The Power In Wisdom!
Keisha Luke, HPCC, NC, CNE (hons.)
Corporate Nutritional Leadership Speaker & Trainer| Diversity & Inclusion| Employee & Client Wellness Educator
Much of our understanding of life is hearing this concept, "Knowledge is power." We learn all we can, whether it's in an institution or through school of the hard knocks, in order to then utilize this said knowledge that we've acquired over several years.
We are like empty vessels that are being poured into throughout our lives by our own learnt experiences, along with the experiences of others. Yet, much of what is learnt is actually lost. Why? Because if we don't use it, we lose it.?
What if I was to tell you that True Power actually resides in the Wisdom you acquire. Wisdom IS Power. Wisdom means Action, the application of knowledge.
For instance, you may KNOW that you need to eat healthier - eat your fruits & vegetables as your parents once told you growing up, but how many of you actually maintain such a healthful lifestyle on a DAILY basis??
So much damage has been done to your body over the years, whether it's through overindulgence of poor nutritional foods/ cooked foods; overindulgence of alcohol, cigarettes, and/or other recreational substances; lack of sleep; increased stress levels causing anxiety. All these things accumulate and add mileage onto your body and mind for years to come, causing digestive symptoms, conditions & disorders, when constantly ignored. Eventually, your body will slow down and shut off completely.?
BE WISE! Everyday you have a choice to do better, take action, and in many ways, change such actionable steps, in order to attain a different, more healthful/ fruitful outcome and sense of well-being.
You are always one thought, one idea away from achieving your desired goals.
"Health Is Wealth" ~Queen Keisha ?? (Queen of Nutrition) Corporate Nutritional Leadership Speaker