The Power Upgrade to Gold
Dr Anne Whitehouse FRSA - The Patriarchy Detox Expert
Equipping women with the power to create extraordinary impact & fulfil their soul's mission??Author & Thought-Leader??Priestess & Initiator of the Sacred Feminine??Business & Life Alchemist??Subconscious Mind Architect
POWER - it's is a word that's so misunderstood.?
We have so many examples of egotistical power in the world - power that harms -?that many of us have simply pushed 'power' away with revulsion.?But in doing so, we have blocked our own true authentic power - something the world needs desperately.
So, let's think about in terms of colour and go deeper.
Maybe you're familiar with the traditional Chakra system, where the solar plexus has the colour yellow, and this is our personal power centre.
Yellow is indeed the colour of power, but this can be just a raw power.??
At its worst, that power is the old way -?I'm stronger than you, so I can kill you and steal your land because I can.?Indeed, that is how the world perceived power for millennia.?Alas we still see that version far too often.
But we do have a choice.?There is another option, even if we haven't yet experienced it or seen an example of it in our lives.
What we need is a power that's based not on force and 'might is right', but on love.?
Now, you may think that power and love don't mix, that it's one or the other.?
Far from it!?Adding love to power is what transforms mere force into profound strength that can move mountains.?
This is power with a true authentic basis, one that considers the good of all, rather than nothing but self-interest.?One that inspires, protects, provides and nurtures.?
Now, pink is the colour of unconditional love.
When we mix the raw power (yellow) with pure love (pink), we get GOLD.
We are replacing the old force with a GOLDEN POWER.
When you allow this in - allow it to flow through your body, your mind, and into your creations - you transform those parts of you that were traumatised, suppressed or limited. It certainly doesn't make you weak.??Far from it - it raises you above the experiences and conditioning of your past, and connects you to that inner well of pure worth.
It raises your consciousness away from the limitations of power over/power under dynamics. It frees you from the need to blame or hold resentment and grudges.
Golden power has the frequencies of alchemy, giving you the power of radical transformation.
This is power with a balance of the feminine and masculine.?The balance of the Yin and Yang. There's nothing fluffy about it!?
When we are standing in our golden authentic power, that's when our true value shines through into everything we do.
Here is a gold exercise to re-power yourself.
Feel how your system feels enlivened and renewed.
Women have been deprived of power for so long - leaving us running on empty. Giving us no alternative but to battle through life, being drained.
Simply giving us the rights and opportunities isn't enough to spontaneously bring our true power back to life.?The honest truth is that very few women have experienced their own phenomenal power.?That's why we hold back, feel not good enough, feel vulnerable in the spotlight and struggle to have our voices heard.?
Everything we've achieved has been only using a fraction of what we could be, and we didn't realise it!??Now is the time to open up those forgotten pathways of inner golden authentic power, and learn to hold that energy in our lives.
The ability to BE SEEN, BE HEARD and SHINE in safety - as a POWERFUL WOMAN.?
As I'm writing this, on the Autumn Equinox, with hours of day and night in total balance, now is the perfect time to bring forth the intention of igniting our golden power.
Start here and now with by focusing on bringing that golden energy into your body, and if you're ready, take it further into full embodiment.
The journey to embodying this power in your life is a profound one. If that's something you desire, the path starts here with?"40 Days to Double Your Confidence even if you've felt invisible your whole life." It is by re-powering yourself on the deepest subconscious level - with intention - that the experience of confidence is created.
Would you like to join???Click here to join me.
Love and power!
Dr Anne xx
P.S. 40 Days to Double Your Confidence is a dramatically different training where you learn to control the flow of power around you, giving you the ability to get noticed and feel safe doing so - even if you're introvert, have been deprived of power by a patriarchal background, or are dealing with aggressive people and situations. Message me for more information, or find out more here.
Ending trauma on a global scale one family at a time and it starts with healing ourselves! ??
3 年Very interesting article, thanks for sharing!