The Power of Your Goals
Scott Carson
Investor, Entrepreneur, Marketer and Podcast Host. I have a passion for helping people to grow their investments and influence.
We know that you can benefit from identifying your goals and writing them down. In this episode, Scott Carson shares the importance of not only setting your goals, but also sharing your goals to your network. Sharing your goals not only to the people closest to you but also to the people outside of your circle helps you accomplish those goals faster. Scott also shares the importance of making a pivot in your life when we’re faced with struggles. Sometimes changing things up will help us accomplish a goal which will snowball into a bigger goal. We just have to believe that we can accomplish these goals that we are bravely sharing to the world.
"I want to talk a little about something that is important out there. It’s something that a lot of people slack on and it’s causing them to delay their success even further than it should. I’m talking about the power of sharing your goals, not only writing your goals down, but the power that your goals have over you if you take them seriously. Let’s all face it. We all have different goals that we want to accomplish. The fact of, “I want to lose weight. I want to close more deals. I want to raise much more capital. I want to get rid of things out there. I want to get rid of credit card debt, pay the debt off or pay my student loans off.” Those are the things that happen to drive a lot of us are doing things. I only speak from the voice of experience. I see people failing on a regular basis because they’re not sharing their goals with people. They’re not posting it.
I only want to say share this a little bit because I had a goal. I had a situation occur that’s surprised me and taken me back. This flashes back to over a decade ago to when I first moved to the Austin area. My office is on the north side of Austin. It’s literally about two miles from where I first moved here in Austin, when I first moved to Austin from San Marcos, Texas. I’ll get to the important goals. I moved to an apartment down the street off of Parmer Lane. I was driving around and trying to figure out where we’re located and what’s near around here. I saw an office building. I was like, “That’s pretty cool. I would love to have an office at some point.” Flash forward about a year later and I was writing some goals down. I was like, “I’d love to have an office in that office building.” I put it away. It got socked away in a file folder along with other goals and stuff like that. Lo and behold, we signed a lease for us to have an office in that same building. I moved to Austin in 2001. It’s several years later. Time flies if you’re having fun. It happened but I’m even more excited about it now than I was back then."
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