Powerful Communication Lessons from a can of TUNA???
Jason Malouin - Superpower Portraits
Australia's Go-To Portrait Photographer for Top Tier & Boutique Family Lawyers
I was standing at my kitchen counter, about to make lunch the other day when I looked down and noticed I might have accidentally bought a can of turtle meat (take a closer look at that picture on the can)!
All joking aside, this particular brand of tuna (that you can find in every grocery store here in Australia) has found a way to completely change the conversation about their company and their product.
The days when people buy 'what we do' are long gone... and my lunch that day was a perfect example.
I work with a lot of lawyers... family lawyers, specifically. Which means many things, of course... but one of their main jobs is divorce.
As a lawyer, speaking to my audience (which includes everyone that touches my business - potential clients/ team/ partners/ suppliers etc) I want to be able to communicate my distinct value in such a way that people instantly align with who I am and what I'm all about - or they don't. Either one is a win-win.
If I simply tell you that I'm a 'divorce lawyer' that's the equivalent of trying to sell you the tuna.
If I tell you that "I keep Australian families together by helping couples separate respectfully and intelligently", I'm not selling tuna anymore. I'm playing a completely different game. I'm selling you that happy turtle, swimming freely through the ocean, living in a sustainable future that the turtles, yourself, your children and hopefully their children will enjoy.
And even though you just wanted some tinned fish for lunch, how much more likely are you to buy the promise of a future of joyful freedom.
In order to authentically stand out in a crowded market (like family law) communicating your unique vision & value is the key to connecting with the right people.
It's simple but it's is not easy.
As a super-specialised portrait photographer, I work at the level of Identity. And having worked with a zillion people over the years, I've noticed that most people cannot communicate who they really are...
I want to know the factors that make working with you and your team better or different.
Unfortunately, most people just tell me "tuna".
Our Identity is the story we tell ourselves, about ourselves. And a huge part of that story comes from Purpose.
The real trick to helping people portray themselves fully - with honesty, authenticity and integrity - is deeply reconnecting at the level of Purpose.
Being able to clearly, concisely and powerfully articulate your unique vision & value is where the conversations around your business completely changes.
That's what Superpower U is all about.
I've decided to start working with people upstream, at the point of Purpose... so that when it's time to create portraits and literally embody this Identity, we have something real to guide how you portray yourself... not just for a couple hours on camera, but every single time you pitch yourself and your services to your audience.
That's empowered communication - full of authenticity and integrity.
That's how we attract the right people to our work.
That's how we continue to motivate ourselves AND inspire everyone around us.
And that's how we stop selling tuna.
If you are evolving and in the process of communicating the latest version/ vision of yourself (and your business), then I'd love to help.
I haven't launched it yet but Superpower U is a 4 week self-alignment course designed to redefine, realign and reignite your Purpose so you can communicate everything better.
And I'll be running a Pilot Program to kick it all off.
Just comment 'PURPOSE' below or slide into my DMs and I'll let you know when it's live!
#beyondbrand #drivenbypurpose #communicationiskey #familylawyer #SuperpowerU