The Power of Your Energy
These are strange times. With Australia now being on the third stage of lockdown and increasingly gripping anxiety towards it is real. With a rampant virus treading our streets, we are pretty much indoors with too little inspiration and too much time.
What is interesting is, right now everyone is vibrating and operating with fear, guilt and anger. Some are angry at the government, some fear losing their jobs and some fear the future. Dr. David Hawkins has Created this chart to show your state of mind as frequencies of your energies.
And from where I am sitting it seems as if people are living between the frequencies of 20-175. The Question, ‘ What are we going to do during this lockdown?’ ‘And are we prepared?’ Seems to be on everyone’s minds. I mean there is only so much you can do on Netflix, you know.
A better question to ask is, What are you going to do to improve yourself during this time. How can we put this time to use?
I believe that we create our reality. And while we might not be able to change fate. But we can certainly re design our own destiny.
“The future depends on what you do today.” - Mahatma Gandhi
When one is operating in fear, the constant thought becomes the problem that triggered the fear. It is important to always focus on what you want and not what you don't want. One must remember that there is always learning in whatever we do. Crisis creates opportunity.
And in crisis, one pushes oneself to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. I encourage you to expand your comfort zone, get on a balcony and get a good look at your situation from above so that you can acquaint yourself with the change. It reminds you to appreciate the little things we took for granted, just like toilet
Also learn to be discerning of what information you want to take on board from media and social media. And not fall into the trap of fear.
Hence in a dynamic world, both personal and professional, one must adapt to change. Just like amidst all the crisis, there are still businesses and companies who are thriving. Digitally collaborative platforms, biotechnology companies and TikTok are now the platforms with highest traffic. Because there are solutions to any problem that arises. And only when you can adapt to change, can you lead with change.
At this crossroad of positivity and negativity, each decision will become your reality. And now you have a choice to choose which you would like to have. The road of Abundance and success or the road of Fear and Anger.
The choice is yours
On the other side of this Lock Down, What will your energy ?