Brand Varsity?
Brand Varsity is a creative catalyst that transforms unseeded ideas into bankable brands.
Have you ever been so tired of trying that you couldn't ever muster the energy to give your dreams another shot?
Have you attempted pursuing your dream and failed so many times that the dream itself has become your greatest nightmare?
Has that lightbulb in your head suddenly gone dim because the power supply from your heart has run out?
If this picture being painted is a portrait of your life, then, I am here to encourage you to press on and not give up.
Many have walked this turbulent path and stood right where you are now, troubled and tired, fed up and frustrated at the length of time, amount of money and weight of emotion pursuing their dreams has cost them.
Many have paused to count this cost instead of their blessings, they've looked back at what they gave up to get this far, the trade-offs and the sacrifices they made only to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, lacking the wherewithal to proceed to paradise.
But they weighed their options on the scale of purpose and realised that while it seemed certain that the price they paid to get only so far wasn't worth it, they quickly came to realise that the only way to make it up to themselves was to finish the journey and get back their investment with bountiful interest.
Making it to the finish line and bringing the dream to reality is the only way to make the gruesome journey worthwhile. So, quitting is not an option, otherwise all the effort would have been for nought and someone else would pick up the invisible baton you drop and run with it to the finish line.
You are therefore, at a no retreat and no surrender position, and the only way out is to win the race that's set before you.
So, get up, dust yourself and give yourself a pep talk to encourage yourself by yourself. Don't believe the exaggeration your mind is feeding you about the good place you left behind to start this journey to greatness. And even if you choose to believe it, remember that good is the enemy of great, so violently resist that enemy and run far away from it. Thankfully, the further your run from it, the closer you get to greatness and the more manifest the fullness of your destiny becomes.
So, walk on my dear friend, don't dwell on the finite failures or the brief bumps on the road. Press on in the fulfilment of your purpose and complete your journey to immortality.?
The whole world is waiting on you. Trust me, it gets better from here on out.?
O.A. Williams?
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