A Powerful Day
Perhaps you can relate to this, but recently I have been experiencing some... what's it called... oh, right... some stress.
There's just a lot of things that require my attention, and it can get a bit overwhelming at times.
Can you relate?
Naturally, all this stress was affecting my body, my focus, and most importantly, my experience of life.
See, I'd been ALLOWING outside circumstances to dictate my personal well-being. I’d been giving my energy and attention to all the stuff “out there”. Yes, there were difficult things to deal with, but that wasn't the real problem.
The REAL problem was that I had been allowing those “things” to dictate how I feel about my life.
Well, today I recognize my mistake, and I've made the decision to redirect my energy and take back my POWER.
Because in the end, joy, happiness, and contentment are an inside job. If we're waiting for the world to meet our expectations before we GET to be happy, we're fighting a losing battle.?
Yes, bad things happen to all of us, and yes, some bad things may be harder to handle than others, but I believe that the only way for those negative circumstances to?OWN US and our inner well-being, is if we CHOOSE to give our power to them.
Yes… GIVE.
The more we fixate on how we’ve been wronged, the more power we GIVE to our aggressors. AND... The more power we give, the more they?OWN us.
We all have the ability to TAKE OUR POWER back from any-one or any-thing at any-time. Of course, this means we will have to make a conscious choice to stop lamenting, stop worrying, stop blaming, and stop wishing that our circumstances were different.
Yes, bad things happen to us all and I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. So today, as I work through my own challenges (all manageable), I thought I would write this email as a reminder to us all that we have the ability to CHOOSE who and where we give our power.
Today I choose to keep my power. I refuse to give it to anyone or any situation that doesn’t deserve it. I need MY energy, and MY power right here in MY heart if I'm ever going to reach the goals I choose to pursue.
So, today, who owns your power?
My hope for all of us today, is that we keep our power, right here where it belongs. Because when we own our power, we get to experience confidence, contentment, happiness, strength, and JOY!
Here’s to your journey in our world my friend. Make it?A POWERFUL DAY! ?