POWERFUL - English review n°4
Hi everyone,
I would like to thank Ashley from @_thebookreview for accepting to read my novel & review it ??
This is so nice because it's really hard to make your way through as an indie author ??
It is a 4/5 stars ?
I'm so so happy!
Her post here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BVVdiTCjXJz/?taken-by=_thebookreview
?Summary: this book is about a fairytale kingdom called Harcilor. The kingdom has a mix of people with magical abilities and without magical abilities. A man named Cyr and his adopted son Kaaz formed a secret school.
My thoughts: I am a fan of fantasy and I love the book. There was this concept of magic being inherited and it was really interesting. I would have wished for there to be more action but that doesn't effect the way I like the book. I was a really big fan of the setting and the and the kingdom because it was really well-built. It's a good story that has good characters, magic, And a lot of creativity from the author. The character Selna is a really good female character. She's really strong but throughout the book she seems to get carried away easily but she was one of my favourite characters.
Thanks again for accepting to enter this magical realm ????
Une nouvelle chronique pour Powerful ??
Un immense merci ??
Avis ici : https://www.instagram.com/p/BVVdiTCjXJz/?taken-by=_thebookreview
#bookreview #bookstagram #reading #fantasy #medieval #youngadult #adultfantasy #indieauthor #selfpub #altread #readwomen #femaleauthor #magical #rebelprincess #Harcilor #kindleunlimited #ebook #books #kingdom #imaginary #conlang