Powerlifting and Training: Basics and Characteristics of the Workout
The world of training, fitness, and gym is truly vast. There are many different facets that vary in terms of training types, goals to achieve, and equipment involved. One of the most well-known realms is that of weightlifting, where we find Powerlifting as the emblematic discipline.
This term refers to the type of training where the athlete aims to lift the maximum weight possible. This sport originated in the 1970s, with the first competitions taking place in the United States, inspired by Olympic weightlifting competitions.
The focus of this sport is on expressing maximum strength. In Powerlifting, there is a more or less faithful adherence to the logical and methodological principles of Olympic weightlifting, which involves lifting weights overhead.
Characteristics of Powerlifting
The discipline involves individual athletes engaging in physical effort, which can be performed in three different versions: squat, bench press, and deadlift. These are also the three fundamental exercises performed during Powerlifting training, making each session a simulation of real competitions.
In fact, during a competition, each of the three movements can be attempted three times, usually with incremental weights. The goal is to reach and surpass one's own limit by lifting as much weight as possible. One characteristic of this sport is the development of excellent technique as well as a particular focus on pure strength and resistance to effort.
This sport has only recently been separated from weightlifting. Weightlifting refers to lifting the barbell from the floor overhead, while Powerlifting involves shorter movements with heavier loads.
Powerlifting Workout: What Does This Training Involve?
This discipline is characterized by the pursuit and training of pure strength, allowing athletes to lift the maximum weight possible in a single repetition, known as a one-rep max.
Therefore, the exercises performed by the athlete focus on learning and refining specific movements that need to be optimized. These movements need to be carefully developed in terms of motor skills and technique. The training aims to increase the strength of all muscles involved, whether primary, secondary, or stabilizing muscles. It also works on joint mobility, stability, and muscle flexibility.
It's important to note that there are two types of training: equipped and unequipped. The differentiation and the type of competitions to compete in are based on factors such as age, gender, and the athlete's weight-to-power ratio. Nevertheless, the goals of the competition remain the same.
As mentioned earlier, Powerlifting can be divided into classic, also known as raw, and equipped. In some cases, it can be performed without any equipment. In the case of equipped Powerlifting, two specific fields are referred to: the bench shirt, a rigid and supportive shirt used to enhance performance in the bench press, or the squat-deadlift suit, a specialized suit typically used for squatting and deadlifting.