The Power Of Words And The People Behind The Power
There is no greater time in our history for humans to understand the power of words and the power we have given to the people who speak the words.
This became a revelation to me when I experienced what so many of you have probably experienced , when you hear the words "You've got CANCER"!
Just the mere mention of the word sends people into panic and fear, and from that point on, they only hear muffled sounds coming from the Doctor who gives them the frightening news. While at the same time our ears are selectively tuning into certain buzzwords that give us hope that all may not be lost. The most important word we are looking for is the word CURE!
Those two words alone carry a powerful message to our brain when those words are used by someone who we have given the power to determine our fate. Someone who our parents told us we should believe in, trust in , and never question their power over our minds and our body.
Now in the moment before he told you , and in the moment after he told you, "You Have Cancer". absolutely nothing changed in your body. However in your mind, you began to think about what the WORD meant. The word begins to resonate in your mind, and the brain takes over. The mere mention of the word has put you and millions of others into an immediate state of fear and anxiety.
We don't stop to analyze the word FEAR either. Because if we did, we see it is broken down to F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real)
So what has happened here, we heard the word CANCER and allowed the individual who has the ultimate power over our body to determine our fate. He/She becomes either the saint or the executioner.
Would you have reacted the way you did if the messenger was your next door neighbour who told you that you had cancer. Probably not. You'd say well, that's what you say, but I'm going to go to the Dr. and I will believe what he says.
Now here's another scenario, the Dr. uses a different word to deliver the news. He says you have "Lavender". And lavender is spreading throughout your body. Where does your mind go when you think of lavender?
We have seen the use of words and the power of the people behind those words, in every aspect of our lives, and the control it's having is at an alarming pace.
In media, we are taught to use certain buzzwords in our headlines, particularly in the newspaper, that will grab people's attention, so they will keep on reading the article. Check out these adjectives: "Killer Storm Approaches". "Atmospheric River" "Serial Rapist On The Loose." "Killer Bees Are Coming". "Historic Flooding" "Body Numbing Cold'. " Largest evacuation of refugees in history".
Whether it's Presidents or Prime Ministers, and all politicians, their speech writers carefully choose words that will invoke either one or all of the three basic negative human emotions: fear, anger,sadness. Or conversely these three positive emotions; love, hope, inspiration,
So what's the takeaway from all of this. It goes along with the new mantra we must start to adopt, because ignoring it, will be to our peril. From this point on we are in danger of not being able to control our own destiny and fate, the choice will not be ours and others will arrange our destiny. These "others" will quite willingly take you to wherever they want you to go. As my friend, Richard Lloyd Jones says in his well timed podcast; "Stop Thinking With Someone Elses Head".
Contrary to what tech companies would have you believe, YOUR brain is the most powerful computer on the planet. Start using it to control your own thoughts, ideas, decisions, and ultimately your own destiny. Otherwise, you, your children , and grandchildren, will lack any form of independent thinking, and a robot will answer life's questions for them.
During the past six months, we have witnessed some incredible developments in AI. The release of Stable Diffusion forever changed the artworld, and ChatGPT-3 shook up the internet with its ability to write songs, mimic research papers and provide thorough and seemingly intelligent answers to commonly Googled questions.
I have one question for you; How many times during the day are you on your computer or smartphone; , either texting, checking your email, your twitter, your facebook, your instagram, or google for answers to questions in your mind? Then ask the same question to your spouse, partner, children, or grandchildren?
When you add up the number of times, start adding up the amount of time you, or they, take up during an average day, without using YOUR OWN brain. It just sits there wasting away until we no longer can use it because of Dementia and/or Alzheimers, and then we we wish we had spent more time with it, because we always regret that which we lose.
Question: "What will change in technology that will result in us using our own brain less and less, in the next month, coming year or next decade?
Final answer: "Everything".