The Powerful Pause
Tara Jeffries
Membership @ Verity: Women-Only Private Club. Where Toronto's Elite Women Experience Luxury, Meaningful Connections, and Elevated Impact.
Hey you!! It's been a while since I've written and I'm excited to share some insights into what's been happening behind the scenes.
I took a step back from content creation to focus on the initial wave of coaching clients I welcomed aboard. Now, I understand this might seem counterintuitive – pausing when conventional wisdom insists on constant visibility. Allow me to shed some light on the larger strategy at play, which I believe could hold valuable lessons for your business journey.
Bear with me; there's a method to my madness!!
First and foremost, it's important to note that this is part of a long-term strategy, one that definitely felt uncomfortable in the short term.
So, why choose this path?
Because building a business with integrity is a core value of mine. I wanted to distance myself from the noise of social media, the anxiety-inducing FOMO, and the incessant marketing chatter – to remain in integrity with that core value.
While this approach poses personal challenges in the short term, it aligns with the long-term vision I have for my business and the community I am curating.
When I initially conceived this business, I saw it as a single online program.
Despite my extensive experience in the field, I realized that a more diverse testing ground was needed to create a scalable, online, self-paced program that resonates with entrepreneurs at various stages of their journey.
Here’s the really crucial element; I had to resist the urge to succumb to my anxiety and hold myself back from broadcasting sales pitches into the digital abyss.
This was not a time for selling, it was a time to listen.
Every time that inner voice screamed in my mind or tension gripped my body, I recognized it as a sign to operate in the opposite energy – to slow down, revisit my three-year vision and core values, and hear my intuition.
This meant going against my instincts and habitual ways of operating.
Through this process, I discovered that certain elements I deemed crucial in my program held different weights of importance based on my clients' qualifications.
How I qualified prospective clients turned out to be the linchpin of their success in the program I had created.?
This realization led me to understand that the program wasn't suitable for high-volume, at least not yet. <<< that’s a huge insight and could save me a heck of a lot of time and money from being wasted!>>>
While some clients thrived in the one-on-one defined 90-day container, many others required a more flexible and comprehensive set of tools and strategies.
They simply weren't ready for the Selling With Soul program, and that was perfectly okay with me. In fact, I consider this testing period a huge success!
I happen to have a deep well of tools and strategies covering business development, time management, personal development, scaling a business, and leadership.
So, I went back to the drawing board to ensure I can support my clients in the way they need, not how I demand.
Why share this with you??
Because sometimes, we can become too attached to our own processes.
When things don't work out the way we think it should, many people perceive it as a failure and give up. I'm sharing my experience to inspire you to approach challenges with curiosity, flexibility, and an ear attuned to what the market is telling you.
The outcome of this reflective time with clients is three distinct avenues to join me in this work, tailored to meet you where you're at:
1. DIY - The Prosperity Planner: A no-risk, low-barrier-to-entry approach for quick, massive impact in your life and business. The Prosperity Planner is a quarterly planner that help you eliminates energy drains, focus on high-impact activities, and empowers you to confidently pursue your vision.
2. The Mentorship Advantage: A unique fusion where clarity and soul alignment harmonize with the wisdom and structure of modern selling and business growth tools. This transformative mentorship opportunity weaves together spiritual connection, decades of business expertise, and a toolkit refined over 20+ years, catering to start-up entrepreneurs, scaling entrepreneurs, or leaders seeking clarity along their path.
3. Selling With Soul: A 90-Day sprint designed specifically for entrepreneurs who are already generating leads. If you are on a mission to improve, impact, or make the world a better place and struggling to generate revenue from the assets already existing in your business this is the program that will skyrocket your business.
I hope this glimpse into my journey sparks a sense of curiosity and flexibility in your own ventures. Remember, success often lies at the intersection of expertise and a keen understanding of the problems that truly need solving.
Please check out the links I've provided above. I would love your feedback (By the way, feedback is another core value of my business and it’s my Love Language ??).?
If you would like to explore how we could partner up, book a call with me.?
Wishing you continued success and fulfillment on your journey,
T xo