The power of your voice
We put so much thought and energy into reaching our goals.?
Lots of how-tos on LinkedIn about writing, and message, and using the right language to make a point, to make a sale, to make a difference. All important stuff.?
But . . . what?about?your voice??
Because we learn to speak from birth – because we can talk since we can remember – we take speaking for granted.
Speaking is an attribute, and not a trivial one. It's a recognizable part of who and how we are. It's the first, natural way we communicate with other people. It's the most immediate tool for exchange of information. And it's taken for granted by many of us. Like I said, we've been using it effortlessly since we can remember.?
Do you underestimate its power? the power of your voice?
Or maybe you underestimate the perception of your listeners?
People understand beyond the words we speak. That's why our voice is so important. It's part of our presence, a powerful element that tells people about who we are and how we are. It gives away more than just the words that come out of our mouths.
The rising and falling of intonation, the pauses, the volume, and the silences all speak volumes beyond whatever basic idea we hope to convey.?
You can improve your voice and delivery. How do you do that??Start at the beginning. Start with the awareness of its importance.?
Then – listen to yourself.?
Do you like how you sound?
Speaking is a skill. And it’s one of the most overlooked skills for development. So obvious yet neglected. So crucial to communication and effective presentation yet undervalued. By developing our voice, we refine our presentation skills and strengthen the ability to convey our messages effectively. Beyond those attributes I already mentioned - intonation, volume, etc. - the quality of the sound of our voice affects others. It’s worth noting. A pleasant to powerful voice can has an impact.?
Ultimately, refining our speaking skills empowers us to connect more deeply with our listener. It allows us to convey our thoughts and feelings more accurately and to build stronger, more authentic relationships. In a world where effective communication is paramount, the ability to use our voice skillfully is an invaluable asset.?
A sales professional reached out to me recently about doing a webinar for his charges. He's got a group of new hires and he knows that being stronger speakers it will help them feel more confident. Well, we talked by phone. I'd never spoken to him before. You know what? I was inspired by hearing him. His voice is strong and resonant. He's got a power and energy in his voice that got me. After talking to him for a few minutes, I was inspired about how to tailor the talk for his team specifically, directly out of my phone interaction with him. That's the power of a good voice and the depth of presence that guy brought to the conversation. He motivated and mobilized me. I responded. I acted out of that conversation.
That's the goal. We want to move people. We do that with our voice and the power of our presence.?
Mastering your voice is a key to unlocking boundless opportunities in life.
So, don’t take your voice for granted. Instead, embrace it and the opportunity to improve and harness its full potential. It’s empowering.
I'm a voice and breakthrough coach. I help you build your speaking skills and presence. Book a free discovery call.
Let me know if you want to use the telephone or video chat ??