A powerful weapon to your Learning & Development Strategy
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A powerful weapon to your Learning & Development Strategy

Video-based learning is so useful to create an impact and increase higher learner engagement in current Learning trends, especially in corporate training, higher education or their first target audience (New age millennials). I would like to give you a brief on what are the important things to consider in building your Video-based learning strategy for your L&D goals.

Reasons to inculcate videos-based learning in your Learning & development planning.

Videos are a core element for your Learning strategy. It is a nucleus for your learner engagement, knowledge retention, just in time solution, Learning reinforcement and Attention.

Videos are such a powerful tool in training because of above and due to its ease of access on Mobiles, Desktops, Websites, Ipads or more. These learning nuggets are very much Mobile friendly and act as microlearning modules or training for your learners. You can always use it in your

·       Formal or Informal Learnings

·       Bite-sized learning solutions

·       Social or Collaborative Learning

·       Instructor Led Training or Virtual Training.

Initially, videos were considered as a powerful tool to catch the interest of New age millennials or the younger generation. But over the period of time, it is being used by the traditional workforce too. It is all happening because of its high engaging character or help as a post-training support, even it is a very effective tool to aware your learners that what is there for them in the course. In the current scenario, it is very much used in social and collaborative learning where learners are sharing information with each other in just single click. Everyone wants the training content that learner can access and consume quickly.

The journey of Video-based learning

We have experienced in the past that instructional designing of videos were focussed to pull out the actionable information and filter out the obvious information. Now it has changed, Instructional designers have worked on to create videos in such a way that it can allow you to interact in the course.

There are a lot of powerful tools in the market to develop videos like After effects, Go animate (VYOND), Powtoon, Animato, Sellamations, Videoscribe, Evaer, Camtasia, Wirecast, Screenflow and more. Market has so advanced that you can build a HTML player to make these videos more interactive too.

It has gone beyond the Start/Stop/Pause way to interact with the different scenarios in the videos itself. It is always a cost-effective solution ranges from USD 1000 to USD 5000 depending on what you want to achieve.

Credit to a href?="https://pngtree.com/free-vectors">free vectors from pngtree.com/a>

Video-based learning can be used as the finest weapon in your Learning Strategy.

Factors to consider before finalizing any Video-based Learning Strategy

·       Do the gap analysis in your actual state & desired state. Just know your goals.

·       Identify specific areas which you want to address with Microlearning solutions.

·       Compare it and evaluate the best method to treat it is Videos, Infographics.

·       Where to use: Awareness, Knowledge reinforcement, Explainer videos etc.

All the above will help you to map your videos with your goals to achieve. Like we can use it in different ways like Creating awareness, Teaser videos, Product Explanation, In specific concepts or enhancing skills, Induction or onboarding, Soft skills training, Sales training, Marketing videos, Compliance Training, Application simulations and more.

It can be the best fit into all modes of the 70-20-10 model. Like we can use it in formal training or performance support interventions, highly personalized, informal learning or to promote social or collaborative learning.

Therefore, we should always have a focussed plan before defining our Video-based learning strategy. Because that helps you to save cost and can act as your best weapon to solve your learner problems.

Hope this article will help you in building your Video-based learning strategy. Please drop me a line if you need any help or support.


