Power-up your Content Marketing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) !
Content is the King of all marketing strategies, letting automation join the team will help the king to be more creative and engaging.
Content Marketing + automation is incredibly powerful, simple to implement and cost-effective. Leading brands know this and use this to their advantage.
We’ll walk through ways that marketing automation can be used in this Blog post, but let’s start off with understanding content “The King” first.
Why content is still king?
Content is king and it continues to be so in 2018. Let’s dig deeper to understand the type of content that comes to the fore in B2B and B2C marketing strategies:
Video: There is no other popular video sharing platform like YouTube, combining with the fact that YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google. You have the content that can’t be ignored.
Blogs: Most likely when you hear the word “content”, the first thing that comes to your mind is blogging. The success of any company hinges largely on a strong relationship, blogging helps to humanize your brand and getting it in the eyes of prospects. A blog that provides the solution, has the audience who need them.
Social Media: The platform where people like taking part in the global conversation that goes beyond just the people they’re friends with, a good mix of promotional and content curation keeping your buyer persona in mind is a way to go. Isn’t it great, let someone do taking for you? It seems a bit daunting at first, but when people love what you share then they become your promoters.
Emails: Formulating compelling email templates for your email marketing campaign will get your audience to click from your newsletter or land them on your landing page.
Podcasts and webinars: Sharing knowledge with your prospects through broadcasting your content can be very effective, it builds trust and help prospects draw in.
So, that’s enough to tell, the king is still ruling.
Now, let’s look at 3 indispensable tips for automating your content marketing.
# Deliver helpful content to engage subscribers via Email
Studies show that 70-80% of worldly-wise customer ignore ads, instead, the quest for organic content from the trustworthy source.????????????????
For example, let’s say your company deals in Mobile app development and designing, so these services that you offer will only benefit your subscribers if they are made aware they exist. Hoist this strategy by automating Newsletters on a weekly or monthly basis. Many big companies send a weekly newsletter to subscribers to encourage them to read the latest content on-site.
So, Automating email newsletters is a never-failing way to engage subscribers and drive traffic to your site or blog.
# Use Gated content to Empower lead Gen.
The question that most of the marketer's face is, to gate or not to gate?
Gated content requires prospects to fill out a form before gaining access. Once the credentials are entered, they will get access to download and view the resource. But it's hard-bitten to know when to put that gated form.
Gated content works wonders when you have content like industry white paper or lengthy guides.
Wondering why? Because only quality leads will take up the time to access the content.
We all know automation is the future, Leverage your automation to bag gated leads with an email nurturing campaigns. If it's done correctly taking buyer persona into consideration, establish triggers to send appropriate behavioral emails to subscribers is the key.
For an instant, if your first email missed by the subscriber, another email will land in their inbox reminding them to read, but if it's already been read, the next complimentary email will bring them closer to buying decision. Automated triggered email is robust.
#Grow your Email list using custom Forms
Content marketing needs an audience that’s ready to read, share and can be converted based upon what to deliver, for that you need a robust email list.
So, how do you get that robust email list?
Well, Email marketing drives more conversion than any other marketing channel. You should seek that group of people whom you can target, to make this easy Marketing automation include pop-up template and custom form builders that play a very crucial role to drive conversion.
Adding your subscriber button after blog post serves well, you can also add the custom form on your page rather than just using pop-ups.
Bottom Line
So by now you must be convinced that Automating your content marketing strategy is what helps you get to your sophisticated audience. But letting yourself off the wheel and letting machines do everything is not what you should be doing, remember, you are dealing with real humans, not machines.