Powering the RISE 8K Run for Women – how your Brighton and Hove business can help.
The RISE 8K Run for Women is our iconic fundraiser, bringing hundreds of people together to say NO to abuse. Supporting it shows that your business says NO, too.
Preparations are well underway for our 17th annual 8K Run for Women. The date is set and the runners are signing up. Will they be seeing your logo, and hear your support, on the 13th October 2024?
By supporting the 8K Run for Women, you send a message to your staff, their families and your customers that you will not tolerate domestic and sexual abuse.
Global statistics tell us that almost one in three women and girls aged 15 and above – around 30% of all women globally - have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both at least once in their life. Domestic abuse is not limited to intimate partner violence - it can also be perpetrated by a family member or carer. This means that someone in your organisation is very likely to be experiencing, or have experienced abuse.
The impacts of domestic abuse on the individual cannot be overstated – it is not only experienced in the moment, but long after, as trauma leaves scars and shadows. But work offers a safe haven – this is why some perpetrators encourage their victims to leave their jobs. Work can be a place where the person is able to think, to reflect – to breathe. A supportive workplace could make an enormous difference to the real lives of your real team.
The statement you make by supporting our work will have a profound ripple effect on those people and also on the perpetrators. Perpetrators thrive in silence and secrecy – they tell their victims that no-one will believe them. By standing up, and clearly saying you support our work in building a world free of domestic and sexual abuse, you are saying you are showing you believe her, that you will listen.
How can my business get involved?
There are loads of ways your business can get involved, whether you employ two people or two thousand!
All sponsorship packages are bespoke and can be tailored to suit your needs – if you have an idea about how you want to support us, or what you’d like to receive in terms of our thanks and training, do ask – we are very open to new ideas and approaches.
In return for your support, we will promote and thank your business on our website, through our social media and press releases, and in emails to both our runners and our community. RISE 8K Run for Women communications reach approximately 10,000 people per month with a core audience in Brighton, Hove and London.
Are you ready to show your team and customers that you say YES to a world free of domestic abuse?
Contact [email protected] for more information.