The Power of the Winter Solstice- The Power of Light- 3 questions to ask to increase the light in
your life today.

The Power of the Winter Solstice- The Power of Light- 3 questions to ask to increase the light in your life today.

The Winter Solstice has always been, for me, a time of reflection, reflection on where I have been and what I envision?lies ahead. It’s one of life’s opportunities- one I would never miss out on. Each year feels significantly more powerful and more important to me. I assume that’s because I pay more attention to the energy in my life; my personal energy and the energy I feel in the world as I am deeply aware that it is increasing- so much more is available to us now.

Traditionally, the winter solstice is a time of the year when daylight becomes its shortest, and the nighttime is at its longest. It is called the season of the sun’s death and rebirth. And then sharply on the 22nd it all changes and the days grow longer-we move towards more light.

This year, I was fortunate to study with Rory Duff – a geologist and metaphysician (a rare combination). Rory has made part of his life’s work understanding energy and light- two of my favorite subjects. This year we learned to identify and measure ley lines here in England and we learned the power that these sacred lines and points of crossing carry. Rory recently wrote, “… the coming Winter Solstice harmony time is the most significant one yet. Increasing cosmic rays and waves of energy have upped the intensity”.

I personally?can feel the increased energy. Can you??I have been quietly sitting and reflecting on it. Consider?sitting?quietly and reflecting on this increased light yourself.?You may be amazed at what you discover. We are so perceptive when we tune in and so much becomes clear. If ever it were time to do so, it is now. This is a very high time for manifesting, creating what’s next, and for inviting increased harmony into our lives. I have been asking myself a few questions this week. I want to share them with you.

3 questions I am asking myself to increase the light in my life during this extremely powerful Solstice:

  • What is the most important place that I can place my attention now that lights me up and brings me joy?
  • In what ways can I bring more reflection and contemplation into my life today that will connect me to the light within and with the increased light that is showering on the planet?
  • What one action today, can I take that will bring light to one person that my life touches?

The light within meets the outer light- as they are one.?

My wish is that you will find peace, harmony, and increased light in your life during this beautiful and sacred Solstice season.

Wishes for blessings and joy,


P.S. If you need support and mentoring to Live Well in this Whole New World, here are six ways I can help…

  1. Work with me privately – Enrollment for The Awakened Woman’s Transformation Program is now open.
  2. ?Take The Activating Your Life Force MasterClass- Holiday Special Price!
  3. Order a copy of my book, Awaken The Essential Feminine: Claim Your Influential Power.
  4. Subscribe to my Awakening PodCast for contemplation and interviews to support your personal Awakening.
  5. Take my 7-day free Life Force Activation Journey- Sign up today.
  6. Meet me on social media platforms for active updates and regular posts and please do share the word about The Awakening Work with anyone you think may benefit- the time is now.


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