A Powerful Combination to Reclaim Yourself
Angie Monko
Life Coach for Intuitive Women Leaders | Guiding Your Path to Personal Empowerment & Spiritual Awakening | Helping you Heal the Past and Unlock Your Potential | Overcoming Stress To Be the Best You
What powerful combination to reclaim yourself am I referring to? Taking radical responsibility for yourself and your life results combined with radical acceptance of yourself is a very powerful combo indeed.
This blog offers you a means to reclaim yourself by giving you a hack for resiliency. My belief is that you are the one you’ve been waiting for. Nothing out there will be your answer.
I’ve Been Fighting Life
I woke up this past Saturday morning with a revelation of sorts. I’ve been fighting reality lately, not liking how my business is going. It feels like I’ve been putting in a lot of effort which hasn’t produced the fruit I want.
In addition, my dad has been in the hospital after a major surgery. Wondering whether he’d survive triggered feelings of abandonment.? After the surgery, now we are facilitating his recovery journey, which has required a lot of my attention.
As I’m lying there in bed, feeling sorry for myself, I did my usual healing code/trilogy on self rejection, which I’d been doing for nearly a month.
My response to life is typically 1 of 2 reactions:
1. Guilt/Shame. If I’m not taking responsibility for some aspect of my life, how I eat, run my business or relationships, etc., I feel guilty and ashamed because “I must be doing something wrong.”?
2. Victim. When things don’t go my way, and I feel life is unfair, or that I’m being targeted or attacked, I feel like a victim, full of self-pity.
So I asked myself what would happen if I took 100% responsibility for my results exactly as they are. Answer: I’d no longer feel like a victim. I’d feel more empowered to find a solution. I am whole and capable, I remind myself
What if, while taking responsibility, I also radically accept myself? You see, when we desire to be response-able, it stirs up a lot of shame, “Oooooohhh..I caused that? ME?!” We go into denial because it’s hard to recognize our shadow side (and we all have one, my friend).
When I refrain from shame, and accept myself instead, I feel relief.? I am meant to have obstacles in my path. These blocks, similar to unruly knots that drive me crazy, don’t mean I’m a bad person. They mean I’ve made mistakes.? I’m human. I’m normal, and so are you.