The Power of Yes
I could easily write an article a day, but I choose my topics carefully. That's why as I prepare to speak to a few hundred attendees in New Orleans on the the topic of, The Power of Yes, I am compelled to write about my time with the band Yes. I see several parallels.
A couple of years ago when I heard that Yes was playing at Humphrey's, a small venue in San Diego, I pulled out my old press pass and arrived before sound check. I took a leap of faith and showed up without prior approval. To my surprise, I was asked to hang out with the band. I said, "Yes."
Although I only spoke with each band member briefly, I did get to speak with each band member—and eat the catered food. What I enjoyed the most was seeing the band take the sound check and the concert seriously, and professionally. (I got to stay and see the show from the sound board—when the sound engineer asked if I wanted to stay, I said, "Yes!")
If I'm being honest, as a musician I have always wanted to be a rock star. There's something special about the whole backstage thing—as well as being on stage. Alas, I am "just" a speaker, but I approach it like Yes does, professionally, and with and eye toward making sure everyone in the audience has a good time.
It took some guts to get backstage and become part of the Yes band's "crew," but sometimes when you won't take "No" for answer the answer is, "Yes".