A Powerful Truth
People will always tell you what you cannot do when they think what is impossible for them is impossible for you, too.
They do not know you and what you have been through. Many times, they do not know what you are willing to do.
At one time or another, we all face doubters and critics who cannot see what we see as possible in our lives. One of the defining periods of my life was the years I battled chronic nerve pain. I would not have arrived at where I am today had I not learned to shape my own beliefs about myself.
How I moved from thought to belief to truth was by adopting the following philosophy that I scribbled down on paper years ago:
Shape your thoughts. They become your beliefs. Beliefs become deeply rooted. They influence the way you behave and interact in the world. Eventually, the beliefs you hold become your truth.
If you want to speak and live your truth, question where you allow your mind to dwell. Over time, you will realize that the thoughts which most often captivated your attention, you now believe as fact. Therefore, they are what you see as true for you.
Just as a seed sprouts into a mighty oak, you have the power to plant, nurture, and manifest what you choose.
If others think you cannot accomplish something you desire, take heart. They do not define your life unless you let them. The power lies in your hands as the gardener of your own mind and the co-creator of your own destiny!