Powerquote for Friday, October 5 , 2018
Robert A Clark, II
Vice President at Port Terminal Services Company & Pacific Crane Maintenance Company, LP
A Simple Plan Of Attack
”Hold the enemy by the nose and kick him in the pants.”
George S. Patton
Something to Ponder …
There are at least two major lessons in this quotation. The first is to simply avoid blundering into “battle” whether that battle is a major project, a major client presentation, or a real fight. Do what you must to take control of the situation.
Work the problem rather than allow the problem to work you. Envelop the situation. Surround it. Manage it.
The second lesson is to keep the plan simple. All tactics of mission and tactics should be simple - even in as complex an enterprise as war or business. But such statements can be simple only if the manager thoroughly understands his or her mission, purpose, objectives, and goals. Do you want to test your understanding of these things? Begin by trying to put them into words as simple, as succinct, and as vivid as those of General Patton.