PowerGoals / Chapter 10 / Creating You.

PowerGoals / Chapter 10 / Creating You.

How to Set and Achieve Goals / That Turn Your Dreams into Reality.

by Dr. Hannes Dreyer (Ph.D.) with Elzet Blaauw.

Chapter 10: Creating You.

I want to share a few last concepts about who you are with you that I believe will help you on your transformational journey. Many of these concepts come from the latest scientific discoveries. We are continually finding out more about how our world works, and this newfound knowledge is very helpful for us as wealth creators to create the lives that we want. We do not have to try again and again until we get it right. We can use scientific knowledge, which is the knowledge that comes from rigorous experimentation.

Much of this scientific knowledge aligns with ancient wisdom too. What I find exciting about many of the latest scientific discoveries is that they are starting to build bridges to what we previously could only conceptualize in religious or cultural terms. Our knowledge still has many gaps, and many scientists interpret these newest findings in conflicting ways.

What I want you to get from this chapter is not undisputed facts but tools that will help you achieve your goals. Think about what I share critically, yes. But do not dismiss anything unless you have tried it for yourself.

Brain waves.

I already told you many things about the brain in the previous chapter, but I also want to share with you what scientists know about our brain waves.

All the activity in your brain is electrochemical. In other words, it happens because of chemicals that are secreted and electrical charges that are sent between the neurons of the brain. Brainwaves are produced by the synchronized electrical pulses of all the neurons communicating with each other. These electrical waves carry voltage, and their frequency can be measured by different forms of medical technology, like electroencephalography (EEG).

Brainwave frequencies refer to how many waves of electric energy are produced in a set period, or, in other words, how quickly or slowly the waves follow each other. Research shows that different frequencies of brainwaves are present during different types of mental activity. Based on their findings, scientists divided brainwaves into bandwidths to describe their functions. Brainwaves range from slow, loud, and functional to fast, subtle, and complex.

Brainwaves can be compared to sounds. Low-frequency brainwaves are like deeply penetrating drumbeats. They make us feel sluggish and dreamy. High-frequency brainwaves are more like a subtle, high-pitched flute, and they make us feel wired and hyper-alert. We need a proper balance of all of them to function properly. As wealth creators, knowing about our brainwaves enables us to use them to function optimally to get to our goals.

Below is an image of the five types of brainwaves – gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta, ranging from high frequency to low frequency.

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Gamma brainwaves are the fastest brain waves, in other words, they have the highest frequency. They occur when information is being rapidly processed during moments of insight and peak focus. They are also associated with expanded consciousness and spirituality. Interestingly, your mind has to be quiet to access this level of frequency. The high frequency is not about being busy but about being quietly focused. Master musicians experience gamma brainwaves when they perform, for example.

Slightly slower, or with a lower frequency, are beta brainwaves. Beta brainwaves are what we mostly experience when we are awake. It is present when we are alert, attentive, engaged in problem-solving or decision-making. During the beta, we are focused on the outer world, not the inward world. Beta brainwaves range from musing (lower beta) to highly complex thought, excitement, and high anxiety (high beta).

Beta brainwaves allow us to focus on the task at hand. However, they also drain us, making us less creative and emotionally aware. Continual high-frequency processing, present during excitement or anxiety, is not a very efficient way to run the brain because it takes a tremendous amount of energy. In our always-on society, people often get stuck in beta, leading to insomnia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and burnout.

It is therefore crucial that our brains slow down to alpha brainwaves after a period of more intense brainwave frequency. During alpha, we are relaxed and calm. We are present in the moment. Alpha is a resting state for the brain. It happens when we daydream or read a book. Alpha is also the best state in which to learn. It is crucial to move into alpha to be able to fall asleep and have a good night’s rest. Light meditation or creative activities help us move into alpha.

When you sleep, the frequencies in your brain slow down, and you experience theta brainwaves. Deep meditation and hypnosis also lead to theta. During theta, our senses are not focused on the external world but on signals from within. In theta, we experience vivid imagery, intuition, and information beyond our ordinary conscious awareness. It is also where we have access to our suppressed fears, troubled history, and nightmares.

We also experience theta in those moments when we are busy waking up or drifting off to sleep. Another way we sometimes slip into theta is when we do something on autopilot or in a state of flow. Theta brainwaves are the reason why people sometimes have a burst of creativity just when they fall asleep or wake up, or while they are in the shower. Their minds slowed down to a level of simply being, allowing that inner creativity to come out.

Accessing theta is extremely important to our transformational journey. It allows us to tap into our deepest values and beliefs. During theta, we unearth those things which are holding us back. We also access our greatest creativity. Our society attaches a lot of value to our conscious, analytical thinking and dismisses our intuition. We lose out if we do that. The imagery and intuition that come to us during theta are powerful tools we can use to set and pursue our PowerGoals?.

Having moved through theta, we experience delta brainwaves. Delta brainwaves are generated during deep, restorative, dreamless sleep and the deepest meditation. During delta, we have no awareness of the external world. Healing and regeneration happen in this state, which is why deep sleep is so essential to living a healthy life.

Brainwaves are the reason why children are so impressionable and why most of our values and beliefs are programmed before the age of seven. From the womb until roughly the age of two, the human brain functions primarily in delta, the lowest frequency. Babies of this age simply download programs with very little critical thinking or judgment. Between the ages of two and six, children operate mainly in theta. They are very connected to their inner world. Imagination and daydreams are as real to them as the outer world. They are in a super learning state and are very open to suggestions, as an adult would be during hypnosis.

Between the ages of five and eight, children’s brains start operating mainly in alpha. Their analytical mind begins to form, and they begin to interpret their environment. However, their inner world of imagination is still as real as the outer world. It is an excellent time for learning. Somewhere between the ages of eight and twelve, children move into beta brainwaves, like those adults experience most of the time.

But I had so little control over my life until the age when I moved into beta, you might be thinking. Well, I have great news for you. As adults, we can recreate this state that we were in when we were children, this time on our terms. We can reprogram our minds. We do it by learning to regulate our brainwaves and choosing what we expose ourselves to when we are in different states.

Meditation is one of the best ways to learn to regulate your brainwaves. As you progress in your meditation practice, you learn how to enter theta through meditation. In that state, you can uproot those beliefs and values that are not serving you and replace them with ones that do. You can also unlock all the power of creative insight and intuition of that state.

Interestingly, regular meditation also promotes gamma brainwaves, those highest-frequency waves of utter focus and concentration. Meditation is not only about slowing down your brainwaves. It is about focus and silencing your mind and your body, prerequisites for gamma.

Heart rhythms.

Creating the new you is not only about your brain but also about your heart.

All of us have heard about our heartbeats. Your heartbeat refers to how fast your heart is beating or how many times it beats per period. It is what doctors and nurses measure when they take your pulse. Your heart rate varies. If you get excited, it beats faster, and it beats slower again when you calm down. Heart rate variability is the word used to refer to the normal changes in the amount of time between heartbeats. These beat-to-beat changes make up your heart rhythm, something which most of us know far less than our heartbeat, but it is just as important, maybe more so.

Our heart rhythms, in other words, the rhythm of the changes in our heartbeat, is affected by physical activity, thoughts, feelings, and breathing patterns. We experience heart coherence when there is an orderly and harmonious synchronization among the various systems in the body such as the heart, the respiratory system, and blood-pressure rhythms. Heart rhythm coherence can be measured by scientific instruments, as you can see in the graph (www.heartmath.org) below.

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The Heart Math Institute (www.heartmath.org), a non-profit organization, is doing fantastic research on heart rhythms and how they affect our well-being. They have found that thoughts and emotions change heart-rhythm patterns, and these changes affect the rest of our body, including the brain and its ability to function. Heart rhythms affect how we feel, and how we feel affects our heart rhythms. Most significantly, research has shown that we can intentionally experience positive feelings such as care, compassion, courage, and love to impact our heart rhythms and our well-being positively.

Here are some further facts from the Heart Math Institute’s research that I find fascinating:

? The heart has a system of neurons that have both short and long-term memory and their signals sent to the brain can affect our emotional experiences.

? In fetal development, the heart forms and starts beating before the brain is developed.

? The heart sends more information to the brain than vice versa.

? Positive emotions can increase the brain’s ability to make good decisions.

? Positive emotions help the brain in creativity and innovative problem-solving.

? Your heart emits electromagnetic fields that change according to your emotions.

? The human heart’s magnetic field can be measured up to several feet away from the body.

? The heart radiates an electromagnetic field that energetically affects each other’s moods, attitudes, and feelings.

? Negative emotions can create nervous system chaos, but positive emotions do the opposite.

? A mother’s brainwaves can synchronize to her baby’s heartbeats.

? You can boost your immune system by conjuring positive emotions.

? Positive emotions create physiological benefits in your body.

All these findings are fascinating and empowering to us as wealth creators. You might have experienced the emotional drain that negative people have on you. For years I have taught my students to remove themselves from such energy vampires. Now research backs it up. The emotional drain we feel around negative people is caused by the electromagnetic field radiating from their hearts because of the incoherence of their negative emotions.

But none of us has to be the victims of such negative emotions, whether they are our own or others. We can consciously create positive emotions, with a domino effect on our body, brain, and overall well-being.

The Heart Math Institute has several techniques to tap into the power of your heart. Their Quick Coherence Technique, for example, consists of three easy steps:

? Heart focus: Focus your attention in the area of your heart, in the center of your chest.

? Heart breathing: As you focus on the area of your heart, imagine your breath flowing in and out through that area.

? Heart feeling: As you continue to breathe through the area of your heart, recall a positive feeling, a time when you felt good?inside, and try to re-experience it. It could be feeling appreciation for the good things in your life, or the love and care you feel for someone.

You can build this one-minute exercise into your day at least once or more. Gratitude exercises are another great way to increase your heart coherence. These exercises might seem insignificant, but over time, habits like these can make a significant impact on the person you are becoming and thus the goals you are achieving.

Genetic expression.

We have all heard about genes, and we know that our genes determine who we are. What most of us do not know is that it is not that simple.

Epigenetics is the study of how genes are expressed differently because of external factors. In scientific terms, it is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. It refers to the science that studies how the development, functioning, and evolution of biological systems are influenced by forces operating outside their DNA sequence, including intracellular, environmental, and energetic influences.

Our genes are found in our DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, which is found in all the cells of our bodies. Our DNA gives the instructions for various functional proteins to be produced inside the cell. The interesting part is that the DNA in each cell is the same, whether that cell is part of our heart or lungs, or brain. The difference lies in how that DNA is expressed, read, and transcribed.

If you think of a DNA strand as a long zipper, some things cause parts of that zipper to zip open or to close in specific combinations to produce certain cells. This zipper effect is called DNA expression, and it is caused by chemicals that attach to the genomes in the DNA. These chemicals are called epigenomes. The epigenomes basically switch certain genes on and off. Such epigenetic action causes us to develop the different cells of our body – our heart, lungs, bones, etc. However, external factors also cause epigenetic action. What we eat, where we live, whom we interact with, when we sleep, how we exercise – all these things affect our genetic expression.

Genetic determinism – thinking that our genes determine who we are – is therefore not true. Our physical and emotional traits are not controlled by our genetic code. Genetic determinism turns us into victims – our lives are controlled by things outside our control. This victimization leads to illnesses and diseases that are passed down in the genes of families for generations.

The great news that comes with a knowledge of epigenetics is that we can influence our bodies even down to the cellular level by what we focus on. If we think different thoughts and feel different feelings, we change the chemicals in our body and change our genetic expression.

Researchers Glen Rein and Rollin McCraty found the following in one of their studies:

Individuals trained in deep love and appreciation were able to intentionally change the shape of DNA... Human emotion produces effects that defy conventional laws of physics. (“Structural changes in water and DNA associated with new physiologically measurable states”, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 3 (1994), pp. 438-439.)

You are not your genes. Whatever genes you received, you have power over how they are expressed in your life.

Energetic vibration.

One of the principles of the ten environments of you is that everything is energy. If everything is energy, it includes you, of course. When I say that everything is energy, I do not mean it metaphorically. Let me explain the science which backs up that statement, and why it is so exciting for us as wealth creators pursuing our PowerGoals?.

During most of the previous few centuries, scientists held a Newtonian view of physics. Isaac Newton, the father of Newtonian physics, famously sat underneath an apple tree when an apple fell on his head. He became curious about why the apple fell downward, the force which we now know as gravity. According to Newtonian physics, also known as classical physics, matter consists of particles, and they behave according to laws.

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, some scientists began to question this view of the world. Some phenomena could not be explained by Newtonian physics. One of these scientists was Albert Einstein. These scientists set out to propose new theories of how the world works. The result was quantum physics. In the more than a hundred years that followed, scientists not only proved those quantum theories mathematically, as they only did at first. With more advanced technology, they were also able to prove it physically. One of the things that they found is that matter does not consist of particles. At the most basic level, it consists of waves – waves of energy.

My statement that everything is energy is therefore scientifically correct. What scientists found is that everything is both waves of energy and particles of matter at the same time. Another way to put it is that waves of energy are potential that is collapsed into particles of matter.

But what does it have to do with us as wealth creators? If everything is energy, we are energy too. We are energetic beings. Waves of energy are vibrations. Because everything is energy, everything is vibration. When this vibration is changed, it is a different type of energy.

We all vibrate at a very specific vibration which is what makes us unique. If we change our vibrations, we change our energetic level, and we become a different person.

Unlike particles that are separate, energy is connected. There are no different energies but only different levels of energy. We do not have to become something completely new. We only have to change our energetic vibration to a different level. If we change our level of vibration, we change the way that we collapse energy into matter. We are different, so our outcome is different.

Energy contains endless possibilities. We get to choose which possibility becomes our reality. Through our brain waves, our heart rhythms, and even our genetic expression, we create our reality to be what we want it to be by changing the vibration of who we are.

Another consequence of reality that is both waves and particles is that matter is changed through observation. Scientists are still trying to figure out how it works, but they know that whether matter acts as a wave or a particle is influenced by observation. Remember that I said in the previous chapter that we have to step into the observer’s role? It means that you have to influence how matter – your body, your brain, your heart, your genes – act based on your observation. You can observe if something is happening that you do not want, and you can choose to let something else happen. Conversely, whatever is happening in your life at the moment or, in other words, whatever your current reality is, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of who you have been so far. But it does not have to stay that way if you do not want it to.

Another phenomenon that scientists are only beginning to understand is quantum entanglement. Two subatomic particles can become linked in a process that is currently not understood by scientists. What they do know is that it happens. When two such entangled particles become separated, no matter the distance, they remain linked. If something about one particle changes, instantaneously the other particle also changes. Einstein called this phenomenon “spooky action at a distance”.

For us as wealth creators, quantum entanglement means that we can entangle ourselves with the reality that is part of our goal. On a spiritual level, in our thinking and in our feelings, you can identify as the person who is whom you need to be to have what you want. You can then operate from the position of this “future” you. That “future you” can cause the “present you” to change instantaneously because you no longer experience life the same once you have been that person on a spiritual level, in your mind and in your heart.


This last tool that I share with you has been of tremendous value to me in my transformational journey. It is the map of consciousness developed by Dr David R Hawkins.

Dr. Hawkins, who passed away in 2012 at age 85, was a psychiatrist who became gravely ill as a middle-aged man. There was no physiological cause for his sickness, and he had lived a healthy life up to that point. Suddenly, he was no longer the doctor but the patient. However, he applied his knowledge of his body and his psyche in search of a cure for himself. He found that he had internalized the emotional states of his patients, leading to physical illness. His search led him out of sickness to health, and to greater emotional and spiritual freedom than he had ever known. He started teaching his discovery to his patients. He also researched it and wrote several books.

Dr. Hawkins’ discoveries happened in the 1970s at a time when scientists did not know as much about the link between body and mind. Most of the scientific community turned their back on him and the methods that he used. However, now, after his death, the latest scientific discoveries, some of which I shared with you already, are starting to corroborate Dr. Hawkins’ findings and methods. Whether you agree with his methods or not, I find the map of consciousness that Dr. Hawkins produced of immense value in gauging where I am on an energetic level. It also gives me a map to show how to increase my energetic vibrations.

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The method that Dr. Hawkins used to determine the energy level, or log, of each state of being, has caused much controversy around his work. Scientists saw it as too subjective to be used as a unit of measure. Whether you agree with the way he got to the numbers he used or not, you can intuitively agree with the sequence of the different levels.

Right at the bottom, we find our lowest states of being: shame, guilt, apathy, and grief. As we move up the scale, the states are still negative, but the energy they tap from us is less: fear, desire, anger, and pride.

Dr. Hawkins saw courage as the point of separation between the contracting states, those states of being which take energy from us, and the expanding states, those states of being which give energy to us. As you move up from courage, your energetic vibration increases neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason. At the upper end of the scale are love, joy, peace, and finally enlightenment.

How can you use this map of consciousness in your transformational journey? Firstly, you can identify where you are. You might be able to identify a dominant state in which you generally operate in, but you might also have a different state for each of your environments. Certain situations or people might evoke a certain state in you too. You can also identify which contracting state, or negative emotions, you tend to revert to under pressure. If something goes wrong, what is your default response? Use the map of consciousness to identify your state of being so that you can examine and remove the values and beliefs which are the underlying cause for your response.

Secondly, you can use the map of consciousness to help you move to a higher state. We do not always follow those levels exactly. Sometimes we can jump between levels, but in most situations, it is easier to move up only one level than through several levels. If you feel apathy, it is better to move up to grief than to stay at a lower level. From grief, you might move up to anger. When you are angry, you immediately have more energy. You can use this anger to decide to do something, which moves you into courage – you are doing something, and you are taking control of the situation.

Also, look for clues of the states in the way that you use language. Our words become our reality because they give us a glimpse into our actual deeply-held beliefs and values. I often see how people set themselves up for failure by using the phrase “I want” for their PowerGoals?.?I?want?a?passive?income?of?ten?thousand?dollars?per?month?before?the?end?of?this?year.?The word?want?is linked to the state of desire, another word for greed or covetousness.

It is a state of being characterized by insatiable wanting – desiring. The words?I?want?to signal the state of desire to your brain. The emotions and the thoughts that go with it are;


What is the end result? At the end of the year, you will still be?wanting?that thing. Your PowerGoal? was phrased in your current state of being instead of at a higher state of being.

for greed or covetousness. It is a state of being characterized by insatiable wanting – desiring. The words?I?want?signal the state of desire to your brain. The emotions and the thoughts that go with it are?I?do?not?have. What is the end result? At the end of the year, you will still be?wanting?that thing. Your PowerGoal? was phrased in your current state of being instead of at a higher state of being.

It is not impossible to attain your goals in the lower states which take energy from us, those states which Dr. Hawkins called the contracting states. However, it is much more difficult. In these states, you have to use?force?to get to your goal. And when you get there, it will not be enough. Your reason for that Ferrari was pride, desire, or fear. And no Ferrari or any other thing is enough to fill the void of those states of being.

Achieving your goals from the expanding states is much easier and more fulfilling. In these states, you have more energy, and you use power to attract your goals to you. You?are?the person, and the results follow from that state of being. The higher you move on the map of consciousness, the easier it becomes. Interestingly, in these higher states, the results matter less to us. The true goal has become the transformation. The results are motivators, or simply nice-to-haves. In those states, we know that we are powerful. We are wealth creators. We are not arrogant or self-seeking. We are simply in harmony with ourselves and the universe. It is bliss. It is perfect. It is complete. It is.

Your first PowerGoal? might not take you to such a level of enlightenment. It is the journey of a lifetime (and maybe then some) to get there. But, my friend, if you let your PowerGoal? take you on this journey of transformation, you will never regret it.


I have referred to the Powermorphing? process a few times during this book. As I explained before, Powermorphing? is the structured process of consciously programming your subconscious to unconsciously give you what you consciously want.

The Powermorphing? process is built on the principles in this book and specifically the cutting edge of what we know about how we work as humans that I shared in this last chapter. However, it does not focus on the theory. It is a practical process, and you can apply it whether you are interested in the science behind it or not.

As I have said earlier in the book, Powermorphing? is the topic of a whole book by itself. It starts with a solid foundation in setting and achieving PowerGoals?, which is what this book is all about. For many people, that is enough. In other words, everything I share in this book will get them to all that they ever want in life.

However, some people want to accelerate their results exponentially. They do not want to go through the route of trial and error. They want tremendous results in absolutely impossible timeframes – because deep down they know it is possible. They might feel that way because of their past – they might have to overcome an enormous setback or disadvantage to reach what they absolutely know is their purpose in life. Most often, they might simply have an enormous dream for their life.

If that is you, Powermorphing? could be a very powerful tool to help you do that. After the final chapter in this book, there is a section where you can contact me. Use those details and simply tell me you want more information on Powermorphing?.

Maybe you are reading this now and you have no idea whether Powermorphing? is for you or not. You might not have applied anything that you have read so far. Do not worry. Take it step by step. What is the most important thing you can do right now to get to the life of your dreams? Read the next chapter, the last one of the book, and make sure that you answer and action that question for yourself.

In the end, it is not primarily about how fast you go, but that you keep ongoing. So do whatever you need to do to keep on going for the life of your dreams.


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