PowerGoals / Chapter 11 / Make It Happen.
How to Set and Achieve Goals / That Turn Your Dreams into Reality.
by Dr. Hannes Dreyer (Ph.D.) with Elzet Blaauw.
Chapter 11: Make It Happen
We have come a long way through this book. I have challenged you to do some challenging exercises and to consider some thoughts which might go against what you have believed about life so far.
You might agree with what I said, and you might not. That is your right, and I respect it. I shared with you my perspective and what I have found to work. Of course, it is more than that too. It is what I have been teaching my students and what I have seen work in their lives too.
You have a choice now. What are you going to do?
You might disagree with me and disregard what you read in this book. It would be sad because it would mean you have been wasting your time reading this book. I sincerely hope that there is something that you read here that you can take with you and which will make your life better.
If you disagree with something that I said, or if certain things do not make sense to you, I challenge you to go back to those portions of the book. Reread them. Do your own research. Try it for yourself. Do not give up on your goal and your dream. Fight for it.
However, the opposite can also be true: you can agree with me and be excited about what you learned – and still do nothing with it. In some ways, it would be an even sadder scenario. How can you learn something and not do anything with it?
If you agree with most of what I said and if you are excited about what you learned, I challenge you to do the same. Go back to those portions of the book that you do not fully understand. Now that you have the full picture, many things which were unclear before might open up to you. I tried to present all the information to you in a logical order, but all of it is intertwined. One bit of knowledge affects the other, and together they make up the whole. Moreover, we process things differently. Knowing something from the last chapter might help you understand something in the first.
Whatever your takeaway is, please, please, apply it in your life.
I am going to let you in on a little secret that I have not shared until now. In my 35+ years experience of in setting and achieving PowerGoals?, I have discovered the following: achieving your PowerGoal? is usually an anti-climax. The reason is very simple. As you change and become the person that can achieve that thing, the difficulty ratio decreases. You get to a point where you know it is simply a matter of time for you to get there.
Does that mean you should not pursue your PowerGoal? anymore? Or that you should never start the process in the first place? Of course not! The end goal is simply much less glamourous than we think it will be when we set out a goal. The real joy is in the journey. The joy comes from being that person who is happier and more fulfilled, not having that thing.
Once your PowerGoal? is realized, or even before it is realized but the difficulty ratio has gone down, new dreams will surface. New horizons will open up to you.
The journey is never finished.
Another secret I can share with you is that the journey changes over time. Whether it changes with age or whether it changes as you develop, I cannot say for sure. It is probably a combination of the two. But the thing that fired me up 30 years ago is not that important to me anymore. There are other things, and the fire which drives me is different too. These changes do not mean that the journey is over, simply that it has changed.
As I am writing this book, I am 62 years old. This morning, I did 62 push-ups. The journey is far from over for me. One of my mentors, even though I have never met him, is Warren Buffet. As I am writing this, he is 89 years old – and still running Berkshire Hathaway.
On the other hand, one of my greatest inspirations and examples at this point in my life is my grandchildren. They are one and two years old at this point – and it is incredible to see how they are embarking on their journey of life with enormous zest and enthusiasm. You are never too old or too young.
I never want to write a book that only gives you information. I want to write a book that transforms you. So take this book and use it to set your PowerGoal? – and then go out and achieve it.
I firmly believe that if you apply what you have learned in this book, you are going to achieve your goals a lot easier and a lot faster than any other method that is available – and you will be achieving goals that you previously did not even think was possible.
As I write the final words of this book, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is spreading across the globe at an alarming speed. In many countries, including many developed ones, normal life has stopped overnight. We practice social distancing. Large meetings of people are canceled or postponed, including most sports and thus the 2020 Summer Olympics. Certain businesses, like restaurants, stopped operating in several countries under government orders. Here in South Africa, we are under a 21-day lockdown. Most businesses are not trading, and you are only allowed outside for essentials, like food and medicine.
Like everyone else in the world, I have been profoundly affected by this disease. On 15 April 2020, in less than three weeks from the time of this writing, Tanja and I would have started our 4x4 trip to Russia with a group of fellow travelers. As I described in the last chapter of the book, that goal was not really a PowerGoal? any longer. Barring a few last visas, we had everything in place to leave. It was hardly a 10/10 in terms of difficulty anymore.
However, all of that changes when countless countries decided to close their borders in the last few weeks. At this moment, we are not even allowed to leave our home, never mind the country.
The great thing is that I have already achieved the financial part of my PowerGoal?. I made the money that will enable me to go on this trip as soon as those things which are beyond my control allow it to happen. When our traveling group had to decide on the matter, it was a simple thing to me. We simply postpone the trip to next year, which the group agreed on. The journey of this past year was not in vain. Our dream of a 4x4 trip to Russia is going to realize, just not this year.
Like I shared in the previous chapter, the journey of pursuing this PowerGoal? is now of far greater value to me than the actual goal of the 4x4 trip. Through the process of realizing my dream, I have built a cryptocurrency portfolio and several businesses that are protecting me from the financial turmoil that most of the world is facing at this moment. It has also put me in an even better position to help others in this dire time.
I believe in this book and its message even more than when I started writing it. I could never have guessed what the world would look like now that it is ready to be published. But I believe the Infinite Intelligence knew and was orchestrating it all for all of our greater good. I am eternally grateful that I had the idea to write a book a few months ago and that I did what was necessary to realize that idea. I know this book can have an immensely powerful impact on everyone that reads it, now during this time of crisis in the world and when we have gone through it too.
I want to implore you one last time: if you have read this book right until the end, do not stop now. Apply what you learned and build the life of your dreams. You will never be sorry that you have embarked on this journey.
Your life matters to me. Your story is important. I want to hear about your wins and your challenges.
Have you applied what I teach here and seen results? Great! I want to hear from you.
Are you struggling? I want to help you.
On the?PowerGoal??Community,?you can share your testimonial or ask if you have any questions. We also share some great resources to help you along the way.
The best part about writing and teaching to me is hearing about how your life has been transformed – and helping you get there if you are stuck.
I can’t wait to hear from you.
From the author: share your story
Your life matters to me. Your story is important. I want to hear about your wins and your challenges.
Have you applied what I teach here and seen results? Great! I want to hear from you.
‘Are you struggling? I want to help you.
On the PowerGoal? Community, you can share your testimonial or ask if you have any questions. We also share some great resources to help you along the way.
The best part about writing and teaching to me is hearing about how your life has been transformed – and helping you get there if you are stuck.
I can’t wait to hear from you.
We would like to thank:
? The staff at the Wealth Creators Method who have supported
?us and the process of writing, publishing, and marketing this
?book. Lara, Lilo, and Netta, you are the cornerstones on which?we build.
? The Wealth Creators Method mentoring students of 2019/2020
?who shared this book-writing journey and their PowerGoal?
?journeys with us, specifically Andre Kotze, Arno Lamprecht,
?Bertus Basson, Clinton Meyer, Corne Nothnagel, Dean Abro,
?Deston le Roux, Emil Jansen, Francois Dekker, Francois van
?Huyssteen, Hannes Jordaan, Hannes Naudé, Ian Boggon, Ian
?Opperman, Jackie Ward, Jan Olivier, Johan Stroh, Johannes
?Marx, John Redman, JP Terblanche, Justino Ferreira, Luke
?Wollenschlaeger, Marile Landman, Merigen van Staden,
?Micky Lamprecht, Ockert Vermeulen, Riaan Loots, Rudi
?Kruger, Stuart Birch, Sudhir Mohan, Tesfaya Andargie, Thea
?le Roux, Thomas van Schalkwyk, Tiaan du Toit, Werner
?Tenten and Wolfgang Kirsh.
? Our spouses, Tanja and Petri, for believing in us and in this
?message. You enable us to be the best versions of ourselves.
Author Biography – Dr Hannes Dreyer
Qualifications: PhD, MSc (Econ), CFP? MDRT, COT, TOT, CEA, IQA, CBBR, HPPL, FIWC. HFIWC, MFIWC
Born in Pretoria, in the beautiful country of South Africa, Dr Dreyer started his first business at the tender age of ten and made his first million by thirty. He failed his matric and had to redo it to get accepted to the University of Pretoria, where he dropped out a couple of semesters later. He began his professional career as a financial advisor in 1982 and has been honoured with prestigious awards such as the Million Dollar Round Table (only the top 6% of financial brokers in the world receive this award), the Court of the Table (only the top 1% of financial brokers in the world receive this accolade) and the Top of the Table (only the top 1% of the top 1% of financial brokers in the world receive this prestigious accolade).
Dr Dreyer holds numerous international quality awards and has received top production and quality awards as a broker with companies such as Old Mutual, Sanlam, Momentum, Liberty and Fedsure Life, to name but a few. He was also in the Top 25 insurance brokers in South Africa for several years. Dr Dreyer has qualified as a Certified Financial Planner (not practising) Independent, Creative Risk Manager (not practising) and a Business Consultant and Coach (not practising). He has developed several software programs on property investment, financial planning, unit trust investments and cryptocurrency investment.
1982 - Started career as an insurance agent for Old Mutual
1987 - Joined Volkskas as a broker
1988 - Top 10 Volkskas broker two years in a row
1989 - Fellow of the Institute of Life and Pension Advisors (FILPA)
1990 - Initiated the Volkskas Corporate Brokers concept
1991 - Independent Broker
1994 - 1998 Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)
1995 - Accredited Life Underwriter of South Africa (ALSA)
1995 - Court of the Table (COT)
1995 - Top of the Table (TOT)
Biggest business learning experience
Dr. Dreyer started two financial services businesses that ran a loss of more than $571,000 in the first eighteen months, and he turned those businesses, single-handedly, into profitable businesses after all "experts" advised that it would be better to liquidate the businesses because there was no chance of reviving them. It was the realisation, as a CFP, that more than 95% of the world population would not be financially secure at retirement age and that he was on his way to staying part of that 95%, that was a major turning point in his life.
From that day on, he endeavoured to find out why conventional investments and investment advice simply don’t work. In the process, he discovered and developed the true secrets, strategies and formulae for wealth creation, the ones that have genuine potential to set people free. Dr Dreyer has dedicated his life to helping ordinary people learn and apply these strategies, so that they too can have real wealth. All his strategies are based on universal principles and laws. In this way, it is possible for anyone to build wealth in all seven areas of life with the emphasis on creating, preserving and enjoying financial wealth.
Best-selling author
Developed by Dr Dreyer, the Formula For Riches? is a breakthrough in strategic wealth creation, enabling ordinary people from all walks of life to systematically achieve their goals in a focused, results-centred fashion. The Formula for Riches? is integral to Dr Dreyer’s Wealth Creation approach and can be applied in every area of wealth. The Formula for Riches? has been used by his students over the past 25 years as a fail-safe approach to building wealth, fulfilment, happy relationships, greater security, increased peace of mind, bountiful leisure time and much, much more. To date, the book Formula for Riches? has sold more than 20 000 copies worldwide.
Milestones as an author
Property: The Road to Riches
Wealth: A Technical Approach
The Art of Selling Is Never to Sell
The Basics of Property Investments Trusts for the Entrepreneur and Investor
Property investor
Dr Dreyer’s approach includes property investments, a much- misunderstood wealth creation tool that, correctly used, has incredible potential for financial freedom. Dr Dreyer developed his prestige Property Pro Investment Analysis Software? in 1987, which has enabled him to retire from financial planning at the age of 37. In 2002, he made the Property Pro Investment Analysis Software? available to the general public through his best-selling course: The Property Pro Investment Course? to help people understand and apply strategic reasoning to make the right choices when investing in property for financial freedom.
He has enabled his students, with these tools, to combine property and the Formula for Riches? with spectacular and fail-safe investment results. Dr Dreyer completed his master’s degree dissertation on “Residential Property as an Investment Instrument”. To prove his system, he bought 48 properties in 94 days without using a cent of his own capital. The property portfolio was cash flow positive from the first day.
Milestones as a property investor
1982 - Bought his first residential property.
1987 - Bought his first commercial (retail and offices) property.
1991 - Bought his first block of flats.
1994 - Bought his first township development.
1995 - Bought his first commercial property development.
2002 - Developed the Property Pro: Property Investment Course. 2002 - Certified Estate Agent (not practising).
2002 - Certified Business Broker Realtor (not practising).
2004 - Developed Property Pro Basic Course.
2004 - Bought 48 properties in 94 days for FREE.
2004 – Master’s dissertation on "Residential Property as an Investment Instrument”.
2005 - Developed the Advanced Property Investors Course.
Debt eradication strategist
Developed with the mission to free himself and his family from the proverbial rat race, the Warriors Against Debt: Debt Eradication System? has proved invaluable in all phases of the economic cycle, to allow people trapped in the rat race to take those first crucial steps to realise their financial goals no matter how bleak their financial situations. Today more than 20 years after its initial conception, the Warriors Against Debt program is still the best system on the market to reduce financial stress and to help set people free to take back control of their finances.
Leading wealth creator
Witnessing the effect the Formula for Riches? has had on people from differing countries, genders and educational levels inspired him to complete his PhD on “Applying The Formula For Wealth Creation To Develop Entrepreneurs And Investors”. He took on a personal challenge to use the Formula for Riches? to liberate people from pervasive myths like “you must have money to make money”; “you must make use of financial institutions, because you can’t do it on your own” and “you have to be lucky, well-connected, well-educated, or exceptionally talented to become wealthy”.
To disprove these damaging myths, Dr Dreyer took less than 12 cents and turned it into an investment of over $1,400.000 in less than two and a half years. The entire process was documented for his students through his Mentoring Course. Dr Hannes Dreyer is the founder and CEO of the Wealth Creators Method?, a private, outcome-based learning institute, based on the culmination of 33+ years of knowledge, experience, research and study into finance, economics, psychology and philosophy.
Milestones as a wealth creator entrepreneur
1967 - Starts first business at age 10.
1987 – First-time millionaire.
2002 - Wrote an advertisement in less than 30 minutes that made more than $2,570,000.
2002 - Started a business with less than $100 that generates more than $1.5 million per year in income.
2004 - Started a business with $0 and made more than $7,100 net profit on the first day of trading.
2004 - The first business in the "Wealth Creators Mentor Program" made more than $36,570 net profit the first day of trading.
2004 - Turned 11 cents into more than $1,400,000 in less than two and a half years.
2005 - Developed the Retire Quickly Program?.
2007 – First-time "virtual millionaire" in less than 24 hours.
2010 - Founded the Wealth Creators University?.
Family man
Dr. Dreyer accredits his success in life to his wife, Tanja. They have been happily married for more than 37 years. They have two daughters who are actively involved in the Wealth Creators University. Hannes enjoys spending time with his family and educating his daughters in the art of wealth creation. He has a long list of hobbies that he pursues which includes flying helicopters, travelling, scuba diving, fire walking, bungee jumping, reading and research, game farming and growing cycads. He is to be found, on most days, walking around his tennis court, devising new ways of developing wealth creators.
Dr. Hannes Dreyer is not a personal or professional, financial, business or legal consultant.
Co-author Biography – Elzet Blaauw
Elzet is passionate about helping people make their ideas and dreams a reality.
One way in which she lives out this passion is through her love for words. Elzet wrote and illustrated her first book at the age of six, shortly after teaching herself how to read. As an adult, she helps others find the right words to communicate their message.
Elzet is also a wealth creator, residential real estate investor and entrepreneur – thanks in no small part to the mentorship of Dr Hannes Dreyer.
Elzet lives in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa, with her husband and young son.
For more about Elzet, see www.dhirubhai.net/in/elzet-kirsten-blaauw/.
More books and products
With over 40 unique programs and hundreds of hours of content, our programs are designed to give you the skills you need so that you can get the results you want. Want to start a business without investing any money? Need an in-depth property investment primer? Considering starting a business online? No problem. We’ve got what you need and we’re here to help.
If you are serious about developing your wealth creation skills and you want to accelerate your learning, you should check out our wealth creator training programs. Our no-nonsense approach is aimed at getting you results fast.
For more than ten years, Dr. Hannes Dreyer’s information products have been best-selling products in South Africa. Why? Because they work. Our strategies and systems are based on more than 30 years of experience, research, and study into self-development, finance, business, and investments. We take pride in designing our products around strategies and systems that get results, but we are only half of the equation.
Disclaimer: We are serious about helping people who are serious about creating, preserving, and enjoying their wealth. Mastering your finances, investments and businesses are incredibly rewarding, it allows for tremendous creative expression and above all it’s so much fun. What it's not is effortless.
If you are looking for a "get rich quick", "I don't want to spend any time or effort", "I don’t want to take responsibility" approach to creating, preserving, and enjoying your wealth, then this is not the place for you.
You can learn how to create wealth either through your investments or by building a successful, stable, and personally fulfilling business that gives you time and freedom, and money, but both will take work. We are here to help, but we can only help the people who are willing to take the responsibility to put in the time and the effort to work for it.
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