The Power of Visualization for Your Health & Success
Credit: Pexels

The Power of Visualization for Your Health & Success

“To transform reality, we must alter the one thing that is not fixed: the programs themselves. For our universe, these are what we call “beliefs.” So in this way of thinking of things, belief becomes the software that programs reality.” -- Gregg Braden

This holiday season, with ever more to be grateful for, it's time. Time to take time for ourselves. Time to embrace joy, alongside enjoying our glorious time.

But you're thinking ahead as a proactive achiever. You aim to move courageously forward in a new world of opportunity, uncertainty and innovation.

With time off during your holiday, could you be spending some quality daydreaming time to envision your exciting future? Could you daydream for a better life? Science would argue. Visualization and breath work can be powerful tools to help us gain insights into our wants and needs.

I've been focusing on visualizing complete health this past year while overcoming tendonitis. After running 10,000 miles in the past 7 years, a French physical therapist noted I got injured in September 2021. In communication with healthcare professionals (a doctor, pediatrist and chiropractor), physical therapy began 5 months ago.

Erica Grigg on mile 9 of marathon 8
Running mile #9 of Marathon #8, Erica Grigg

Since, have overcome chronic pain and gained multiple new exercise options (hello, yoga!). Prior, every successful marathon (10 run) or ultra marathon (2 run), I'd visualize the feeling of completing the race before running it.

On the flip side, being injured has produced countless lessons and proliferated my exercise routine--which continues to improve. While I'm still not sure when the next marathon will happen, I'm confident effective visualization has helped change my mind. Why?

The power of mental rehearsal (or visualization)

Mental rehearsal, mental imagery or visualization goes by many names. It all refers to a process of experiencing a specific mental state. It helps in overcoming anxiety while inspiring instead motivation and positive action.

According to John's Hopkin's Medicine: 'By creating images in your mind, you can reduce pain and other symptoms tied to your condition. The more specific the visualization, the more helpful it will likely be. People are taught to imagine sights, sounds, smells, tastes, or other sensations to create a kind of daydream that "removes" them from or gives them control over their present circumstances.'

Indeed, sport mirrors business with psychology. According to sports journal Physical Education: 'Through the use of imagery, pain management, endurance, performance motivation and physical performance can also be enhanced in athletes.'

'To achieve the best results, visualization techniques should include the five major senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste) and should consider key aspects such as perspective, emotion, environment, task and timing.'

'Mental rehearsal (or visualization) is powerful because the subconscious processes the experience as a real one (by firing those neurons that are responsible for skill acquisition), makes the person calmer and more adapted to stressful situations, and can speed up the learning process in athletes and not only.'

Practice is key! Take 5 minutes to visualize these for your epic 2023 plans:

  • Take five. Where do you want to be in 5 years (in your career and/or life)? Take time to visualize where and how you want your life to become in exactly 5 years?
  • Taking numbers. Is there a financial objective you're looking to achieve in 2023 or 2024? Name it and start imaging your finances to support. Imagine the feeling of seeing this goal achieved.
  • Get promoted. Is there a promotion you're keen to push towards in 2023. How does it feel like to have become that individual? What does it feel like to make that milestone?
  • Location check. In terms of is that somewhere that isn't here? Is there somewhere I feel called to? What's an experience that's inspired you in a city you've been?

How often are you using mental rehearsals or visualizing in your career or life? Would be keen to hear your thoughts--is there a common visual you focus on when considering your goals? Would love to hear about it.


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