The job search world is changing.? Here are factors that will get you noticed above all others in today’s marketplace.? Hiring organizations are looking for:
RESULTS: Measurable outcomes that will showcase your ability to impact results. Demonstrate that you can increase revenue, decrease costs, improve productivity or save time and effort.? Give numbers, percent or any metrics that can show your contribution to results.? Stating that you increased performance by 12% through process improvement, is better than just saying you improved productivity.? If your results are more subjective, describe how your effort impacted the organization in a meaningful way.
TECHNOLOGY:? Make sure you articulate that you are up-to-date on the latest technology in your field.? Give examples of how you have used technology to impact, influence or affect positive change in prior organizations. Create a segment on your resume “Technological Expertise” and list programs, applications, or skills that make you a high-level user of technology.? Emphasize skills and experiences using the latest technology in your field, then college degrees and certifications in artificial intelligence, data analysis, customer service systems, innovations, to name a few.
READINESS:? Show that you are ready and eager to join their enterprise.? Research the company’s websites as to their products or services, long term goals. strategies, financial position, and key issues that need to be resolved.? The more prepared you are, the better able to understand what is more or less important to include on your resume.? Management is concerned about your views about work.? Make sure you state that you are available for on-site, hybrid, or remote work schedules. This tells management that you are available for multiple combinations of work schedules, not just one type.
CULTURAL FIT:? Every organization has a style of operating.? Not every operating style fits every employee.? If the organization is driven by highly competitive individual contributors with constant pressure rather than a team-oriented environment, make sure you’re comfortable with that operating style.? If you’re out of synch with the culture, you’ll be back into the marketplace reasonably soon.? Compatibility with the culture is one sign of potential success.
Organizations want to make sure that candidates have the potential to succeed.? Hiring managers are looking for candidates who can help them resolve short and long-term issues.? Who will be a major contributor 5 years from now? ?Who will bring past results and new technologies into the organization?? Who best fits the profile of a successful applicant within the culture of the enterprise?
Use your resume to show that you’re ready and able to meet their needs.
Want help with your resume or job search?? Send your resume: [email protected]