Power To Win
Nothing in this universe works alone. It begins with family, to school, to work, to society and extends to humanity as a whole. When people come together, several minds come together bringing the "power to win."
?Values are something that cannot be taught. This is why they need to be integrated with academic subjects by teachers. The following article intends to present the integration of the moral value "Unity" with core academic subjects.
?Unity begins with our own body. Multiple organs and systems like our heart, kidneys, respiratory systems and digestive system work together to ensure full functioning of a human body. After teaching the conceptual understanding of the human body, biology teachers can divert the attention of the children towards the learning of that human body as a testimony for the value of "unity." The powerful capacity of human organs to work in unison is the testament of the power of this value.
?70% of the human body is made up of water. While teaching water as a "resource" in science (E.V.S) that is derived from different sources like ponds, lakes, rain, condensation and so on, teachers can integrate the value of 'unity.' Without water the body cannot exist. The tears, the blood, the plasma, the cells include water as a source in every individual. The water is a medium to cleanse and holds the power to calm and soothe an individual, in times of distress. According to a Jewish teacher, Water is an unifying factor. For the fact that the most beautiful cultures and civilizations of the world have erupted on the banks of rivers. Thus, while teaching science, teachers can integrate social studies and introduce how the water becomes the unifying factor of the cultures around the world.
?Mathematics includes four operations namely: Addition, Subtraction, Division & Multiplication. The operation of addition can be a best example for integrating the value of 'unity' with mathematics. Consider the expression: 3 + 4 = 7, the number 3 is an independent number having its own identity and 4 as an independent number has its own identity. But when the numbers 3 & 4 come together, the identity changes to a sum; which is called 7. Regardless of the change in order of 4 and 3 the by product or the purpose still remains the same i.e., 7. Similarly, in a class all the students add up to make the 'strength' of the class. It is this 'unity' that brings strength to the class. Thus, the value of unity can be integrated through addition in mathematics.
?The English language includes 8 "parts of speech,"?including: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition and interjection. Consider the example; "Well, I left angrily due to several insults." The above sentence meaningfully communicates the message through all the 8 parts of speech. The parts of speech have the power to convey the message, without a "verb" no sentence can exist. Therefore, if one is absent the other does not exist. It is when these parts of speech get United, a sentence gets meaning. Thus, English teachers can integrate the value of 'unity' through parts of speech using exercises and roleplays.
?However, unity may not always bring good. If the purpose or the intention of the individual or the team is not in line with the greater good of the team or humanity, then unity may bring harm. For instance, terrorism. This also must be gently instilled in the young minds by the teachers. The teachers need to teach this with clear intention & extreme care to the students.
?"A heart which has a commitment and harmony within, will not think in disinterest of humanity. The values like kindness, compassion, empathy, tolerance are "United" with humanity and that is why it is called ``Power to Win."
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