PowerGoals / Chapter 5

PowerGoals / Chapter 5

How to Set and Achieve Goals / That Turn Your Dreams into Reality.

by Dr. Hannes Dreyer (Ph.D.) with Elzet Blaauw.

Chapter 5: The Five Levels of Transformation

Now that you have a PowerGoal?, it is time to delve into how to achieve that goal. It is great that you have set your goal. But if you set a goal and never take any action towards it, it is not going to realize. The PowerGoal? process is not a once-off goalsetting exercise. It is a process that you follow until you reach your destination.

Earl Nightengale defined success as the progressive realization of a worthy goal. When we have a PowerGoal? and we take action each and every day to get just a little bit closer to our goal, we are becoming better. According to this definition of success, it means that we are becoming more successful.

We know that success breeds success. The thing is, to become successful is actually very easy. All you must do is to get the right information or the right skills in the right order for the level of the game that you are at and then you must do it. That is what is going to make your PowerGoal? and your dreams a reality.

But how does this process work?

Well, it works according to the five levels of transformation.

This chapter explains the five levels of transformation and why you must follow them in the right order. Each of the levels by itself is important, but if you follow them in the incorrect order, as most people do, you will not see powerful results. We need the right information in the right order for the level of the game that we are at (and then do it) to be successful.

In this chapter, I explain the five levels and the order in which you must follow them to get powerful results. It is not even rocket science. If you think about it, the process I explain is quite logical. However, very few people do it this way, so very few get the right results. I want you to get results, and to get powerful results, so let me show you what very few people know and do.


Any PowerGoal? requires five levels of transformation:

1. Environment (where)

2. Action steps (what)

3. Blueprint (how)

4. Values & beliefs (why)

5. Identity (who)

Another way to explain the five levels is with these questions:

1. Where are you now and where do you want to be?

2. What must you do to get there?

3. How are you going to do it?

4. Why do you want it?

5. Who do you need to become?

Your current environment is the most accurate reflection of where you are right now. You must become aware and identify where you are right now to be able to take your first step forward. In other words, you must transform your environment to move up the levels of transformation.

The next level is about the action steps – what must you do. Your current set of behaviors and habits will not get you to where you want to be, otherwise, you would have been there already. You, therefore, need to remove the ones that are holding you back and cultivate ones that will get you to where you want to be. You must take the right steps in the right order that will move you toward your PowerGoal?.

The next level is about the?how?that will get you to your PowerGoal?. The?how?is the blueprint, or the strategy, that you will follow. It is an outline that gives you the big picture. Many people get stuck on the how because they want to know every exact step they need to take to get to their endpoint. However, that strategy does not allow you to develop and grow as you go. Instead, you only need to have a big picture blueprint and then take the next right step for where you are at any point in time.

The deeply held values and beliefs that you have about life are your?why, the reason behind your PowerGoal?. You need to know your?why?to stay motivated. Sometimes you also need to examine your current values and beliefs to see if they are helping you reach your goal. If you are not the person that you want to be (level 5) or if you do not have what you want in life (your PowerGoal? and dreams), some of your values and beliefs are probably keeping you from being who and having what you want. It is only when you become aware of what these are and when you replace them with values and beliefs that do serve you that you can get to your PowerGoal?. To achieve your PowerGoal?, you need to re-examine and transform your values and beliefs.

Lastly, you must transform your identity. As I have explained in the previous chapters, you will not be able to have what you want if you do not become the person who can have that. The fifth level is about finding out what your identity needs to be to realize your PowerGoal?. The quickest way to your goal is to be the person who can realize it.


The five levels of transformation are not complicated. They should not be difficult to understand. Sure, most people find transformation difficult. Some people choose to think that some types of transformation are impossible rather than attempt it.

But the previous few paragraphs should make sense.

For example, your goal may be to lose weight. You see that currently, you are eating way too much. So you start doing things to eat less – which are actions – and those actions will be determined by the blueprint you use – e.g. limiting certain food types, quantities, and/or frequency of eating. Somewhere you might discover that you are falling back into bad habits of overeating because you see food as a form of comfort, and not only as a source of energy, which has to do about your deeply-held beliefs about food (whether you were aware of those beliefs before or not). In the end, if you want to lose that weight, you need to become the person who eats less to lose the weight.

Even if you have not thought about it in terms of the five levels as I explain them here, most people know instinctively that they must do all of those things to change.

But why don’t they do it? And if they do it, why is it so hard?

I have found that it is because we approach the five levels of transformation in the wrong order. The five levels work, but in the wrong order, it is ineffective.

The best way to transform is to reverse engineer the process. In other words, we start with level 5 and work backward to level 1.

If you think about it, the approach that I have explained so far already follows that order. In a sense, you do start with level 1, because the reason for our goals right at the beginning is that we are not happy with where we are right now. We want something more.

But from that point, we jump to our dreams. We skip right to the end. What do we want? That is our dream. They are the very end of our transformational journey – the by-product of becoming that person on level 5.

And because dreams are so far out there into the future that we cannot fully grasp them, we start reverse engineering. We take the dream that is most important to us right now at this point in our lives, and we turn it into a target that we can aim at and focus on, that we can work towards and measure our progress. That is our PowerGoal?. We have started the process of reverse engineering what we want in life to bring it into existence.

But having a PowerGoal? is not enough. We must move towards it. And that is where the transformational process comes into play. We need to transform on all these levels to get to our PowerGoal?.

But the mistake we make is that we start with where we are (our environment), and we start doing things (action steps) that we think will get us to our goals. It is good, but it is not effective. We do the wrong things, and we only realize that they are wrong after weeks or months – or even years or decades. Or we self-sabotage ourselves because we have not examined our values and beliefs. And we only realize that we have been self-sabotaging ourselves years into the process, if ever.

By that time, we are often so despondent that we give up on our goals. We tell ourselves that everyone was right and that we must just settle for a normal life.

But deep inside, if you do that, it feels as if you are suffocating the very reason for life inside you.

There is a better way. That approach does not work because you have not followed the reverse engineering process all the way.

So, how do you go about reverse engineering this process? Well, you start with level 5 and work your way backward, in other words:

5. Identity (who)

4. Value/beliefs (why)

3. Blueprint (how)

2. Action steps (what)

1. Environment (where)


After you have set your PowerGoal?, the first thing you need to do is to become aware and identify where you are right now. Who you are at this moment is the result of all the other levels – your environment, your behaviors and habits, your skills and capabilities, your values and beliefs. All of those things over all the previous years of your life have culminated into who you are today.

Honestly identifying who you are is a very difficult exercise for most people. Your identity is not who you think you are. It is not your profession or the people that you associate or identify with. Identifying who you really are is a spiritual exercise. Deep down on a spiritual level, who are you really?

Now, many people believe that their identity is fixed and that they cannot change.

This?is?my?personality, they say.?This?is?just?who?I?am.

Well, I have very good news for you: your identity is not fixed. It has been shaped and is still being shaped by many things around you. And the good news is that you can take responsibility and start shaping yourself into the person that you want to be.

This process is not superficial. It is deeply spiritual. It is transformative on the deepest level.

You can even say that you are not changing your identity, but only becoming who you truly are on the deepest level. Or you can say that you are becoming who you were meant to be.

You are getting rid of those things that your past and your teachers and your parents and your circumstances have made you be – but which are not part of the best you. Instead, you become whom you know deep down on the inside you?can?be and whom you were?meant?to be. You are transforming.

We all want to do that. We want to become happier, healthier, more joyful, more peaceful, more fun, more patient, and more loving. We all want those things. But the thing is, those are not things that you have. They are part of who you?are.?They are part of your identity.

You need to get rid of the things that are holding you back from being the best you – the anger, the fear, the guilt, the shame. If those are things that are part of your life, I have excellent news for you – you do not have to be an angry person, or a worrying person, or an insecure person. You can let it go and embrace a much better you.

Identifying who you are right now is not a once-off exercise. It is a spiritual journey that continues your whole life. As I’ve explained in Chapter 2, you will never really have what you are after if you do not embark on this spiritual journey. But the other side is also true: having a PowerGoal? helps us with this spiritual journey.

If you are reading this book, there is a chance that you have decided to start this transformational journey already. Or, maybe you have not.

Either way, I challenge you to decide and commit right now that you are not settling for being anything less than the person whom you want to be and whom you know you can be.

Level 5 is also about identifying who you are going to be when you have reached your PowerGoal?. Again, I am not talking about your profession or your station in life. I am talking about who you will be on the inside, who you will be spiritual.

It is much easier to do it than you think. Simply use your imagination. Imagine yourself in a situation where you have achieved your goal. Imagine and feel who you are at that moment that you have achieved your goal. Think about all the feelings that you have at that moment. You maybe feel happy, or you have peace, or you feel so powerful that you feel as if you can do anything. That is the person that you need to be to achieve your goal.

I want you to take some time right now to do what I describe here. Get quiet on the inside and think about who you are. Who are you on the deepest spiritual level? Are you happy and joyful? Or are you sad and depressed? Are you at peace, or are you fearful and worried? Are you loving, or are you judgemental? Identify the things that you want more of and the things that you want less of.

Then think of yourself as if you have just achieved your PowerGoal?. You are sitting in that Ferrari. You are driving your 4x4 into Moscow. You weigh whatever it is that you want to weigh. Imagine it. Feel it. Taste it. Smell it. Hear it. Who are you at that moment? Are you happy? Are you at peace? Are you loving? Are you free? Are you powerful?

Every day, from this day onward, you are going to become more of this person, until you are the person who can make that goal a reality.



There is a reason why you have done what you have done to bring you to where you are. The reason you are the person you are today with what you have in life is your values and beliefs – you're why.

After thinking about who you are and who you are when you have achieved your PowerGoal?, the next question to ask yourself is,?Why?do?I?want?to?achieve?this?goal?

This question is all about our beliefs and values.

If you have identified who you are and whom you need to become to make your goal a reality, you will see that there is a gap between the two. Unless you know why you want to become that person, you are not going to go through the process to become that person. Your why is the energy, the fuel that propels you to do those things that normal people would never do.

Like your PowerGoal?, your why is unique to you. Two people with the same goal might have very different reasons for their goal. For example, many people have the goal to be financially free. But the reason for their goal, the?why?behind it, is very different for each person.

For one person, being financially free means that they have freedom. They get to choose what they do, when they do it, with whom they do it and where they do it. They are independent. They do not rely on any other person or thing. They value freedom and independence and self-sufficiency. They want this freedom for themselves and for the people whom they care most about in life. They believe that freedom is one of the most precious gifts that we have as human beings, and they want to live their lives as free as possible. Being financially free allows them to be free on so many other levels too.

For another person, being financially free means that they can travel the world. They are not tied to one place or one job or one way of living their life for the rest of their life. They are explorers. They are curious. They want to expand their minds and their experience of life. They crave novelty and diversity. They value exploration, novelty, growth, and change. They believe that experiences are worth more than things. Being financially free is a means for them to live life according to these values and beliefs.

For another person, being financially free means that they have security. They know that they own their home and that they will always have a roof over their head. They know that they will always have food on the table and that their children will never go to bed hungry. They know that they can provide for themselves and their family without fear of the future. They value certainty. They value security. They value peace of mind. They believe that when your physical needs are met, you can flourish and be the best that you can be. Being financially free means that they have a solid foundation under their feet to face whatever uncertainties life brings them.

For another person, being financially free means that they can spend time with their family. They do not simply?have?a family, they?spend?lots of?time?with their family, lots of time. They are there for their children’s first step and first word. Traveling the world only holds appeal if they can experience it with their family. Time is the most valuable gift that they can give themselves and those that they love so dearly. They value quality and quantity time spent with their loved ones, and they value those loved ones. They believe that the most important thing in this world is the relationships with the people closest to you. Being financially free allows them to buy back their time for the thing that is most important to them.

You might identify with none, one, or several of those scenarios. We certainly do not only value only one thing in life. And we hold many beliefs about life, even conflicting ones.

Our values and beliefs often conflict with each other because we did not sit down and pick a nice set of values and beliefs that will serve us very well. Our values and beliefs have been deeply ingrained into us by our past, most of it before the age of seven.

If you suffered financial lack as a child, you might have said to yourself,?My?children?will?never?go?to?bed?hungry,?or?I?will?always?know?where?my?next?meal?comes?from. If you lost a parent at a young age, you might want to spend as much time as possible with your children when they are young. Our parents and teachers influenced us, either in terms of what we want or in terms of what we do not want. We might value family above all else because we had a very loving family or because we had a very dysfunctional one. It is often not even that drastic. Sometimes what seems like a very insignificant event shapes us dramatically.

However, knowing?why?you value and believe what you do is less important than knowing?what?you value and believe. It seems as if it should be easy and obvious even to know what we value and believe, but that is not the case. Our values and beliefs are hidden deep down inside, and some of the strongest ones never show themselves for what they are. They present as other things.

You can certainly start by asking yourself why your PowerGoal? is important to you. Take the answer that you come up with and ask yourself again, why is that thing important to me? Continue asking yourself that question until you find your deepest reason, whatever it might be – peace, freedom, security, family, or whatever you come up with.

Remember, there is no right and wrong here. When some people read the scenarios that I describe above, they might feel that it is?wrong?or that that reason is not noble or good. Your reason is your reason. Become aware of it.

And be willing to face some of the less noble values and beliefs that you might have but do not want to admit that you have. Sure, you might tell yourself that you want to be financially free because you love your family and want to spend time with them, but actually you want to be financially free because you are afraid of being poor.

Let go of your ideas about right and wrong and identify what is. Once you know what you do believe, you can examine whether it is serving you or not, and take action from there.

Like our identities, our values and beliefs are not fixed. Most people’s values and beliefs?are?fixed, but only because they believe they are fixed. You can grow, and you can change.

I believe that negative outcomes, what most people call?failure, are one of the best things in life. Sure, positive outcomes feel good, but negative outcomes make us aware of those things that we were unaware of before. One of the things we are often unaware of is the values and beliefs that are not serving us. Our subconscious mind hides them from our conscious minds because we are uncomfortable facing those things. However, if you scrape together enough courage to examine your values and beliefs when you experience a negative outcome, my friend, you can experience phenomenal transformation and results beyond your wildest dreams. Your limiting beliefs and values are the things that are going to keep you where you are at instead of transforming.

So ask yourself?why?not only about your PowerGoal? but also about the results that you experience on the journey towards it. Transforming your values and beliefs into ones that serve that best version of you opens whole new pathways to your PowerGoal?.



Only once you have examined the?who?and the?why?of your PowerGoal? do you get to the?how. The?how?is all about the blueprint, or the strategy, that will get you to your PowerGoal?. It is the framework or the big picture.

Most people get stuck with the?how. They confuse the?how?with the next step, which is?what?you need to do. But, remember, the blueprint is the outline of the road from here to there. It is the big picture, not the step-by-step process.

In essence, there is only one strategy, or blueprint, that will get you to your PowerGoal?. It is what I have called the Wealth Creators Strategy?. The Wealth Creators Strategy? is the intelligent use of limited resources to go from where you are to where you want to be in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of risk. Applying the Wealth Creators Strategy? means that we rely on our capabilities, skills, and capacity. We rely on being resourceful and not necessarily on the resources.

Most people associate the?how?with what resources they are going to use. As wealth creators, we rely on our resourcefulness. We know that deep down inside of us, we already have everything we need to get to our goals. We dig down deep to find it and make use of it.

I have told you that you do not have to know?how?you will get to your PowerGoal? when you set it. Most people set goals that are too small because they only set goals that they know how to achieve. But those are not transformational goals. If you only set goals that you know how to achieve, you do not have to change, you do not have to become a better person, you do not have to dig into your why and examine it and wrestle with it until it burns inside of you.

We only work with the?how?so late in the process because we must first know whom we need to be and why we want what we want. Those two things result in a very different?how?than if we try to determine it when we set our PowerGoal?.

Einstein famously said that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. That is why transforming our identity as well as our values and beliefs before we focus on the blueprint gives us much more powerful results. It is also why we need to follow a blueprint that allows for and even requires us to transform. We cannot only rely on the skills and capabilities that we have at the moment.

It is much easier to identify the shortest path to your PowerGoal? when you know that your identity is not fixed and that your values and beliefs do not have to hold you back. That is why we only look at the?how?after the?who?and the?why.

I delve much deeper into the Wealth Creators Strategy? in Chapter 8. For now, ask yourself:?How?am?I?going?to?become?this?new?me??How?am?I?going?to?achieve?my?goal?

At this point, you might not know how you will get there. That is fine. You do not want to get stuck in the planning phase. You want to set a direction and then act immediately. The best way to start figuring out the direction you should take is to ask yourself what the next step is that you can take to become the new you that can achieve your PowerGoal? and by when must you do it. Write it down. Tick it off when you have done it. Then ask that question again and follow through.

Remember that the Wealth Creators Strategy? is the intelligent use of limited resources to go from where you are to where you want to be in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of risk. By determining your next step and doing it, you are intelligently using the limited resources that you have at that moment (where you are) to get to your PowerGoal (where you want to be). As you take action, you get feedback. Did it work? Didn’t it work? This feedback allows you to adjust your next step to shorten the time to get to your goal and to lower your risk.

The best way to set your blueprint is by taking your next step, evaluating the outcome, readjusting, and doing it again and again until you get to your PowerGoal?.



In level two, we get down to the nitty-gritty. If we don’t take action, we won’t get anywhere.

The question we ask at this level is,?What?do?I?need?to?do??In terms of where you are right now, what are the steps that you need to take in order to turn your blueprint into reality? And then, of course, you must do it. It ties in very closely with the Wealth Creators Strategy? –

You only use your resources when you take action. That action leads to feedback which allows you to find the quickest, surest path to your PowerGoal?.

Level two is not only about action but also about turning those actions into habits. A habit that I have formed over the years is to ask myself at least once a day is,?What?is?the?most?important?thing?that?I?can?do?right?now?to?reach?my?PowerGoal???Based on what I did and learned the previous day, the answer is usually different every day. It can even differ at different times of the day. At 5 am, it might be that I should spend some time in meditation. At 10 am, it might be that I should do marketing. At 7 pm, it might be that I should spend time with my wife. While I had to be working at 10 am, at 10 pm it might be that I should stop working and go to bed. For you, it might be that you should stop sleeping and go to work because that is what makes sense in your context.

Can you see now why I say you should not worry about the details of what you need to do when you set your PowerGoal? or even when you set your strategy? Your?what?evolves over time and in every moment.

However, that does not mean that you should not hold yourself accountable for what you are doing and what you are not doing. One of the most important things to do is to monitor your actions and behaviors. Are you doing what you know you should be doing? And are you doing it consistently enough to get the results that you want? Are you?not?doing the things that you know are keeping you from your goals? And are you breaking those bad habits and not falling back into them?

At this point in the process, many of the dreamers fall off the wagon. They may do the right things for a day or a week. But pretty soon, they give up, like those people who set New Year’s resolutions and give up by the second Friday of the month.

At this level, it is extremely important to remind yourself of your why. Your why must be so strong that it pulls you out of your complacency and bad habits. If your desirability is less than anything but a 10/10, you will not stick it through. Your limiting beliefs and values will also hold you back here. If you cannot stay motivated to take action towards your PowerGoal? every single day or if you start feeling stuck, it is most probably time to examine your limiting beliefs and values.

I call such limiting beliefs and values resistors. They resist your progress. They hold you back from achieving your PowerGoal? and, more importantly, from being the best you that you can be. Removing resistors is one of the best personal development exercises. It makes you a better, happier, more successful person. I discuss how to remove your limiting beliefs in more detail in Chapter 9, which is about your brain and your body.

If your motivation is falling and you face some resistance, it is easy to start letting things slip and drift off course. Most people do not consciously decide to give up on their dreams and goals. It just fizzles out slowly over time.

Monitoring your actions and your behaviors keeps you on track. It keeps you accountable. I like to keep an Excel spreadsheet. I list all the actions I need to do daily to get to my goals, and every day I mark off whether I did it or not. I also keep track of my results. If I did marketing for weeks in a row, but I am not getting the sales I want, I know that I need to change my marketing strategy, in other words, how I am doing marketing. But if I had not been diligent in doing marketing and I am not getting sales, the problem is probably not with my marketing strategy. I am not doing what is necessary to get the results that I want.

If I want to lose weight but I never exercise and I eat too much, I should not be surprised if I do not lose weight. I will track how much I exercised on which days and maybe even what kinds of exercise I do. I will track how much I eat of what foods to know what actions and behaviors I need to change.

Or let us use an example of a completely different goal. If my PowerGoal? is about improving my relationship with my wife, I cannot expect my relationship with her to improve if I never spend any time with her. So maybe that is something that I will want to track.

It is even better if you report what you monitored to other people. In my mentoring courses, I ask my students to report daily on each of their most important things to do that day to reach their PowerGoal?, to set a deadline by when to do it, and then to tell us whether they did it.

Weekly, all of us give feedback on those actions that we decide we will do daily to reach our PowerGoals?. It raises the stakes, and others can help point out our blind spots.

It is also why I created a course called the 91 Perfect Day Challenge. I encourage all my students and my team members to follow it daily. The 91 Perfect Day Challenge breaks your year into four 91-day cycles. For each 91-day cycle, you have a goal to focus on, and you decide on those things you need to do every day to get to your 91-day goal which will get you to your PowerGoal?. The challenge is that at the end of each of those 91 days, you need to be able to say that for you and your PowerGoal?, you have had a perfect day. Every day you become a little better, and you move one step closer to your goal.

Because success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal, if you take a step closer to your goal every day, you can say that every day is a success. At the end of every day, you’ve got a perfect day, and you are one step closer to your PowerGoal?. However you decide to do it, make sure that you get into the habit and the routine to do the right things every single day.

There is a concept called?kaizen, which means constant and never-ending improvement. It ties in with the definition of success as the progressive realization of a worthy goal. You achieve your goal by taking the steps on a day-to-day basis.

Right now, ask yourself:?What?is?the?first?and?easiest?step?for?me?to?start?moving?towards?my?PowerGoal?,?and?by?when?will?I?take?that?step??Write it down to keep yourself accountable. Go back and tick it off when you have done it. Instill a sense of success by moving one step closer to your goal today – and then every day after.



The last level is your environment. In Chapter 6, I go into much more detail about all ten of your environments. However, in essence, this level is about where you are now. Your current environment is what it is because of what you are doing and have been doing until now. Those things gave you the environment that you have.

The car that you drive, you drive for a reason. It did not magically appear one day. You followed this whole transformational process until now so that it lines up with your identity. There was a reason why you bought the car. There was a specific strategy that you implemented. For example, you bought the car on a lease or cash, which are two different strategies. What steps did you take to buy the car? For example, you had to save, or you had to go to the bank. Those were the actions you took to get the car. You maybe had to have a certain job to be able to afford a certain car.

The same thing is true about relationships. If you are in a relationship or if you are married, this same process applies to the person with whom you are in a relationship. Because of the person that you are and the things you value and believe, you followed (and still follow) certain strategies to meet people. For example, if you think of yourself as a shy person and you value your privacy, you are not going to go to every possible place in the world where you can meet different people and where you have to interact with people all the time. But you maybe have a job, and for that, you have to go to work every day and interact with the people at work. Then it makes sense that you would have met your spouse at work.

The same applies to your friends, and even to your job. You took that job or chose that career because of who you are at that time, what you value and believe, and then the strategies and behaviors you choose in line with your identity, value, and beliefs.

Your environment reflects what you have done and this process that you have followed, whether you knew it or not.

The opposite is also true: your environment often keeps you stuck in your current reality. Your environment has become a habit. You do the same things, in the same way, every day, every week, and every month. Research has shown that an average person has between 60,000 and 70,000 thoughts a day. The problem is that 95% of those thoughts are exactly the same every day.

Even if you have set your PowerGoal?, the moment that you get back into your environment, it is going to be very difficult to go through with the transformational process.

Many people do not achieve their goals because they are not willing to let go of their comfort zone, and their current environment. They are not willing to transform their current reality.

Even if you identify the actions that you need to take to be successful, it will be very hard and impossible even to do those things if your environment does not support it. Your environment always trumps your willpower.

You may decide you are not going to eat sugar, but if your desk is next to the doughnut station at work, by 3 pm you will be hungry and cranky, and your willpower reserves will be below. You will probably grab one of those doughnuts like you have always done in the past. That evening when you mark your accountability sheet, you beat yourself up. I could not do it again. I was too weak. But most if not all of us will be too weak to break that habit when our environment triggers it every time.

But what if you decide to set up your environment for success? In the doughnut example, you might ask them to move the doughnut station away from your desk, or you might ask another person to swap desks with you. Immediately you have a higher chance of breaking that habit just by changing your environment.


The great thing is that we are the creators of our own lives. Even if we created our current reality without being aware of it consciously, we can change it again consciously into whatever we wish.

It is your environment that will keep you stuck. And you do not want to be stuck. You want to be moving towards your PowerGoal? and taking the shortest route possible.

Do not hold on to those things which are keeping you back. Get rid of them. If you were going to climb Mount Everest, you would not take a whole bunch of things with you that you don’t need. Take what you need and leave the rest behind. You want to enjoy the journey, not suffer needlessly, or, even worse, have to give up because of something that was within your control.

This is your game, and your game only. Set it up so that you can win.


If you have not yet taken time to work through the questions for each level of transformation, do it now before you continue reading. Doing these activities is what will separate you as a doer rather than a reader, as someone who will get results rather than an information gatherer who can give all the right answers but who does not have the results to back it up.

Seriously engaging with these questions will not take only a few minutes. Take an hour, at least. If you can, give yourself as much time as you need. You can also give yourself two timeslots so that you can finish and review what you started. If you can, go somewhere where there are no distractions. Preferably, it should be a different environment, so that your home or office environment does not keep you stuck in your current way of thinking.

Turn the answers to those questions into actions that you can do as soon as possible. The next chapters delve deeper into each of these levels of transformation. However, you do not need to read those chapters before you get going. Start doing what you have set out to do immediately and keep ongoing. The next chapters simply give you more information and more tools to use on this journey.

As I’ve said before, going through each of the levels of transformation is not a once-off activity. You do not do an identity exercise once and then never have to think about who you are again. You do not become clear on your why and then never have to examine your values and beliefs again. The how and what of your journey will constantly be changing, by definition. And as you change, your environment will be changing too, and you want to be in control of it. This book helps you with that journey. These are resources to take note of, use, and come back to when you might get stuck.

This transformational journey of achieving your PowerGoal? is a glorious one, but there is a reason that not many people embark on it and fewer still complete it. I want to give you the advantage to be one of those who make it to the end, to the very top of your mountain, to be the highest of them all.

For more information on the Powergoal method;


