The Power of Words In Business - It's Never About Knowing Everything, Is It?
Words, it has the magic to turn things over upside down or downside up. To rephrase the quote of novelist Edward Bulwer, it's not "the pen that's mightier than the sword" really, it's the power of words that are getting inscribed or that gets spoken. It has the power to break out wars between Countries contrarily it can bring in peace or love between two hearts. Using words wisely is a skill that can be learned. I'm constantly trying to make it better and better day after day.
Some kind words to the man laying on the street helpless can provide way more happiness and nourishment than the money you offer them. It's the mind that matters and how you can understand, sympathise, strengthen and motivate one's mind. It's no different to any other person, rich or poor, strong or week, at the end of the day however different we are, we all got 4.7L of blood, almost same intellect and emotions.
Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.
- Buddha
In the context of business, wise thoughtful words always helped me and I'm sure many of you, to looked smarter, convincing, and helpful to others by saying the right thing at the right time. Yes ofcourse correctness and relevance does matter.
Let me tell you how I was before and you shouldn't be. Years ago when I was in my teems, I always used to have sparking conversations with my peers and adults. Often about technology, computer, news, morale, life lessons etc. People used to say that I used to show way more maturity than guys who are 5 or 6 years older than me. I was very stubborn non-negotiable kind of person. But let me tell you, it's huge roadblock to growth and good relationships. It was hard win over me in a conversation as I never gave up, and of course I used to have pretty good points most times which is why more often than not I can own the other person in a debate, in a nice way of course.
Later I realized it's never about winning the conversation, it's all about PATIENTLY listening what the other person have to say, trying to make sense of it and seeing their point of view and if good(need not be the best or completely correct but still) VERBALLY APPRECIATING THEIR THOUGHTS and finding common grounds in topics if possible. In a conversation, give respect to get it.
Often times, after creating a good rapport, explain why you think the way you think, and why you agree or most importantly cannot agree to their point of view. After you explained yourself, if the other person stick with their opinion, it's very important that you NEVER ever attempt to correct it or change them, because 99% of the time it'll never work and only helps to create a negative vibe in the conversation or to give a bad impression about you making the person never get back to you or be ready to have such informative thoughtful conversations. Giving up is not a bad thing either unless you are on a debate floor. This is very important skill when negotiating a business deal, or explaining why you think your business or your skills worth more. I had people came back to me agreeing to my terms just because I closed the conversation positively and with a smile respecting their thoughts and opinions.
Learn to talk and carry a conversations. Choose words wisely, it can take you to places. Ask meaningful intensive and unexpected questions, it'll make you stand out. For ex. don't just say.. "hi how are you doing?" may be start with a compliment. Say something like.." hey.. you look beautiful today", or with a smile "hey man.. you look fresh today, what were you having?!". Mean them when you say them.
Don't say 'hello', 'thank you' or 'sorry' just for the sake of it. Mean it when you say it. Same with other words for that matter.
Yes your words, it can make or break a deal you know!. It can be the one and the only factor of judgement or trust others might find in you. Global Information Market is valued in trillions, educational sector bringing in 4.4 trillion and spending of 3.5 trillion happened in Information Technology sector in 2015 alone. All comes down to collecting, analysing, sorting, filtering, grouping, charting data into meaningful and useful information and passing it on to the needy. Why am I saying this? to give a rough estimate of the information market and how important people and companies around the world find it to be.
I can guarantee you that effective communication of useful information is the key to success in any industry you are part of, and probably the important skill you'll ever learn in your life. It defines your personality to your colleague or to a crowd you are speaking to. It constitutes the major share of how others perceive you.
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.
- Plato
A great leader will always be the best communicator in the team. That's what makes them great. It's not how much you know, it's about how well you can communicate it to others effectively. Take any successful leaders out there, let it be Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Tony Robbins, or Obama, or any spiritual leader out there, all those people share this very same trait. Take any world renowned books out there, all of them have power words that can touch human lives. Effecting people is not easy, it can only be attained by learning the skill of communication and persistent practice.
So here are a few key takeaways:
Wise words are the most powerful tool humans have ever came across.
Communication is a skill that can be learned.
Words can make or break a deal.
A great leader will always be the best communicator in a team.
If you made it this far, here's an interesting speech about communication by the winner of World championship of public speaking: