There is Power When We Come Together
American Red Cross Archives

There is Power When We Come Together

September 11th marks the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history. It is a day to reflect, honor the lives lost, and remember the profound impact on all of us. As CEO of the Pikes Peak Chapter of the Red Cross at that time, the memories of that day remain vivid. Hundreds of volunteers from the Colorado Springs area and millions of dollars were mobilized to assist at Ground Zero, the Pentagon, the field in Pennsylvania, and in the homes of thousands of grieving families, providing comfort and support.

As we honor the memory of all we lost that day, let us also remember the incredible spirit of humanity that arose in the aftermath. May we continue to honor their legacy by choosing empathy and unity over division, and by committing ourselves to building a world that values compassion.

Among the stories of loss, there were stories of resilience and solidarity. Bonds were formed in the aftermath of the darkest moments, and from that unity came a sense of healing and resolve. The compassion that emerged in those days showed us the true power of community and kindness.

Even in the face of adversity, we have the power to come together. Let us carry that spirit forward and meet whatever challenges come our way with hope and resilience.


