above by taking this free Mekari University course, where you will be taught by Mekari’s VP of Aftersales Ops, Willix Kosasih.
Been a prisoner of shame for a while? Or know someone who you trust will do great, IF only they let go of their fear of embarrassment?
Make sure to take notes from this week’s Monday Mavens edition, and implement them throughout the week.
Can’t wait to see a more confident, self-assured version of you next week!