PowerGoals / Chapter 1 / Part 2

PowerGoals / Chapter 1 / Part 2

How to Set and Achieve Goals / That Turn Your Dreams into Reality.

by Dr. Hannes Dreyer (Ph.D.) with Elzet Blaauw.

Chapter 1 / Part 2


My dad died when I was seven years old, and I grew up poor.

I failed Grade 12 the first time around – and only just passed the second time.

I dropped out of university. At the age of 25, I was broke, with several failed business ventures to my name to hammer home the point. At the age of 27, I was up to my neck in debt. And not even the so-called “good” debt – consumer debt. I was living a life way beyond what I could afford.

And, yet, ten years later at the age of 37, I was financially free. I retired. What happened in those ten years?

I paid off my debt, yes. And it is a crucial thing for you to do too. I built a property portfolio in seven years that produced enough reliable monthly income that I could live from it. And I have spent the past 17+ years of my life teaching others to do it too. So, yes, I believe building a property portfolio is one of the best things you can do.

I started and scaled several million-dollar and multimillion-dollar businesses. And, yes, starting and building a business is very important too.

But everyone knows that it is a good idea to pay off debt. Everyone wants to build a property portfolio. It is everyone’s dream to own not one but several cashflow-positive, million-dollar businesses that give them the freedom to live the life they want.

But they don’t have it. They don’t do it.

Why did I make my dreams a reality, but most people with my background do not? In fact, most people with much better backgrounds and much more opportunities in life do not achieve what I did. And only a very, very few who achieve what I have done it in the timeframe that I did.


The reason, my friend, is in this book.


As I’ve mentioned, from 2002, I have been teaching my students how to become financially free and to live a life of true wealth. I realized in my own life, and I saw with my students, that money, what we think of as wealth, is only a very small part of the picture. It is important, don’t get me wrong. But it is not the ultimate goal. It is only an enabler.

Money alone without the rest – physical health, healthy relationships, and life purpose – is pretty empty, as many rich people will tell you.

But I’ve seen that people have it the wrong way around. They think if they have money, the rest will come: health and relationships, and purpose.

Money can indeed buy certain things which amplify the health and relationships and purpose that you have already. That is why it is an enabler. But the thing is, it is actually your current lack of physical health and relationships and purpose that is keeping you from making the money.

As I taught my students, I realized that even if I give them all the information to do what I did, they are not achieving the results. Why not?

Well, I thought, they are not applying what I taught them.

And, yes, that is definitely the case. Applied knowledge is wisdom. To know something and not do it means that you actually do not truly know it at all.

I know some people say that you can only sit there and visualize something and,?Bam! There it is. But everyone who has any of those things that people visualize and visualize and visualize, well, all of those people do things that make it possible for them to have those things. Even the ones who say you must just sit there and visualize.

So, yes, my students will not get my results if they do not act on the knowledge that they have.

But then I asked myself: why do they not act on that knowledge? Why do some act and get great results, and others don’t?

And why do some act, and if they don’t get the results they wanted, they learn, adjust try again? And they keep on going and learning until they get to success.

But others stop at the first whiff of failure.


The answer is in this book. I went back and looked at my own life and why I succeeded or failed. I looked at my students, my teachers, and my mentors. And I saw a pattern. I found the reason.

I started teaching this reason to my students. And, now, I am writing this book. Because I want you to be free too. I want you to have it all. What I am sharing in this book has the power to let you have all that you want, and I really mean?it?all.

On condition, of course, as I always say to my students and as I say over and over in this book, that you?do?it.


OK,?Hannes,?you?have?been?teasing?us?for?long?enough?now,?you are probably saying.


Well, first, I have not been teasing you. I have been?teaching?you.

In fact, I already gave you the answer on the first page or two of this chapter. But if you are still reading, you probably missed it. Otherwise, you would have closed the book and said,?Aha!?Hannes?knows?it?too,?I?see.

But my guess is that if you knew the answer, you would not have started reading this book. You are reading this book because you know there is more. And you may even know that?you?are more and that you?have?more – to do and to experience and to give.

And that is the answer. It all starts with you.

It’s actually quite simple, if not always easy. You have to become the person who can achieve that goal. To have a Ferrari, for example, all you have to do is become the person who can buy the Ferrari in cash.

And, just on the side, as a little bonus lesson, watch what I said there: buy the Ferrari?cash.?Sure, you can finance the Ferrari if you are a medical specialist or an engineer who earns heaps of money a month. But that Ferrari will have you, not the other way around.

The bank, or whoever holds that loan, will have you.

Trust me – I have learned that lesson the hard way. It may seem to others that you are living the dream. And you might even think that you are living the dream. But you won’t have it all. You will just appear to be having it all. And you will be working day in and day out to pay many times over for that appearance.

At the time of writing this book, you need to have about $300,000 cash to buy your brand new Ferrari.

But how do you get that money? It’s simple: become the person who can make an extra $300,000 more than what you need.

In fact, if you have the skills to make an extra $300,000 a?month, you can buy a new Ferrari every month. You can buy 12 Ferraris a year and give them one away each month – because you have the skills to be able to do that.

But to get there, you have to transform. You must change and grow to become the person that makes that dream come true.

And that is where most people get it wrong. They focus on the goal, what they?want, instead of focusing on being the person who can have that.

And that is the answer.

It is not always easy, even though often it is much, much easier than what you make it out to be in your head. Because it is actually simple.


Yes, it is simple. And it can be easy. But for most people, it is not.

For most people, transformation is difficult, if not impossible. So they stay stuck in their reality. They remain stuck in the reality of their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents. They stay stuck in the status quo.

Owning a Ferrari is just a daydream for them.

But it doesn’t have to be.

For you, it is probably not a Ferrari. But you know what it is, that thing that you always come back to and that you wish and hope and pray could become a reality somehow. Maybe you’ve even started pursuing it, once or several times, but you had to give up because you were not making any progress.

I am here today, at this moment as you are reading this book, to tell you: don’t give up. What you are feeling inside of you is the key, the doorway, the path into a whole lot more for you.

As I’ve studied this topic and taught my students about it, I have learned that there are steps. I am someone who does not like things to be complicated. So I have broken down everything I have learned and that I have been teaching my students and watching them do and achieve. I have broken it all down into steps, into formulas, and into processes.

I have made it simple and, yes, often even easy for you to have all that you want. And remember where I came from. If I can do it, you can do it too. Just like so many of my students.


This book teaches you how to transform your dreams into PowerGoals? and achieve those PowerGoals? to make your dreams a reality. Remember that I said that goal-setting is not boring or tedious? And that it works for everyone?

Well, traditional goal setting can be a bit boring and tedious. That is why it works for so few people.

But a PowerGoal? is something else. It is founded on principles of transformation. And you are not at the mercy of your goals. They are tools in your toolbox. You are the master, and you are using goals to get you what you want. It is an entirely different ball game.

I attribute all of my success in life so far, financially, yes, but also in all areas of life, to setting and achieving PowerGoals? in the way that I explain in this book.

When I started, I did not even know I was setting goals, and I certainly did not call them PowerGoals?. But I was beginning to discover these principles and apply them. As I experienced success, I stacked these principles on top of each other. The result is the system I teach you in this book.

At the end of this book, I believe you will agree that anyone who achieved anything worthwhile followed the principles that I teach here. And, let me say it again: if you do what you learn in this book, nothing is holding you back from doing the same and achieving the most amazing levels of success.

In your own unique, special way, of course. I believe doing what I teach in this book is part of the very reason for your existence here in this world. (More about that later.)


Let’s backtrack quickly to the goal that I set on 15 April 2019.

You may be reading this book far into the future, but at the time that I am writing this book, we are about ten months into this challenge, or as I like to call it, this game that I created for myself. On 15 January 2020, I recorded another video to report my progress. In this video, I reported that my cryptocurrency portfolio was already at $97,256.19. With three months to go, I had already surpassed the $70,000.00 mark!

Aha,?you are thinking,?cryptos!?You?were?riding?one?of?those?crazy?waves?that?gave?you?incredible?growth.?But?the?next?day,?or?week,?or?month,?it?probably?crashed.

Yes, cryptos are unbelievably unstable. But I did not make that money speculating in cryptos. The value of the coins in my portfolio on average decreased slightly from when I bought them. It will go up again, and over time the growth can be tremendous, but it is volatile. Choosing cryptos did not make this challenge easier. It made it harder.

Cryptos offer fantastic benefits, and I firmly believe in the value of the decentralization and potential growth that they offer. They take the power out of the hands of institutions like countries and banks, and they put it back into our own hands, which I see as extremely valuable. But they are volatile.

So, for this challenge, I had to learn how to evaluate and offset the risks of cryptos. It was one way in which I had to transform to achieve my goal. I had to become the person who can make this goal a reality. I had to change, I had to grow, and I had to learn. I learned so much that I was able to launch a course where I teach my students how to do it too.

So, no, I did not “make my money with cryptos”, even though I believe cryptos are a fantastic investment.

I used the skills that I had and the new skills that I learned, and I applied them step by step for nine months to get to my goal.

And not only to get to my goal but to surpass it.

I can’t wait to show you how I did it and how you can do it too.


Except for the introduction and the conclusion, this book has three sections: the first on setting goals, the second on achieving goals, and the third on the science behind goals. All three parts fit together and inform each other.

I left the theory for last because I believe learning must be practical. Once you know how to do the steps, knowing more about the theory helps you to do it better. After finishing the book and having the complete picture, you might want to return to the earlier chapters to review some of the practical steps.

Setting and achieving a PowerGoal? is not something you do once-off. If you do it right, you won’t be able to help yourself but keep on doing it for the rest of your life. It is somewhat addictive, I must warn you.

This book is not meant to be a nice read. We made it as enjoyable for you as possible, but the point is for you to learn rather than be entertained. This book is not mental candy. It is about the meat and potatoes (or kale and chickpeas, depending on your diet of choice) of living a life of abundance and freedom.

That is why we created a workbook that goes along with this book --?For more info on the workbook and PowerGoal method, please see here;

You can keep it open on your computer or device. If you like to write with pen and paper, print it out. You can even stick the pages into your journal.

However you choose to do it, do not only read this book. Apply what you learn. Do the exercises. Measure the results and adjust. Wrestle with the concepts until you understand them.

Do. Not. Give. Up.

I believe in you. I believe in the power that is within you.

This stuff is not just for a few people. It is for all of us. It is our birthright.

It is only up to us to take hold of it.

Well done for taking up a copy of this book. I am proud of you.

Now do not put it down until you get the results that you want.

For more information on the Powergoal method;


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