The Powerful Man Podcast #018 - Do Less & Be More
Today's The Powerful Man Podcast Episode - Do Less & Be More.
In today’s face paced world, it’s so easy to be busy, hustle hustle hustle, go go go. We even measure our success by how busy we are… how often do you tell someone you are busy for them to respond “Great, busy is good”, “I wish I could be busier”. Anyone can be busy, but it’s much harder to be productive…
In this episode Tim shares a story of a business owner who was in hustle mode, working non-stop, living fast and hard but he was also drained and unable to appreciate his success and everything good in his life. His thoughts were telling him things like “you have to take the rough with the smooth” or “Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows”. This is something we can all relate to, phrases we were brought up hearing and have become ingrained in our psyche. Tim argues that this doesn’t have to be the way and asks why can’t we just have the good??
Life CAN be all sunshine and rainbows!!
These 20 minutes of valuable audio will help you discover how you can overcome this kind of negative mentality that can cause you to be so busy you’ll drive yourself into the ground. Tim believes that this train of thought also causes self-sabotage if you tell yourself phrases like “take the rough with the smooth”, then subconsciously you are far more likely to follow something great with something negative and not even realize.
A common theme on The Powerfulman show is that you should “be” and not “do”. Keep listening to find out how you can do less and be more, get ready to snap out of hustle mode and enjoy a much more fulfilling life.
What you will discover in this episode:
- The Difference between being productive and busy.
- How your business can be suffering by lies you tell yourself.
- Actionable steps to becoming more productive in business and life.
- How to set yourself free of old phrases that are no longer relevant.
- How to shift your belief systems.
- How to get closer to your goals by being productive.
- Operating out of faith and flow not fear and force.