Powering Growth with Technology

Powering Growth with Technology

Episode Summary

Episode 48:?In light all the great conversations we had at #FutureProof around growth and technology we wanted to highlight how 4 firms are thinking about technology. This episode features some of the best clips that discuss the role of technology in the growth of RIAs. Featuring James Bogart, Sammy Azzouz, Melissa Bouchillon, and Justin Steitz, this episode dives into how technology aids in organic growth, client onboarding, building a tech stack around client needs, and managing with limited resources. Learn how these industry leaders leverage technology to provide value and stay competitive in the wealth management space.?

Show Notes

Episode 48: In this episode of The Connected Advisor, Kyle Van Pelt brings together some of the best clips discussing the role of technology in the growth of RIAs. Featuring James Bogart, Sammy Azzouz, Melissa Bouchillon, and Justin Steitz, this episode dives into how technology aids in organic growth, client onboarding, building a tech stack around client needs, and managing with limited resources. Learn how these industry leaders leverage technology to provide value and stay competitive in the wealth management space.?

In this episode:

  • [01:47] - James Bogart on the impact of digitization on lead flow and client referrals.
  • [06:11] - Sammy Azzouz on the tech stack that supports advisors and helps them grow.
  • [09:54] - Melissa Bouchillon on the role of technology in building Sound View Wealth Advisors.
  • [13:44] - Justin Steitz on why credit unions are lagging behind in digital adoption.


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