PowerShell Mastery, Underthewire century writeup

PowerShell Mastery, Underthewire century writeup

Hello world,

Recently, I have been playing wargames on underthewire.tech and I find those games very important to understand and practice PowerShell which is a Command-Line Interface(CLI) and automation engine developed by Microsoft.

What is PowerShell?

It is an open source cross-platform automation tool which runs on Windows, Linux and macOS. PowerShell is basically composed of:

  1. Modern command shell,
  2. A scripting language and,
  3. A configuration management framework.

For Who?

PowerShell is for anyone who wants to have an efficient interaction with computers and who wants to advance in geeks’ experience.

Wargames write up

This will be a series of write-ups mainly focused on solving the problems on underthewire.tech but also providing some additional notes.

I will be publishing a write up for century 0 and 1 soon. Till then keep learning and practicing!




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