Powerful ways to cleanse hatred and grow compassion
Inspiring self care

Powerful ways to cleanse hatred and grow compassion

Back in my childhood, whenever I used to cry or throw any dramatic tantrum, my elders would ignore me as if I were invisible. They wouldn’t acknowledge my presence until I return to my normal (disciplined) self. Later on, I too grew with the attitude of ignoring and suppressing my emotional patterns.

?I guess it’s the same algorithm for all our emotional meltdowns, ranging from inferiority complex to the extreme feeling of hate (directed towards the self or others). We have developed the habit of repudiating our feelings and then putting on a cool swaggy face.?


Dealing with your emotions

?As kids, we are never taught how to handle emotional skills. We are just programmed to behave nicely and speak politely even while holding our glass of brimming emotions. We are taught the art of behaving (mimicking I would say), instead of being taught the art of thinking.

And as a result, we successfully became social robots with messed-up emotional intelligence.

Lots of people believe that disregarding their particular feelings can make their emotions disappear completely, but the reality is just the opposite. Instead of dissipating, unaddressed thoughts establish and intensify over time. The more intense a feeling becomes, the more physically demanding it is to contain it.

But who cares? Even we don’t. We are so cool with scrolling down our anxieties in news feeds, popping ‘chill pills’ for self-created cynical disorders, and blaming the rest of the world for setting the globe on fire.?


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Stop sipping hatred!

Hatred is like sipping poison and wishing for someone else's death. But aren't you the one who is consuming it? So who is it gonna affect!

It is one of the extreme emotions one can feel. We all have experienced it at some point in our lives. Biologically, when we experience hate, the premotor cortex of our brain gets activated and signals our extremities for physical attack. We lose control of ourselves. So conclusively, we can say that hatred poisons our sense of awareness and turns us into organisms responding merely by animal instincts.?

?Loving yourself first

When was the first time you realize that you don’t like yourself much? Was it like you looked at the mirror and just swore to hate that fella. No, right!?

It's our insecurities, social expectations, setbacks, and failures in life that make us feel less of ourselves.?

It begins with the habit of constantly putting ourselves down. Our inner critic compares us with others or tells us that we aren’t good enough. This critical voice in our head is filled with self-doubt and we might eventually start believing those things. The more we listen to this voice, the more it strengthens its roots. We then start projecting these distorted patterns onto other people and channelize our ugliest insecurities on them.?

Although this inner critic didn’t originate in our head all by itself. Rather, mostly, it took shape out of unfavorable past experiences like getting bullied or it can even be an outcome of a toxic relationship.?

I came across a quote that said,” If you don’t fix your wounds, you bleed on people who didn’t cut you”.?Likewise, Negative self-concept, poor self-image, or low self-esteem leads to self-hatred and then this hate is magnified and unleashed on the rest of the world.?

Standing up to your negative inner critic is the first step towards healing. Slow down, take a deep breath and open yourself up to a warm positive feeling. Just let every thought flow without labeling it black or white. I know the extreme feeling of anger or disgust doesn’t dilute in a day but the voices eventually sound soothing with a little amount of self-care every day.


It begins with self

?Hate is nothing but our learned response to cope with the absence of compassion within us. We can dissolve and with time end every ounce of it by just being compassionate towards ourselves and others.

When we say I am not being able to forgive them, the line needs to be checked. Forgiveness is not something you do for others, it's healing oneself. It's the cure for releasing out bitter memories and letting go of things we aren't in a position to change. But what we do is nurture pain like our own babies. We hold onto resentments, carry these burdens, and then blame that life isn't fair.


?One more vicious thing we do is that we romanticize victimizing ourselves. We play the role of ‘being hurt by everyone in our heads for so long that it becomes our reflex while interacting with others. We say hurtful stuff too often to ourselves that we hurt our souls a million folds than the person/incident did.

They hurt you once, you stored it for no good and now you keep playing that awful track to yourself! Why are you being so cruel to yourself?

Yes, people may have done the worst to you, but letting that feeling hover over you for the rest of your life is no way the deal for a peaceful mind. No one else but you'll be the one at loss. Plus it's so exhausting. You'll drown in a never-ending cycle of torment.

?Another consequence of hate is that you'll have trust issues and you'll always pull your arms back from letting all those amazing people out there enter your life. Trust me, no one would want that for themselves.


?Forgiveness doesn't mean taking the other person's side and blaming your presence. It's the process of watching their perspective so close to healing ourselves. They may apologize, they may not. Don't take other people's actions personally. Forgiving someone shouldn't be based on hearing sorry.?

And yes, your guilt trip won't take you on a world tour. So forgive yourself first. There is always a time when you have to forgive yourself and do it instantly. You release yourself from the burden so that you can move on and leave the past behind you. Like when you finally stand up to a bully, when you tell the truth when you let someone down when you accept the truth.

If we re-live memories or accumulate unnecessary future stress, we will manifest and bless ourselves with a similar reality. Just remember that the quality of thoughts we feed ourselves is going to determine our future state- physical, mental, and spiritual.

?There is a time in which you have to understand that something is not your fault and that you should forgive yourself. Growth is impossible without letting go and forgiving yourself.


How becoming clear mind is a journey?

You can't hold the fragrance of true bliss within you with resentments in your heart. Trust me, then the essence won't last for long and you'll end up wandering for 'Kasturi' and eventually die of 'Trishna'. People may have done worse to you, but your life, my love, is your responsibility. Why would you indulge even a second of your mortal life in hate when you can use that time to say 'I Love You's to your lovelies.


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Antidotes of hate

How to cleanse hatred with empathy and compassion? That's pretty simple. Just be yourself and treat others the way you want to be loved. Show and confess your emotions, give warmth every day, touch.

?Hate is easy man, so is judging. Loving is not luxury, its what you need to thrive.

?Write beautiful letters, tell them your song remedies, listen to them talking, pass smiles and yes hugs are important.

So if you hold hatred in your heart, then the little love you have stored for your loved ones is gonna vanish too. Coz darling you can't hug love your dearest people with thorns of hatred tangled in your arms.






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