Hasan Tariq
Battery Storage | Asset Management | Maintenance | Energy Analytics I Power system analysis
DISCLAIMER: I am just sharing whatever i have learned from the book. I am not teaching anything to anyone. Consider it as a summary of the book.
1. Ever wondered why some people are poor and others are rich, some people enjoy all the luxuries of life while others live from hand to mouth, some people spend their lives happily while others spend their life in misery, depression. Do you know why? It’s all about choices. Yes, the situation you are in today is because of the choices you made yesterday.
2. Our mind is divided into two domains: One is called as the conscious mind and other is called as subconscious mind. Conscious mind is where your thoughts are produced and subconscious mind basically acts as a bridge between your thoughts and your actions. Your subconscious mind is the one which controls all your body functions such as pumping blood to all parts of your body, breathing in/out, functioning of heart, lungs and other body functions. You don’t breathe in/out consciously? Do you? :-P It’s the subconscious mind controlling all the things
3. It’s the subconscious mind where all the riches, luxuries, respect, love, knowledge, health and all the things which you want in your lives are. You just have to pluck them out. But How? How is that possible?
4. You just have to guard your thoughts. Take a page and write about your dream life. Everything you want: riches, health, education, respect etc. and try to be as specific as you can. It’s not important to say that I want to be rich, I want to get a good car. Be specific for eg: I want 10,000,000 rupees in my life in 10 years. I want to get respect and love from others. I want to get a Ferrari. Or anything you want. BE SPECIFIC AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. (There is a psychological reason behind SPECIFICNESS)
5. Your subconscious mind has the solution to your every problem. It can lead you to all the solutions. Handle your problem to your subconscious mind and see the magic.
6. Protecting your thoughts is all you have to do. Never say that “ I cannot do this” , “ Others are better than me” , “ I won’t be able to get to a higher position” , “ I won’t get rich” , “ I don’t deserve respect”. Never say these things to yourself because your subconscious mind will absorb these thoughts and will act upon it.
7. Just like your subconscious mind can take you from rags to riches. Similarly it can bring you from the top most position to the lowest ever position. It can be the most constructive thing in the world and at the same time it can be the most destructive thing in the world. Depends on your use.
8. Getting a good job, salary, wealth, education, respect love is your basic RIGHT. You deserve to be successful. You have all the powers in the world to get rich, wealthy, and healthy and you have all the solutions of your problems.
9. Your subconscious mind is like a garden. You can plant a cactus (negative thoughts) or a rose (positive thoughts) and it will act upon it. Your subconscious mind will never question you. It will never say that “do it” or “don’t do it”. It will act on the thoughts given to it. GUARD YOUR THOUGHTS.
10. Your conscious mind is the captain of the ship and subconscious mind is like the people working on the ship. Workers never question captain. They just follow the orders. It’s up to you to take your ship to either prosperity, riches, love, education, respect, health, or misery, depression, financially weak, poor health etc.
11. Your subconscious mind is most active when you are about to sleep or when you just wake up. So, whatever you want to achieve, write it on paper and repeat those words when you are about to sleep or when you wake you. In this way, you are auto suggesting your subconscious mind to work on your tasks. Your dream life. Whatever problem you are facing, think about it before going to sleep. Ask your subconscious mind about the answer and it will answer.
12. Ever thought why doctor’s advice us not to take tension, stress or remain in depression because these things have negative effects on our body function? Tension, depression, anxiety are all negative thoughts. It means that negative thoughts does impact your body functions. So, this means that positive thoughts will also affect your body functions
13. Never get jealous of others money, status, education, health etc. Jealousy is a negative thought and it will rob your positivity. Instead pray for the person that GOD give him more money, health, respect. In this way, you are countering negative thoughts with a positive behaviour.
14. Never bad-mouth about somebody. Never say anything bad about someone. Never give bad advices to others because whatever advice you give to others, your subconscious mind eventually picks it up.
15. Fear is the only thing which is stopping many people from getting what they want, from becoming what they want to be. Everything we need is out on the other side of fear. Fear is basically a negative thought which we can overcome easily by constantly reminding our subconscious mind to not to fear.
16. Become emotionally mature. No one has the power to disturb us unless we allow them to. Whenever someone says something bad to us. We either have two choices, either to respond him in the way he has (throwing negative energy back to them). Or remain calm, positive and not responding him at all.
17. Whenever we get angry. First we decide to get angry on others reaction. Then we generate an emotion of anger. Then we allow the emotion to convert itself into physical reality. Isn't it foolishness to get angry?
18. It is rightly said that “A man is the product of his thoughts”, “A man is what he thinks all day”.
19. You can never remain happy when you do bad to others. A story was mentioned of a criminal, who had all the luxuries but not comfort. He had a home in Germany and in France. He said “Although I had all the luxuries but I couldn't use to sleep because of the fear that I might be caught by police. The feeling of guilt used to haunt me”.
20. There is no rule of “Something for nothing”. You always have to give to get something in return.
21. Your subconscious mind has the power of bringing something in reality which doesn't even exist. Ever had a feeling, whenever you are in a certain situation and you remember that I have seen something similar to this previously also. Yes, you have seen it in your dream. It’s called Dejavu. It means that subconscious mind can bring something in reality which doesn't even exist. IT CAN CREATE A DESIRED SOLUTION OF YOUR PROBLEM.
22. Happiness is a choice. Yes, its your choice to be happy. Whenever you start your day. Say to your subconscious mind that “I will be happy for the rest of the day and I will help others as much as I can”.
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