A powerful person converts fears into confidence
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Let’s work on fear first- In Samurai literature it says, “The way of the warrior is death.” The warrior lives in a dead world everything he touches is dead- he is already dead. In battle, this Samurai is fearless. He can't be killed- he's already dead. What kills the warrior is in the last instant is wanting to stay alive. He chooses life over death. The warrior who sees himself already dead is invincible. When I took on my new job I realize that most people only given a year to make it. I adopted in attitude that my career choice is very risky and I'm going to be fired at least once in my career. I stopped worrying about it- they can't fire me-I'm already fired. With this attitude I preceded with supreme confidence.
This works on dating, too. If you tell yourself you're going to get turned down, it's a certainty, and more beautiful the guy or girl the more likely you are to get turned down. You have nothing to lose. Its a very personal thing. Both in its root cause and the effects it has on you. Only you know where you are now and if you can define where you want to be, then only you could see the way between. Be smart, be safe, but confront it and defeat it by ignoring it and its voice will shrink with time.
They keep a good posture. They talk slowly. They remain calm. They have control over their emotions and thoughts. They don’t care what people think of them so they do what makes them happy. They treat themselves with respect. They help people. They make fun of themselves because they’re so comfortable. They hold eye contact. They dress well. They take care of their health. They cheer people up and they never show off.
There is a sense of failure associated with the inability to achieve goals. You have fallen in your own eyes because your self-esteem is reduced now. This is because you have associated your self-worth with achievement of goals. We had been trained, conditioned thoroughly and educated to accomplish and achieve something in order to feel worthy. Nobody have ever told that you are alright as you are. Parents, teachers, religion and all the social institutions have directly or indirectly made you believe that you are imperfect, inadequate and not good enough. You have to achieve something to become worthy. It could be anything money, status, a house, car, fit body, a relationship or even enlightenment. These goals are not really your goals. They have been handed over to you by the society.
Majority of the students in India want to become an engineer. Is it really their goal or has it been instilled into their mind by the society? A job, good fat salary, beautiful wife, two kids, a flat, a car and few foreign trips. That’s all. This is the goal of most of the youngsters. Are they really their goals? How can everybody have the same goal of getting selection in campus interview in the same company? People remain frustrated and dissatisfied even after accomplishing their goals that are material in nature like accumulating great wealth, political and professional achievement, acquiring knowledge, great relationships etc.,. The achievement may give them a momentary satisfaction, but mostly turns into an anti-climax soon. They will have to find another goal to chase immediately.
Goal is nothing but a big desire. It promises fulfillment in future, but takes away the fulfillment from the present. The only genuine goal must be the one that fulfills your life. It should be incredibly great. Something greater than yourself. That is worth pursuing. Find such a goal that you won't mind even to die for it. And, align all short, medium and long term goals with that one ultimate purpose. A work is worth doing if it liberates you. If it does not liberate you, it is going against the overall purpose of life. And, you will have only more suffering as punishment. Choose the work that challenges you, that destroys you and breaks all your boundaries.
Do not associate your self-worth with the achievement of goal. Do not be dependent on the world to determine your self-worth. You are alright by your intrinsic nature. Stay at your centre while playing at the periphery. Life is a journey. Goal is the destination. If the concern is on destination, then journey is just an impediment. Lao Tsu says, “ A good traveller do not intend upon reaching”. I know what I really love. I simply enjoy doing that. I am doing it because it is worthy doing. I study because it is nice to study. I play guitar because I love music. I am not desperate for recognition from others. I am not competing. I do not need targets and goals. My joy is being totally immersed in this moment. Cheers!