Powerful Linkedin Networking
Lorraine Duncan
Linkedin Super Ninja / CEO of Biz Gone Social & RestorationNinja Marketing / Podcast Host/ Serving Home Service & Restoration Companies to Generate more Leads/Social Media Speaker & Trainer / Author of Shout It Out!
LinkedIn is a great way to build your professional network. But if you're not careful, it can also become an endless stream of inane updates and unproductive conversations.
So how do you make sure your LinkedIn network is an asset instead of a liability?
First, make sure that when you're connecting with people, it's with a purpose. Are you connecting to learn more about their company? Are you connecting so that they can introduce you to someone else? Are you connecting because they requested to connect with you?
Second, think about what value it is that YOU bring to the table. What can YOU offer them as a potential connection? Are there ways that you can use them as a source of information or help them in some way? Is there a skill set or expertise that they might find valuable?
Third, be selective about who makes up your network. Do some research on each person before adding them as a contact—look at their profile and make sure they are someone who could provide value for both parties involved in the connection (and hopefully beyond). Don't just add everyone because their name sounds familiar or because they have a lot of connections! It's better to have fewer contacts who will actually help
So, spend time on Linkedin with a purpose to be a powerful networker. This can allow you to grow your current and future business relationships.
Let me know some things you do to network effectively.